Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Long Running Economic World War Between the Savers and the Debt-Spenders

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The Long Running Economic World War Between the Savers and the Debt-Spenders
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 07:53:12 -0700
From: Jas Jain

The Long Running Economic World War Between the Savers and the Debt-Spenders

The war can be dated to have begun in 1983 when America, under Reagan-Greenspan (before he was appointed to the Fed, forcing out Volcker, he was the top economic advisor to Reagan's team) the "Consumption Debt," led by huge federal deficits, in the US took off. On the other side of the globe, East Asia started to save and plough its savings into building manufacturing capacity to become the top supplier of consumer goods, including cars, of course, to the world. Reagan became the first top agent of the Crooks. Before becoming the Governor of California and later the POTUS he was the pitchman for corporate America. The Crooks saw the potential and Reagan was hired as their political agent, to change govt policies, especially the tax polices, that favor them. Unlimitedly he became the top agent of Corporate Crooks of America, especially the banking and finance Crooks whose agent Greenspan already was. Junk Bonds boom and the S&L Crisis followed. Since then the Crooks have never looked back and have focused on recruiting top propagandists in Clinton, GW Bush and Obama to sell their programs, all to the detriment of the working class Americans. Pushing Debt became the mantra of the banking and finance Crooks; more debt outstanding means more financial products (let China make the real products!) and more income for the banking and finance Crooks. The game continues full speed today. Crooks at Goldman Sachs and PIMCO are doing very well in this climate.


For the past 30 years Americans have paid more than 6% real interest rate on the combined Consumption Debt. Of the $20Tr. of Consumption Debt in the US, presently, more than 2/3rd is the compound interest! How is a born-and-bred American dope to know that? Would Krooksman tell them this fact when he wants to push even more Consumption Debt? This guy makes a good living keeping the American People in dark and pushing the bad medicine. America is full of rogue economists that serve the Crooks. Crooks have the money to pay and can buy the best minds. Hack, they even have Nobel Prizes to give. 


It is now very obvious as to who is winning the war, the savers or the debt-spenders. Good guys are winning! American dopes have been screwed royally. And the Crooks who have screwed them all these years are more in control than ever before and are sitting pretty. China is simply exploiting the situation created in America by Americans. America is sure to lose the war because it harbors traitors in banking and finance Crooks who have been Pushing Consumption Debt that is very bad for the future. Obama is their man. He is doing his share in pushing more debt.


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