Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Re: Crook Gross: “It Is Not Legal and It Is Not Fair, But I Support It”

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Crook Gross: "It Is Not Legal and It Is Not Fair, But I Support It"
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:26:19 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Hugh : "We've covered some of the ground before, and I do recall stating that the government could nip so-called deflation in the bud any time it wanted simply by giving everyone a pile of money.

"Let's say crediting each taxpayer with 100,000 dollars on their return, which will be duly paid out as part of their refund check.

"This is an election year.

"Doing it like this does *not* penalise those who acted prudently. So it blows that objection away.


If Obama made it a half million dollars each, he'd probably get the green light to invade Iran from the population too.

"Face it, they have to "print" money and lots of it.

"The effect would be to wipe out existing debts, open the door to a new financial system/currency and provide the greatest economic stimulus since the New Deal. The Fed would be a casualty though. That's not all bad, the crooks would just get to set up a new central bank, so they would be happy too."


Hey, Hugh, what are you smoking there in Denmark, man? I want some of it so that I can think clearly and dump all my US Treasuries (they are at all-time high as a result of prudent hedging). My mind is clouded in deflation. Maybe, I am too stupid to understand this "Printing Money" thing. The Bond Market Vigilantes are real and they are a scary bunch. They would squish Bernanke and Obama like mosquitoes. I don't know if you have taken a good look at Bernanke lately; he looks morose. He is one scared puppy.


Have you thought about coming back to the Uncle Land? Uncle Sam needs you more than ever.


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