Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jain: Treasury Yields To Fall Much Further - Deflationary depression is unavoidable

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fed President Evans: "Labor Market Is Consistent With Recession… We Are In Liquidity Trap"
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 05:26:15 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Fed President Evans: "Labor Market Is Consistent With Recession… We Are In Liquidity Trap"

He means the current labor market conditions of 9%+ unemployment rate. If we go back 11 years we have lost jobs during that period while the population has grown by 10%. That, ladies and gentlemen, is depression. But, worse is yet to come, lot worse, as in Greater Depression. Deflationary depression is unavoidable and the US Treasuries have a lot more to go, lower yields and higher prices.

He also admitted that we are in a liquidity trap, i.e., the Fed policyy has been rendered impotent. Only those who are ignorant of how the economy functions could be made to believe that the Fed gets the outcome it desires in terms of economic growth and employment. Manipulations of the Fed, other than strict focus on price stability and sound money, create lot of volatility and not much else.

Evans, like Hoenig, is lot more honest than Bernanke & Co. He was interviewed by CNBC's Liesman.


US Treasury Rates at a Glance

US Treasury Rate Quotes

Current U.S. Treasury Rates

3-Month 0.000 12/01/2011 0.00 / -0.01
6-Month 0.000 03/01/2012 0.04 / 0.04
12-Month 0.000 08/23/2012 0.09 / 0.09
2-Year 0.125 08/31/2013 99-27¾ / 0.19
3-Year 0.500 08/15/2014 100-17¾ / 0.31
5-Year 1.000 08/31/2016 100-13½ / 0.91
7-Year 1.500 08/31/2018 99-30+ / 1.51
10-Year 2.125 08/15/2021 99-18+ / 2.17
30-Year 3.750 08/15/2041 104-12 / 3.51

Monday, August 29, 2011

Alan Krueger Possible White House Chief Economist

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The "Tennis Mafia" and US Economic Policy
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 06:46:07 -0700
From: Jas Jain

The "Tennis Mafia" and US Economic Policy

According to Bloomberg TV, Alan Krueger of Princeton, an ex-Treasury official, who used to play tennis with Larry Summers and Tim Geithner, "part of the Tennis Mafia," is going to be appointed White House Chief Economist. Also, according to the Bloomberg report, both Krueger and Gene Sperling, head of Obama's Economic Council, "took money from Goldman Sachs when they went to the private sector from their previous jobs with the govt." They would soon be back together taking money from the US taxpayers. It is a nice cozy world for those who get the right to manipulate the US economy. There is lot of truth in Government Sachs.

Robert Rubin of Goldman Sachs, Treasury Secretary under Clinton, also used to play tennis with Greenspan, regularly, to let Greenspan know what he needs to do, or not to do, to get reappointed. You got to play ball!

There is more than just playing tennis that seems to be involved here. Rather than the Mafia it is more like being blessed by a cabal. Those who are not blessed are not chosen for these jobs.


Gold bounced off major resistance, see
Resistance and support levels for the price of gold

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jain says US Dollar Under Valued

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Why the US Dollar Has Held Up Despite Bearish Sentiments and Bernanke's Policies
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 11:03:24 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Why the US Dollar Has Held Up Despite Bearish Sentiments and Bernanke's Policies

In one word: VALUE. It is undervalued against almost all fiat currencies including the Indian Rupee (INR), a currency of dubious value (my target is USD = 100 INR within 3 years, currently at 46).

Please see the attached chart of DXY, the dollar index, for how it keeps bouncing back once it goes below 74.

Bernanke is as impotent to help the US economy now (he can only hurt if he tries more tricks) as are American voters to get a change for the better. The USD, at the current level, has fully priced these negatives, including idiocy and ineffectiveness of Bernanke's ideas, against other currencies whose leaders aren't that much bettter. Relative value matters.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Leland Stanford Was Corrupt and a Crook Says Jain

Kirk here.  Before you read the emailed note below from Jas Jain, think Enron, WorldConJob, The sock puppet internet companies....  Think of all the Silicon Valley tech companies that have stocks that go up and down with no real gains in over a decade.  Insiders load up on options when they are cheap, convert to shares, ride the price cycle up and cash out for huge gains at a lower capital gains tax rate... money they didn't really risk since it came as a "salary" from the companies.   UTEK is one I've made bundles following the CEO/Owner playing this game since the mid 1990s!

The companies actually make MORE money for the insiders if they go up and down then if they just grow slowly in a straight line while paying a dividend.
"In the late 19th century, the modern American corporation arose in the form of the railroads, and a template was struck by the new financiers and entrepreneurs: Use other people's money, pocket cash as you go along, and be far out of reach by the time the collapse comes."
What the author misses but I know Jas is fully aware of is the insiders TODAY are even smarter.  They BENEFIT as parasites keeping the host (corporation) alive... but they NEED the host to survive so they can inflate it and deflate it for personal gain.  This is where Jas and I differ on how we make money.  I follow what the insiders are doing... buy when cheap and sell on the way up but keeping SOME when high as I expect them to keep the host alive so the biggest risk is missing the next 20 bagger be it buying FNSR when it was under $2,  LRCX when it was under $4 or just recently VRGY when it was $8 and change before the insiders sold it out at $15... the same price it IPOed at!
Kirk out

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Leland Stanford Was Corrupt and a Crook
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 09:59:51 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Leland Stanford Was Corrupt and a Crook
This according to Richard White, Margaret Byrne Professor of American History at Stanford University, the author of Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America.

I have not read the book but I watched the author's presentation on Book TV about a month ago and he was very clear about what he found about Leland Stanford, a lawyer and a politician. I did read a book that focused just on the four guys—Crocker, Hopkins, Huntington and Stanford, The Associates—from Sacramento and San Francisco that made a fortune in Central Pacific Railroad. Huntington was the key operator and he became the wealthiest and the best known of the four with Stanford as the second whose main contribution was political power (first as Republican Governor of California and later as a US Senator). Both were merchants in Sacramento during the California Gold Rush. From a reviewer of the book: "In the late 19th century, the modern American corporation arose in the form of the railroads, and a template was struck by the new financiers and entrepreneurs: Use other people's money, pocket cash as you go along, and be far out of reach by the time the collapse comes."
     That is when the System of the Crooks got its start with the help of the govt that allowed individuals to make huge fortunes with little or no risk via use of corporations and political decisions. Corporate Crooks of America have come a long way since then in perfecting the system. According to the author of The Associates Huntington made a very insightful comment about the corporations that allow people like him and his partners to make huge fortunes with the risk born by others and how govts can give corporations what it could not give individuals! In Railroaded White gives example after example of individuals who made great personal fortunes while corporations they set up declared bankruptcies after bankruptcies.
     People don't send their kids to Stanford University to become better human beings; they go there to join the ranks of the Crooks, e.g., Brin and Page of Google, or Crooks' agents and servents. I don't know of a single case where a person came out as a better human being after attending Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, etc. These are breeding grounds for evildoers (Bernanke, GW Bush, Obama, etc.), Crooks and Crooks' agents. That is what the System of the Crooks demands. You can see why it is necessary to breed Americans into dopes so that they would believe that financial success in America comes as a result of merit. It comes primarily from learning to use, or play in, the System of the Crooks.
     Leland Stanford was among the best at the game. Most of the institutions and buildings named after individuals in America are named after Crooks. Stanford University and Huntington Library are good examples. And most of the so-called philanthropists are misanthropes. The bad news for Americans is that the system is nearing the end of the rope. Success is no proof of fairness or goodness. There are many scenarios under which the Nazis could have won and the world would have a global German Empire rather than the American Empire. Americans can thank Stalin for that.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CHF Is Not Gold - Swiss Frank Overvalued

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Update -- CHF Is Not Gold
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 07:23:16 -0700
From: Jas Jain

CHF Is Not Gold
Since I made the above statement, two weeks ago, the price of an ounce of gold (Gold Chart & Quote) went from 1,250 to 1,500 CHF, or gold went up by 20%. Please see the attached chart:

I have no view of gold in CHF going forward, but CHF still is extremely over-valued fiat currency relative to most other fiat currencies, especially, the US dollar. The relative safety is not worth the price one has to pay for it. Also, the Swiss economy has begun to hurt as expected and would keep getting worse longer CHF remains above $1.25, or below 1.15 CHF per Euro.

Quotes for

Friday, August 19, 2011

Graph of Peak Debt and Employment In Select Areas

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Pictures Worth Thousand Words: Peak Debt and Employment In Select Areas
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 07:01:25 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Pictures Worth Thousand Words: Peak Debt and Employment In Select Areas

Graph Sources:

Debt by states: http://rortybomb.wordpress.com/2011/08/18/investigating-the-link-between-debt-deleveraging-and-the-texas-miracle/

Employment by Fed districts: http://dallasfed.org/news/speeches/fisher/2011/fs110817.cfm


Please note that in SF and NY Fed districts employment is below the peak in 2001Q1. Only dishonest economists, e.g., Bernanke and Krugman, think that the US should have the same monetary and fiscal polices, including tax policies, for the most pathetic Fed district, NY, and the most prolific Fed district, Dallas, if employment is the main concern. Houston, we have a problem; sorry, we have multiple problems. Only dopes have faith in economic manipulators. Bernanke and Krugman are lot worse than snake oil salesmen. They are part of the problem and expecting solutions from them is idiotic.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

No Stock Market Bottom in Sight Says Jas Jain at 1,140 S&P500

Gold (chart and Quote) is going crazy!  
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The SCAM Market: Complacency Suggests That a Bottom Is Nowhere Near
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 13:43:56 -0700
From: Jas Jain <

The SCAM Market: Complacency Suggests That a Bottom Is Nowhere Near

Here I am talking only about an intermediate-term bottom for 2011. The bottom itself would be lower than the 666 on the SPX reached in 2009. There are way too many dopes, especially Baby Doomers, who have hung on to Scams, for the 2009 bottom to be a long-term bottom.

Dopes don't understand, can't even conceive of, deflationary depression that is unavoidable. Pushing it father in the future, over the past few years, has only made the future outcome lot worse. Dopes that have faith in manipulators, e.g., Bernanke would never allow deflation, have a surprise waiting for them.
There is a better chance that Michele Bachmann would divorce her husband than for Bernanke to not let deflation happen. You wouldn't have to wait for long to find out which one happens first.

Kirk Here:  Jas, what about all the people buying Gold?  Are they dopes?  People don't usually buy gold when they expect deflation.

Charts for

  • Gold
  • the gold ETF GLD
  • the fund for treasury inflation protected securities TIP

Today's Closing Values:
Dow 10,990.58 -419.63 -3.68%
Nasdaq 2,380.43 -131.05 -5.22%
S&P 500 1,140.65 -53.24 -4.46%
10 Yr Bond(%) 2.0830% -0.0820

Oil 81.73 -5.85 -6.68%

Gold 1,823.20 +32.00 +1.79%

If you want to buy gold for your portfolio as an investment or to trade , my recommendation has been to buy the exchange traded fund, GLD (chart and quote).

UST 10-Year Note Yield Below 2% Is Here

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:    My Long-Standing Forecast On 10-Year Note Yield Below 2% Is Here
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 07:32:17 -0700
From: Jas Jain

My Long-Standing Forecast On 10-Year Note Yield Below 2% Is Here
When born-and-bred Americans claim that we (our economic policymakers, or more accurately, economic and financial manipulators) are not Japan, they usually mean that we are better than Japan. Talk about conceit. Our economic manipulators are far more dishonest than those of China and Japan. Economically, Americans would suffer far more than the Japanese because we have a far worse econo-political system that promotes only the most dishonest to the very top of power. Bernanke and Obama, Greenspan and GW Bush before them, are not coincidences. We have the leaders that we deserve, no?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

30-YR Treasuries better than Gold Says Jain

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Swiss Franc (CHF) is Not Gold!
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 11:47:21 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Swiss Franc (CHF) is Not Gold!
An ounce of gold used to be 500 CHF, then it went to 1,000 CHF, last week it was at 1,250 CHF, and now it is more than 1,400 CHF. In a week's time CHF is down more than 10% against the Euro and even more against gold. The over-valuation of CHF has been so severe that it has at least 15-25% more to go down against the Euro and gold and 35-40% against the USD, not overnight though.
It is only a matter of time when it would take more than 2,000 CHF to buy an ounce of gold. People forget than CHF is a fiat currency just like any other fiat currency manipulated by the democratic govts and the central bankers, controlled by moneyed interests of the countries in question.
The single best store of value in the world, far better than gold!, for the past 30 years, have been long-term US Treasury bonds. It is the best-kept secret from the ignorant folk.

US Treasury Rates at a Glance
Scroll down to see 30-YEAR TREASURY BOND ^TYX

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Quote of the Day

Making the rounds on message boards:
“Witnessing the Republicans and the Democrats bicker over the U.S. debt is analogous to watching two drunks argue over a bar bill on the Titanic.”
best regards
Kirk Lindstrom

Obama Equals Bush Equals Lies & Blame Others

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Few of Obama's Lies
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 11:41:47 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Few of Obama's Lies

When Obama was elected in 2008 he knew exactly what had happened to the financial system and the economy. When he swore the oath, he knew the condition that economy was in, even if GW Bush were to be blamed for what happened on his watch. However, Obama can't blame GW Bush for the promises that he made knowing full well the conditions that existed in July of 2009, when the economy supposedly came out of the recession.

Obama promised that he would cut the deficits in half by the end of his first term. Later he changed the target date to 2016, i.e., end of his hoped for second term. These are the exact promises that GW Bush made about the deficits! Why is Obama sounding like GW Bush, or pursuing the same tax policies? Because during the past 24-year rule of Greenspan-Bernanke, and still going strong, we only have a One-Party system—the System of the Crooks—whose members, or agents, Greenspan and Bernanke are. Why blame the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, prior to 1989, and now the Chinese Communist Party for the one party rule? At least, people there know whom to blame!

Later in 2009, Obama also promised to double the exports in 5 years. After the exports dropped 20% during the "recession," a 25% rise in exports was not a big accomplishment. But, to keep 15-20% annual growth over 4-5 years is not something American econo-political system can do. For that we need the Chinese system!

I know, I know, born-and-bred American dopes expect their Presidents and Fed Chairmen to lie and make false promises. That is why these positions are reserved for dishonest men (may be a woman in the future). Nothing can save Americans from the System of the Crooks until the system is overthrown.

Obama lies because he must lie and he knows that his supporters would forgive him. If GW Bush could lie and get re-elected why not Obama? They both know that partisan dopes have little choice. In a one-party system that America has now, the elections are mere pageantry. Also, to fool people about them having a choice. What color you want your poison pill to be coated with, blue or red?

Americans are stuck with a bad system, no?


Obama on TV, Again, to Blame Problems on Outside of the US

For the problems in the Scam Market and the US economy. He blamed Middle East, Europe and the Japanese earthquake. Of course these do not impact China, including the high crude oil prices due to the problems in the Middle East.

These is no meaner person on the planet, predisposed to blaming other countries, than a born-and-bred American dope. Maybe, with the exception of Israel. Obama knows his goats (those that are fattened for celebratory feast by Muslims, e.g., in India and Pakistan) well. When it comes to politics and voting, a born-and-bred merican dope is a sittingg duck. The only question is, who would get the duck.


Obama to Meet With Bernanke and Geithner for Advice

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Obama to Meet With Bernanke and Geithner to Ask Out What to Do
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 09:52:49 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Obama to Meet With Bernanke and Geithner to Ask Out What to Do

Does Bernanke ever ask Obama as to what he should do? Bernanke and Geithner are agents of the cabal that had bought and paid for Obama's presidency. Any doubts left?

The biggest problem with born-and-bred American dopes is their failure to recognize how easy it is to hijack a popular democracy. At least Indian dopes are not so much in denial that Crooks are in charge of the political system and the govt.

When the history of the Greater Depression, Made In USA, is written (when the global economy is in full-fledged depression and govts are falling one by one) two figures, Greenspan and Bernanke, sworn agents of bankers and financiers, would loom large as the enablers of fraudulent financial practices that would lead to the unavoidable Greater Depression (it was already backed in the cake by 1998).

Be Safe!


Jon Stewart & Jim Cramer Video: Cramer vs. Stewart

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Blow off Fop for Swiss Franc - CHF

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Yesterday, 08/09/11, Might Have Been the Blow off In Swiss Franc
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 09:35:59 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Yesterday, 08/009/11, Might Have Been the Blow off In Swiss Franc


SEP11  1.3251   1.4167 1.3182 1.3996  +.0754     

It traded in a 10-cent range in a day and was up 7.5 cents. If the current price persists, CHF would put the Swiss economy thru a ringer—deflation and recession with corporate profits getting squeezed. SMI should be down 25-40% from the recent high. Let us hope that for the sake of the Swiss economy CHF gets below $1.25, preferably below $1.15, over the next few months.

Fundamentals and relative values matter.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bob Brinker Update & The Dollar: Dominant no more?

August 6 Market Update - Bob Brinker's July 31st Advice
Bob Brinker's Recent Advice to not SellStocks

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FW: The Dollar: Dominant no more?
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 09:08:09 -0700
From: Jas Jain

It is six months old, but makes some good points. I have highlighted parts of it.



The Dollar: Dominant no more?

Barry Eichengreen, professor of economics and political science | 2/1/11

If the euro's crisis has a silver lining, it is that it has diverted attention away from risks to the dollar. It was not that long ago that confident observers were all predicting that the dollar was about to lose its "exorbitant privilege" as the leading international currency. First there was financial crisis, born and bred in the US. Then there was the second wave for quantitative easing, which seemed designed to drive down the dollar on foreign exchange markets. All this made the dollar's loss of pre-eminence seem inevitable.

The tables have turned. Now it is Europe that has deep economic and financial problems. Now it is the European Central Bank that seems certain to have to ramp up its bond-buying program. Now it is the Eurozone where political gridlock prevents policymakers from resolving the problem.

In the US meanwhile, we have the extension of the Bush tax cuts together with payroll tax reductions, which amount to a further extension of the expiring fiscal stimulus. This tax "compromise", as it is known, has led economists to up their forecasts of US growth in 2011 from 3% to 4%. In Europe, meanwhile, where fiscal austerity is all the rage, these kind of upward revisions are exceedingly unlikely.

All this means that the dollar will be stronger than expected, the euro weaker. China may haves made political noises about purchasing Irish and Spanish bonds, but which currency – the euro or the dollar – do you think prudent central banks will it find more attractive to hold?

What about the alternatives?

There are of course a variety of smaller economies whose currencies are likely to be attractive to foreign investors, both public and private, from the Canadian loonie and Australian dollar to the Brazilian real and Indian rupee. But the bond markets of countries like Canada and Australia are too small for their currencies to ever play more than a modest role in international portfolios.

Brazilian and Indian markets are potentially larger. But these countries worry about what significant foreign purchases of their securities would mean for their export competitiveness. They worry about the implications of foreign capital inflows for inflation and asset bubbles. India therefore retains capital controls which limit the access of foreign investors to its markets, in turn limiting the attractiveness of its currency for international use. Brazil meanwhile has tripled its pre-existing tax on foreign purchases of its securities. Other emerging markets have moved in the same direction.

China is in the same boat. Ten years from now the renminbi is likely to be a major player in the international domain. But for now capital controls limit its attractiveness as an investment vehicle and an international currency. Yet this has not prevented the Malaysian central bank from adding Chinese bonds to its foreign reserves. Nor has it prevented companies like McDonald's and Caterpillar from issuing renminbi-denominated bonds to finance their Chinese operations. But China will have to move significantly further in opening its financial markets, enhancing their liquidity, and strengthening rule of law before its currency comes into widespread international use.

So the dollar is here to stay, more likely than not, if only for want of an alternative.

With exorbitant privilege comes exorbitant responsibility

The one thing that could jeopardise the dollar's dominance would be significant economic mismanagement in the US. And significant economic mismanagement is not something that can be ruled out.

The Congress and Administration have shown no willingness to take the hard decisions needed to close the budget gap. The Republicans have made themselves the party of no new taxes and mythical spending cuts. The Democrats are unable to articulate an alternative. 2011 will see another $1 trillion [1.5 trillion!] deficit. It is hard to imagine that 2012, an election year, will be any different. And the situation only deteriorates after that as the baby boomers retire and health care and pension costs explode.

We know just how these kind of fiscal crises play out, Europe having graciously reminded us. Previously sanguine investors wake up one morning to the fact that holding dollars is risky. They fear that the US government, unable to square the budgetary circle, will impose a withholding tax on treasury bond interest – on treasury bond interest to foreigners in particular. Bond spreads will shoot up. The dollar will tank with the rush out of the greenback.

The impact on the international system would not be pretty. The Canadian and Australian dollar exchange rates would shoot through the roof. A suddenly strong euro would nip Europe's recovery in the bid and plunge its economy back into turmoil. Emerging markets like China, reluctant to see their exchange rates move, would see a sharp acceleration of inflation and respond with even more distortionary controls.

With exorbitant privilege comes exorbitant responsibility. Responsibility for preventing the international monetary and financial system from descending into chaos rests with the US. How much time does it have? Currency crises generally occur right before or after elections. Can you say November 2012?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

David Rosenberg: U.S. recession as a Virtual Certainty"

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: David Rosenberg: "I have already pegged a U.S. recession as a virtual certainty"
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 16:59:14 -0700
From: Jas Jain

David Rosenberg: "I have already pegged a U.S. recession as a virtual certainty."

David Rosenberg; August 3, 2011:

"It is evident that we will be going into another recession with the levels of output, employment and income all lower now than they were prior to the last contraction phase.

"I have already pegged a U.S. recession as a virtual certainty."


When we look back few years from now, with the global economy in undeniable Greater Depression, the beginning of the depression in the US would be marked at either 2001, or 2008. We have fewer people employed today than we had in 2001Q1. There never was a GW Bush recovery; it was an artificial boost as a result of permitting mortgage fraud. What mortgage fraud gave it took back all that and more. My conclusion that Greenspan, GW Bush and Bernanke were the real culprits in the Crisis of 2008 would become widely accepted.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Business as Usual - Screw the Middle Class

Posted on my facebook group "Investing for the long term" under Government Deficit and Debt #2
PB, if you don't say "end the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000" then you sound like you want to end the tax cuts for everyone. The fact is, with or without the Bush tax cuts, the hard working, decent earning middle class (probably $50K to $250K) pay more of their income in TOTAL FEDERAL TAXES than the very rich. I think the easiest way to fix the problem is eliminate the cap on SS so EVERYONE pays the same rate into the payroll tax and we then keep the Bush tax cut rates. I'd also like to see the corporate tax rates cut so we can encourage new jobs in the US rather than abroad where the taxes from new workers making things are less.

I might even go so far as to approve a 10-year recapture period to make up some of the lost payroll taxes from the wealthy where they might pay 1 or 2 percent higher to help pay for the war and recapture some of what they didn't have to pay in the last decade while the rest of us working stiffs paid the full amount.

We have a demand problem in the economy and that is in a large part because many of the middle class are saving rather than spending because we KNOW that the government probably won't do what I suggest... instead the government will probably screw us like they always do and let the lazy and very rich get off paying less than their fair share.

BTW, here is another trick used by the very wealthy to not pay their fair share of taxes. Some of my neighbors, like John Chambers, and your neighbor Larry Ellison... will make a big stink out of only working for $1. What they don't say is they issue themselves a ton of restricted stock with a zero cost basis to them when the economy is in the toilet and their shares are way down. They hold the stock for a year or two then sell it for a huge gain. They pay capital gains taxes on the value gained... which gets taxed at the 15% rate AND escapes SS and Medicare. I believe Obama got their medicare contributions with his health care plan... but that method sucks as I believe it punishes the small investors in an attempt to capture Ellison and Chamber's taxes...

I would do something like anyone who makes money on company stock has to consider that regular income while they work at the company if their salary is above some cap, perhaps $250K. We still want to encourage kids to become engineers and work hard to reach that $250K level of success so that is why I'd not charge the regular working stiffs with this rule.... besides... it is mostly used by the CEOs and others who've avoided paying their fair share, not the regular engineers....

I think my solution would make the tax code far simpler and capture a fair percentage from everyone.

FWIW, I figured out this trick by asking myself why would Chambers and Ellison dilute their ALREADY substantial holdings in Cisco and Oracle by giving themselves restricted stock... once you do the calculation of how much tax they avoid by shifting it to capital gains from regular income... it became obvious.

Discussion Board:  http://www.facebook.com/board.php?uid=2267714264
(Private... join the group and I'll let you in.  -Kirk out)

Paul O’Neal “We Are Not an Intelligent People”

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Paul O'Neal: "We Are Not an Intelligent People"!
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 07:42:46 -0700
From: Jas Jain <jas_jain@hotmail.com>

Paul O'Neal: "We Are Not an Intelligent People"!

As Exhibit A he mentioned the US Tax Code. (Fit for dopes and loved by Crooks). The only honest man (he appeared on Bloomberg) in evildoer GW Bush's cabinet didn't last long. No honest man, or woman, could have lasted in an administration where the enforcer was Dick Cheney. The same Cheney, a favorite of dope dealer Limbaugh, famously claimed: "Deficits don't matter, Reagan proved that."

It was the financial evil permitted under GW Bush that thrust Obama on the American People. Eight years of GW Bush were bad and Obama wants to prove that he could do worse given another chance in 2012. Yes, "We Are Not an Intelligent People." How could we? "We" were bred to be dopes!

All investigations into America's problems lead to Crooks and dopes. No? Democracy is the system of the moneyed Crooks and dopes!

Clueless Indians haven't figured out either.

Posted on my facebook group "Investing for the long term" under Government Deficit and Debt #2
PB, if you don't say "end the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000" then you sound like you want to end the tax cuts for everyone. The fact is, with or without the Bush tax cuts, the hard working, decent earning middle class (probably $50K to $250K) pay more of their income in TOTAL FEDERAL TAXES than the very rich. I think the easiest way to fix the problem is eliminate the cap on SS so EVERYONE pays the same rate into the payroll tax and we then keep the Bush tax cut rates. I'd also like to see the corporate tax rates cut so we can encourage new jobs in the US rather than abroad where the taxes from new workers making things are less.

I might even go so far as to approve a 10-year recapture period to make up some of the lost payroll taxes from the wealthy where they might pay 1 or 2 percent higher to help pay for the war and recapture some of what they didn't have to pay in the last decade while the rest of us working stiffs paid the full amount.

We have a demand problem in the economy and that is in a large part because many of the middle class are saving rather than spending because we KNOW that the government probably won't do what I suggest... instead the government will probably screw us like they always do and let the lazy and very rich get off paying less than their fair share.

BTW, here is another trick used by the very wealthy to not pay their fair share of taxes. Some of my neighbors, like John Chambers, and your neighbor Larry Ellison... will make a big stink out of only working for $1. What they don't say is they issue themselves a ton of restricted stock with a zero cost basis to them when the economy is in the toilet and their shares are way down. They hold the stock for a year or two then sell it for a huge gain. They pay capital gains taxes on the value gained... which gets taxed at the 15% rate AND escapes SS and Medicare. I believe Obama got their medicare contributions with his health care plan... but that method sucks as I believe it punishes the small investors in an attempt to capture Ellison and Chamber's taxes...

I would do something like anyone who makes money on company stock has to consider that regular income while they work at the company if their salary is above some cap, perhaps $250K. We still want to encourage kids to become engineers and work hard to reach that $250K level of success so that is why I'd not charge the regular working stiffs with this rule.... besides... it is mostly used by the CEOs and others who've avoided paying their fair share, not the regular engineers....

I think my solution would make the tax code far simpler and capture a fair percentage from everyone.

FWIW, I figured out this trick by asking myself why would Chambers and Ellison dilute their ALREADY substantial holdings in Cisco and Oracle by giving themselves restricted stock... once you do the calculation of how much tax they avoid by shifting it to capital gains from regular income... it became obvious.

Discussion Board:  http://www.facebook.com/board.php?uid=2267714264
(Private... join the group and I'll let you in.  -Kirk out)

Ron Paul & Paul Ryan - When a Cut is Not a Cut

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: When a Cut is Not a Cut
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 07:08:54 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Re: When a Cut is Not a Cut

A: When we are dealing with disgustingly dishonest Republicans, especially, Tea Party's Paul Ryan. Ryan was claiming victory on spending cuts reached in the latest House bill that was passed with far bigger support from Pelosi's gang than from Tea Party (Pelosi had promised Boehner to deliver more Democratic votes than the total Tea Party gang in the House!). The total amount of all the spending cuts for 2011 and 2012 are miniscule and a rounding error in the debt. Almost all the promised cuts, if they ever materialize!, are after 2012. The ten-year budget deals are a hoax and the voting dopes can't do anything even if they disagree. Let us face the real truth on the ground: An American voter is politically impotent. Crooks' agents get power no matter whom the dopes vote for.

Last week, dope dealer Limbaugh was gloating over the power and success of the Tea Party for standing firm on big spending cuts and hollow mantra like Cut, Cap and Balance. I wonder how Rush feels now after the passage of the House bill. When it comes to deficit reductions, Reagan-GW Bush-Limbaugh-Tea Party dopes need to attend some classes on intellectual honesty just out of shame. Not that these things produce any results but they do make one feel some shame. In a shameless society ("rule of law," where honor plays no role and encourages shamelessness) that is sorely needed.



When a Cut is Not a Cut

"One might think that the recent drama over the debt ceiling involves one side wanting to increase or maintain spending with the other side wanting to drastically cut spending, but that is far from the truth.  In spite of the rhetoric being thrown around, the real debate is over how much government spending will increase. 

No plan under serious consideration cuts spending in the way you and I think about it.  Instead, the "cuts" being discussed are illusory, and are not cuts from current amounts being spent, but cuts in projected spending increases.  This is akin to a family "saving" $100,000 in expenses by deciding not to buy a Lamborghini, and instead getting a fully loaded Mercedes, when really their budget dictates that they need to stick with their perfectly serviceable Honda.  But this is the type of math Washington uses to mask the incriminating truth about their unrepentant plundering of the American people…"

-Ron Paul

US Federal tax bracket rates for 2012
US Federal tax bracket rates for 2011
US Federal tax bracket rates for 2010

Marc Faber Gloom Boom & Doom Report

Faber was born in Zürich and schooled in Geneva, Switzerland, where he raced for the Swiss National Ski Team. He studied Economics at the University of Zurich and, at the age of 24, obtained a Ph.D. degree in Economics magna cum laude. Faber is best known for the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and its related web site featuring "Dance of Death" paintings created by Kaspar Meglinger.  From "wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Faber"

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Marc Faber: "Sometimes I don't Understand Markets…"
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 05:33:00 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Marc Faber: "Sometimes I don't Understand Markets…"

When asked about the US Treasury market on Bloomberg-Asia and the 10-Year yield below 2.75%. Now, why do you have to lie, Dr. Faber, since you have been wrong on the UST market for at least 8 years? If you had any shame you would apologize and let everyone know that you simply don't understand how the US Treasury market functions and what are the fundamental factors that drive it. Eight years of being dead wrong on something should be enough clue, no? Your assertion that US govt and the private sector, e.g., households, would inflate away their debt problem has proven to be a lie, thus far, no?

How many economists understand debt, Dr. Faber? Because of the debt burden, the US economy would be forced to deflate! In the future, when the Greater Depression is in full swing, those who are poor and get sick would be forced to suffer unless real charity helps them because govt would be forced to cut back on all kinds of welfare including sickness care. Maybe, the US would have a Nazi-like regime that would have no use for the old and the sick. One way or another the American society would be transformed into something very different than it has been since the WW II. Misery would become necessary to detoxify dopey minds about issues of taxation and welfare.

Watch whom you listen to and whom you can trust. Listening to Faber and Schiff on the US dollar and Treasuries would prove to be a big mistake.


Paul Robin Krugman

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Bloomberg: "Krugman is the most extreme [on the left]; he is way out there."
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 17:00:41 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Bloomberg: "Krugman is the most extreme [on the left]; he is way out there."

This according to co-host of one of the programs on Bloomberg TV, Matt Miller. Krooksman, like his mentor at Princeton, Ben Bernanke, plays his role to serve the Crooks by the simplest device of pushing debt and ideas for manipulating the economy. Evil exists in many forms at different times and in the present-day America it has taken the form of debt pushers and financiers manipulators. Beware of Crooks' agents bearing gifts (peddling solutions to economic problems). Krooksman got the Nobel Prize for the same reason that Obama did—to better serve the interests of the Crooks.

How did Americans get talked into supporting govt constantly manipulating the economy via changing rules, including taxes? That is why breeding dopes (brainwashing from birth onwards) had to precede the takeover of the economy and the govt by Crooks and installing the System of the Crooks. The dirty deed was done a long time ago. Now, Americans have no other choice but to deal with the consequences. Extreme or not, Krooksman is making a very good living. System of the Crooks attracts many smart people—the best minds that money can buy! America is full of whores in economics as well as in politics.


Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates