Thursday, December 27, 2012

Consumer Sentiment Indexes: A Picture and Table Worth Thousand Words

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Subject: Corporate Economy vs. People's Economy: A Picture and Table Worth Thousand Words
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2012 09:52:53 -0800
From: Jas Jain

Corporate Economy vs. People's Economy: A Picture and Table Worth Thousand Words

There is very good analysis and several charts of what I call people's economy whose best indicators are Consumer Sentiment Indexes (either Conference Board or U Michigan) and Small Business Optimism Index by NFIB. I am attaching one of the charts that contains both (attached charts are only for a limited distribution). This graph doesn't go back far enough, but these two indicators of people's economy averaged over the past five years are at a level worse than during any of the recessions prior to 2007, i.e., people's economy has not come out of the recession and not going to do for a very long time. The point is explicitly made in the attached table.


The best measure of the corporate economy is Corporate Profits as % of the GDP that are at an all-time high. Ben Bernanke, Barrack Obama and the Congress have done nothing for people's economy while Bernanke has done everything that he can for the corporate economy. Our political leaders are simply doing what the system demands and they can only appoint those to the Federal Reserve that would serve the system.


Politicians are doing nothing more than what they need to do to get the job and then do everything to keep the job. IMO, the partisan voters are far more to be blamed than the politicians. The bad system has created bad players all around and the voters are first among them.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Graph Consumer Price Inflation (CPI)

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Subject: ***** Setting the Record Straight: Fed Is NOT Debasing the Currency Via High Consumer Price Inflation (CPI)
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 14:44:31 -0800
From: Jas Jain

***** Setting the Record Straight: Fed Is NOT Debasing the Currency Via High Consumer Price Inflation (CPI)

If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed. – Mark Twain

My comments are in dark blue and some are highlighted.

A vast majority of Americans have been misinformed about Federal Reserve's "Money Printing" that would lead to high, or even hyper, inflation. I have been telling anyone who would listen, for the past 14 years, that that is simply not the case and the data (please see the attached graph) clearly bears it out. Consumer Price Inflation is at a 50-year low and going lower in the most recent data. Extreme volatility in the headline CPI, red graph, during 2004-2011 was due to the huge rise in crude oil price, followed by a collapse, as a result of the crisis, and then partial recovery that lead to volatile pricing of gasoline. Inflation over the past 12 years is the same as it was during the 12-year period, 1958-69.

An annual inflation rate of 1-3% (2% plus, or minus, 1%) in consumer prices is not debasing the currency because that is what Fed has been mandated to do and has successfully done to date. Federal Reserve, under Greenspan and Bernanke, has done lot of bad things, but debasing the currency via high inflation in consumer prices is not one of them. People may disagree about what is high inflation rate and what is a low inflation rate; I have picked the dividing line at 3% annual rate over a three-year period. Annual inflation rate over a 12-month period is very volatile and the 3-year period simply smooths out the volatility.

When Greenspan took the helm at the Fed, after Volcker had sleuthed the high inflation beast, the inflation rate was 4% (in 3-5% range) and he brought it down below 3% and Bernanke has brought it to 2%. The annual core inflation rate under Bernanke's tenure as a Chairman is 1.91% and the headline inflation is 2.21%. I expect inflation rate to go to 1% over the next 2-3 years to be followed by below 0%, regardless of if Bernanke stays or leaves. Why? It is the demand, stupid! Demand has been held up artificially high by the deficit spending by the federal govt and it simply can't continue for more than a couple of years. The US can't avoid a recession and the recession would take the inflation rate to zero and below.

Below are excerpts from Doug Noland, who has been writing a weekly report for many years, and my comments interspersed.

Credit Bubble Bulletin: Recalling John Law

By: Doug Noland | Fri, Dec 21, 2012

"There are good reasons to think that the nature of money is not yet rightly understood." John Law, 1720 (with the collapse of the Mississippi Bubble)

"Irredeemable paper money has almost invariably proved a curse to the country employing it." Irving Fisher, 1911

"There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose." John Maynard Keynes, 1920

"Since the time when President Richard Nixon broke the final tenuous link between the dollar and gold in 1971, no major currency, for the first time in history, has any connection to a commodity. Every currency is now a fiat currency..." Milton Friedman, 1991

"We very much believe that, if you have a debased currency, that you will have a debased economy. The difficulty is in defining what part of our liquidity structure is truly money." Alan Greenspan, 2000

I included the above quotes back in a March 2000 CBB titled, "John Law and Alan Greenspan - The Great Inflationists." I could not have imagined at the time that his successor would make Mr. Greenspan appear a most responsible central banker…

Thursday, an exasperated Maria Bartiromo pleaded with policymakers to get a deal done so investors could do what they clearly wanted to do, buy stocks. Interviewing a Congressman, Bartiromo pounced: "Are you guys just incompetent or what? If you can't do what the American people pay you to do why don't you step aside and put someone in there that can get a deal done?"

…The reality is that years of unsound "money" and Credit have done their dirty work…

… Federal Reserve money printing is devaluing our currency, weakening our nation's moral fiber, and essentially financing the federal government's takeover of the economy.

Federal Reserve is no more "devaluing our currency" than what the Federal Reserve was doing in 1960s under the celebrated sound money guy, William McChesney Martin, 1951 to 1970.

From my Credit Theory perspective, this was all too predictable. Unsound "money" and Credit invariably fuel Bubbles replete with economic malinvestment, inequitable wealth redistribution and economic wealth destruction…

I agree.

Surely, Washington and the markets will not take this dire predicament seriously so long as the Fed is determined to aggressively expand its debt monetization operations. And the more conspicuous the consequences from years of unsound finance, the more determined the Fed is to print more "money."

… I have faith in our democracy…

Do you mean that people "our democracy" puts in power had nothing to do with the appointment and several reappointments of Greenspan and Bernanke? Doesn't Congress have the power to approve and supervise the Fed? Who all are responsible for the Fed? Congress and the President, a necessary product of "our democracy."

At the same time, I have lost all confidence in our central bank.

But have not lost confidence in the political system that is 100% responsible for the existence, selection and supervision of the central bank?

Their flawed doctrine is my biggest worry, as they operate unchecked and outside the democratic process…

How can you be so sure that Bernanke was not chosen for his "flawed doctrine?"

And, regrettably, the Bernanke Federal Reserve is in the process of only making the problem worse. Markets cheer.

"Markets cheer" precisely because Bernanke's instructions are to do all that he can do for the markets. You seem to be in the dark as to what Bernanke's real job is, other than to keep inflation low. I have had no doubts from day one and Bernanke has done precisely what he is supposed to do in "our democracy," that is to serve the powerful and the wealthy. Are you in the dark about "our democracy" having been hijacked by the wealthy? Heck, it is inherent in a democracy.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Gold Prices vs GLD Starting Date

Chart showing the price of gold eight years before and after the introduction of the SPDR Gold Shares ETF GLD. 

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Supply Side Economics and the Gold price
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 09:04:04 -0800
From: Jas Jain <jas_jain

Supply Side Economics and the Gold price

Supply indeed could create its own demand but ultimately it is the demand, constrained by the ability and the willingness to consume, or purchase that determines the outcome. The supply side economics, as the Republicans preach it is voodoo economics.

Gold ETF:  GLD Price & Charts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gold is the Safest Currency

Gold and GLD Resistance and Support Levels

Quotes and Charts for Gold & GLD (the ETF for Gold)

Gold currently $1,669 per oz.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: Golden Pasts & Futures
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 06:22:51 -0800
From: Jas Jain

FWC: Golden Pasts & Futures

As I have said many times, gold is the safest currency, far safer than the safe paper currency, Swiss franc, before the Crisis of 2008. As for America, the golden past is long over and a dark future is certain. We are in a transition period that might last another few years. Why so? A bad econo-political system supported by thoroughly brainwashed population about the efficacy of democracy as a political system. A system where no one is held responsible is a bad system by definition.



  • Gold currently $1,669 per oz.

Golden Pasts & Futures

  • by Satyajit Das
  • December 12, 2012

In Germany, gold is now available from vending machines in airports and railway stations–Gold to Go. Shoppers can buy a 1-gram wafer of gold or a larger 10-gram bar. Seeking safety for their savings, individuals have purchased 150 tonnes of gold, mainly in the form of coins. Investors poured money into special funds (known as exchange traded funds [ETFs]) that pool investor monies to buy over 1,000 tons of gold. Having earlier sold off their holding, some central banks are now rebuilding their gold reserves.

Refiners are unable to keep up with demand for gold bars and coins. New gold vaults are being built to accommodate demands for secure storage.

As the global financial crisis continues and the cure of easy money proves as dangerous as the disease, the gold price has increased from around $250 per troy ounce in 2001 to a peak of over $1,900 in 2011. It now trades at around $1,750 per ounce.

As poet John Milton wrote: "Time will run back and fetch the age of gold."

Quotes and Charts for Gold & GLD (the ETF for Gold)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Industrial Production Chart 1967 to 2013

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: A Picture of America's Sick Economy That Also Proves That Republicans Are Liars On Taxes
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 09:29:15 -0800
From: Jas Jain

A Picture of America's Sick Economy

Picture courtesy of Calculated Risk....

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Keynes and Greenspan Bernanke - His Followers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Keynes and His Followers
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 15:09:54 -0800
From: Jas Jain


Keynes and His Followers

Excerpts are from a short book on Keynes from an author, Robert Skidelsky, who has written a three-volume biography of Keynes.
"…although he [Keynes] was intellectually over-confident—a trait inherited by his followers—he was notably modest about what policy could achieve in a free society—something his followers tended to ignore."
In neo-Keynesians, the most influential among Keynes's followers, we are dealing with egomaniacs like Joseph "We Know What to Do" Stiglitz, and the younger crowd like Ben Bernanke and Paul Krugman are even worse who are confident that govt policies can create full employment and avert recessions and depressions. For how long?! The reason why Bernanke wants out by January 2014 is that he finally is worried about the fact that his policy since 2008 would end as badly as Greenspan-Bernanke policy during 2003-2007. Bernanke wants someone else to be the sacrificial lamb.
"There is nothing in Keynes's social philosophy, or the Liberalism of hi day, which would have supported the seemingly relentless expansion of the welfare activities of the state which contributed so heavily to the fiscal crises of the 1970s [now we will see the fiscal crises of the 2010s unfold in front of our own eyes]"
That is where a fraudulent version of Keynes ideas had to be created to justify the welfare state funded by ever-increasing deficits. Neo-Keynesians, not unlike neo-conservatives, are deceptive versions the two ideologies and they attract those who are better at the art of deception and manipulation. Their influence is entirely due to propaganda.
More later.

Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates