Friday, April 30, 2010

The recession is over . . .?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SPAM]RE: The recession is over . . .?
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 12:35:35 -0700

To: Jas_Jain
Subject: The recession is over . . .?
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 11:37:33 -0700


What happens to private GDP when the gov't stops borrowing from future private economic activity and tax receipts, cutting checks, and sending hundreds of billions of dollars to realtors, mortgage brokers and servicers, auto dealers, appliance stores, and banksters? Only a Keynesian could say with a straight face that the recession is over and the economy is "recovering" or "expanding" with the gov't running a deficit of 16% of private GDP and gov't spending and household debt service as a share of private GDP at 65-70%.


You mean neo-Keynesians, like Paul Krooksman, right? The salt-water types or the sweet-water variety? Is the recession over? Yes, but the depression is not! Neo-Kons won a small battle with the loss of third of the army but the war is far from over. They will lose the war with shear exhaustion. Amazing misleaders, I mean witchdoctors. Throwing money at the problem only buy you time. Buy me enough time for the next election, please. That is all that a democratic politicians care about and neo-Kons can deliver! The rest is in God's hands. And God isn't happy with Americans' profligate ways.


Highest or Best CD Rates

The best CD rate 1 year or less is 1.55% at Aurora Bank.

You can often get higher than advertised rates at your local branch if you do your homework. Print out the "Highest CD Rate Survey" and bring it in with you. Also print out some of the advertisements showing rates advertised on your bank's competing web sites so you have proof. (Make sure the date shows on your printout so they know it is current.) Bring in the survey and ask them to beat or at least meet the best advertised rate. They often will do this to keep your business or to keep you walking out the door.

The highest CD rate of any term is 3.60% at Discover Bank for a term of 10 years.

Here is the table with more rates and terms:

Highest CD Rates Survey
UST = US Treasury Bond
Rate (APY)
(Click link for Full Rate Sheets)
6 Month CD
Aurora Bank
1 Year CD
Nova Bank & Aurora Bank
1 Yr UST
US Treasury Rate Quote
18-Mo CD
Aurora Bank
2 Year CD
TriState Capital Direct
3 Year CD
PenFed CU & TriState Capital Direct
4 Year CD
Bank of Internet USA
5 Year CD
5 Yr UST
US Treasury Rate Quote
7 Year CD
Pentagon Federal CU
10 Yr CD
Discover Bank
10 Yr UST
US Treasury Rate Quote

If the above text is too small to read, then read it "HERE in a larger font."

Be careful when you go to your bank and ask for their best rate. They will often use that as an excuse to sell you an annuity that sounds good on the surface, but is far more profitable for them due to the higher fees.

Make sure you read the Article: Beware of Annuities

Peak Debt Would Bring Down Economies First -- RE: Peak Phosphorus . . . China...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Peak Debt Would Bring Down Economies First -- RE: Peak Phosphorus . . . China...
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 10:23:28 -0700

Subject: Peak Phosphorus . . .
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 09:53:40 -0700


China's water shortages, desertification, drought, air and water pollution, loss of arable land to urbanization, and now Peak Oil and phosphorus mean China will have to import a growing share of their food and energy, resulting in increasing scale of food, electricity, and energy shortages, rising prices, riots and social unrest, and Chinese militarist-communist gov't reaction.


China is 60-100 years too late to the Oil Age development model. China is a four-letter word: "Sell!!!"


I still believe that the Peak Debt would assert itself before the peak in resources. Economies would collapse under the weight of debt and the resource demand would go down. Some time later in the future the resource limits would come into play.


This Bull Looks Awfully Tired

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: This Bull Looks Awfully Tired
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 09:10:59 -0700
From: Jas Jain

And then got stung by a poison-tipped arrow from "Goldman Sacked." When dishonest men are in power, e.g., those operating GS and their agents, e.g., Bernanke and Summers, now, and Greenspan and Rubin, in the past, people need to heed caution. Caution is what I have been preaching for the past dozen years when I began commenting in public forums. GS is the epitome of financial gangs that prey on the society via schemes and scams. They have been at this game for a very long time and the unsuspecting public gets easily taken.

Americans have been raised in a way (too much trust in strangers!) such that they cannot identify obvious crooks that run most of the public corporations now. When the crooks make so much money for themselves how much would be left for the shareholders? The public has lost trillions of dollars in the past 11.25 years that the Scam Market, both NDX and SPX, were at their current levels. Guess who made out with those trillions from the public and pension funds? Crooks will continue to operate the Scam Market, as long there are suckers with money burning holes in their pocket. Calling the Scam Market a casino is an insult to proper casinos.

Be safe (from the crooks)!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Market Top Within Three Weeks says Jas Jain

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FW: Re: Morally Bankrupt Leadership, a Bad Econo-Political System, and a Stupid Population
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:31:33 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Thanks, Sword. Deception is the #1 vehicle for success in America! Those bred in the culture of deception, fraud, and manipulation have decided advantage over the rest who suffer from conscience and morality. No wonder that their ranks keep rising higher one looks up in America. Obama was their pick (GS being one of the largest contributor). – Jas


Sword: "All this talk about moral bankruptcy really hits home for me this week.  Just found out the president of the small company I work for was using an alias, pretending to own the company when he really only owned 4%, and systematically looting the real owner (passive investor).  He setup a "copycat" company and has been funneling everything of value into this company that he actually owns.  Real owner just woke up apparently, federal marshals showed up and the "pres" was terminated, but he is still running the sham company which now controls everything of value and I'm caught in the middle officially working for the conartist for the time being and maybe for a long time if it gets tied up in the courts.  Crazy!  I hope this doesn't represent the state of leadership in America today, but the evidence is certainly mounting.

p.s.  If the market hasn't already topped, we are within 3 weeks of a top.  That's my prediction based on a myriad of leading indicators, and I'm sticking to it 

(4/22/10 10:10 PST)
Nasdaq 2,499.25
S&P 500 1,201.43
Chart for S&P 500
10 Yr Bond(%) 3.7590%
Chart for 10 Yr Bond(%)
Oil 83.04
Gold 1,143.20

Cramer is an ex-Goldchain Silverknife guy

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: Jim Cramer Goldman Sachs (GS) Shill or Critic?
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:13:18 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Dean: "According to Cramer, GS is not liable.  GS gave adequate disclosure to the client."


Cramer is an ex-Goldchain Silverknife guy. He went to Harvard, like Obama and GW Bush, where people go to get connected to various networks of crooks, or organized economic, investment and political gangs, like GS. And he was perfect for GS because he was bred in the culture of deception, fraud, and manipulation that is so necessary for success at GS and in America. Nothing really bad can happen in America except for someone premeditating it!

Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 07:54:10 -0700
Subject: Jim Cramer Goldman Sachs (GS) Shill or Critic?

I (Kirk Lindstrom) posted this comment on my facebook "Investing for the Long Term" discussion group today.  I think Jas would agree with my summary.

Cramer was recommending GS all the way up but he seems to have abandoned recommending it after he and CNBC regulars were accused on TV by a guest of being shills for GS. He CLAIMS he saw what most think of GS when he visited a 7th grade class of kids who told him the stock market is rigged against the little guy so he's now recommending Citi over GS... at least on the segment I saw with Erin yesterday around lunch time here in CA.

The timing is suspect that he gives up on GZ a day after being called a shill and Erin kicking the guest off for being "rude."

I've stated in my newsletter and (free) writing since the 1990s that of course it is rigged but the way to make money is figure out how the insiders make money and follow along. The options scam is simply amazing that it still goes on where the insiders can get rich letting the stock price go up and down... but nowhere over decades while they give themselves cheap shares or options when down then sell when they have a gain... often more money is spent on this than on dividends... and some companies don't even pretend to create value with dividends.

Cramer says look for dividend payers since that is the way to make sure there is no monkey business. I think he's on crack or an idiot if he believes that since many stocks like Pfizer and his favorite telecoms use debt to pay dividends... but he's right for tech stocks with zero debt that pay dividends...
check out the debt on VZ
it is $62.26B

It is a significant percentage of the $82.22B market cap! It would take SIGNIFICANT dilution to issue enough shares at the current price to eliminate the debt...

Now tell me how a 6.4% dividend is anything buy a Madoff return of capital with the only difference is Madoff didn't get loans while VZ builds infrastructure that could be obsolete if Google builds a free network....
The big difference between Jas and I is Jas plays the stocks from the short side while I think it is safer to play from the long side because "the system" needs people to think they have a chance for it to work. This means stocks need to go up over the long term or the tricks by the insiders won't work.  Cronie capitalism won't work.   

best regards Kirk Lindstrom

Scam - Janet Tavakoli interview (Video)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Scam - Janet Tavakoli interview (Video)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 07:45:21 -0700
From: Jas Jain


    Scam - Janet Tavakoli interview

     A worthwhile interview with Janet Tavakoli regarding Wall St. fraud. 

  (Link deleted as it seems to have been hijacked by Malware)

    The Fed is the sponsor and enabler of FRAUD!  

    The Federal Reserve = Fraudulent Preserve.    Preserving & legitimizing Wall St. fraud since 1913. 


Thanks, AS. Hasn't some crank been exposing the same for years? She says that SEC is incompetent, but she is wrong on that. SEC was specifically created to Secure Entitlements for Crooks. The basic plan was to restore public's confidence while allowing crooks to do what they do, periodically, by the use of the stock market. Both Fed and SEC exist to enable fraud and provide cover during the period that the fraud is committed in the forms of what people call bubbles. Yes there were price bubbles in the "stock market" and the residential housing market, but they were primarily driven by frauds—Scam Options and fraudulent mortgages. It is the Fraud, stupid! (That caused the bubbles, which in turn caused the crisis).


Read the blog post of the day: Jim Cramer Goldman Sachs (GS) Shill or Critic?

and  Highest or Best CD Rates

Jim Cramer Goldman Sachs (GS) Shill or Critic?

I (Kirk Lindstrom) posted this comment on my facebook "Investing for the Long Term" discussion group today.  I think Jas would agree with my summary.
Cramer was recommending GS all the way up but he seems to have abandoned recommending it after he and CNBC regulars were accused on TV by a guest of being shills for GS. He CLAIMS he saw what most think of GS when he visited a 7th grade class of kids who told him the stock market is rigged against the little guy so he's now recommending Citi over GS... at least on the segment I saw with Erin yesterday around lunch time here in CA.

The timing is suspect that he gives up on GZ a day after being called a shill and Erin kicking the guest off for being "rude."

I've stated in my newsletter and (free) writing since the 1990s that of course it is rigged but the way to make money is figure out how the insiders make money and follow along. The options scam is simply amazing that it still goes on where the insiders can get rich letting the stock price go up and down... but nowhere over decades while they give themselves cheap shares or options when down then sell when they have a gain... often more money is spent on this than on dividends... and some companies don't even pretend to create value with dividends.

Cramer says look for dividend payers since that is the way to make sure there is no monkey business. I think he's on crack or an idiot if he believes that since many stocks like Pfizer and his favorite telecoms use debt to pay dividends... but he's right for tech stocks with zero debt that pay dividends...
check out the debt on VZ
it is $62.26B

It is a significant percentage of the $82.22B market cap! It would take SIGNIFICANT dilution to issue enough shares at the current price to eliminate the debt...

Now tell me how a 6.4% dividend is anything buy a Madoff return of capital with the only difference is Madoff didn't get loans while VZ builds infrastructure that could be obsolete if Google builds a free network....
The big difference between Jas and I is Jas plays the stocks from the short side while I think it is safer to play from the long side because "the system" needs people to think they have a chance for it to work. This means stocks need to go up over the long term or the tricks by the insiders won't work.  Cronie capitalism won't work.   

best regards
Kirk Lindstrom
Newsletter and Online Store


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Investor Intelligence Bull Bear Chart

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Scam Market Bullishness Near 4-Year High: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 15:17:54 -0700
From: Jas Jain
Scam Market Bullishness Near 4-Year High: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words


See the attached chart.


Democracy is the worst system except for all the rest

This gets awfully repetitive.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Morally Bankrupt Leadership, a Bad Econo-Political System, and a Stupid Population
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 13:09:28 -0700
From: Jas Jain <>

Morally Bankrupt Leadership, a Bad Econo-Political System, and a Stupid Population

I hope that this summarizes the actual State of the American Union today. Breeding of the stupid population is very much part of the system where success depends on propaganda. Can Americans handle the truth about democracy?! The worst feature of democracy is to breed compliant dopes who would obey the laws set up by known crooks who have now attained the rank of evildoers. "We are a nation ruled by laws and not by men."! Amazing dopes. Democracy is the worst system except for all the rest. Morons.


I wish Jas come come up with some new material.

I get it.... Jas smart... everyone else dumb.  repeat hourly.

ee my all time "Jas Jain favorite" =>Bear Market Model

Since 12/31/98 "Kirk's Newsletter Explore Portfolio" is
UP 159% (a double plus another 59%!!) vs. the S&P500 UP a tiny 8.6% vs. NASDAQ UP a tiny 3.5% (All through 12/31/09

In 2009, "Kirk's Newsletter Explore Portfolio" gained 33.5% vs. the DJIA up 18.8%
As of 4/6/10, the explore portfolio is up 7% YTD

Subscribe NOW and get the April 2010 Issue for FREE!  
(Your 1 year, 12 issue subscription will start with next month's issue.)



Monday, April 19, 2010

Video Worth Watching… “Deliberate Fraud on Wall St.”

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Video Worth Watching… "Deliberate Fraud on Wall St."
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 07:59:50 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Video Worth Watching… "Deliberate Fraud on Wall St."


By owning the government, of course. Goldman Sachs became part of the US government, I mean part owner, with the election of Bill Clinton and rise to power of the economic-Fuehrer Robert Rubin, co-Chairman of Goldman Sachs. Under Greenspan-Rubin-Summers-Bernanke the culture of deception, fraud and manipulation had become the establishment via control of the economic policies at all levels. No one could challenge it because at the very top of enforcement were the Crooks and their agents. That is how the govt of the Crooks, by and the Crooks and for the Crooks came into existence in the US. Of course, Obama must have promised to fully support the No Change policy if he wanted to be the President. Nothing much would come out of the SEC charges against Goldman Sachs if history is any guide. The Crooks have taken over the USG, the Federal Reserve and soon they will take over the Supreme Court.


Fraud is the norm on Wall Street. Only the fraudsters, or crooks, survive the march to the very top. Democracy provides no protection against the rule of the Crooks. There is no challenge left.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

SEC stands for to Secure Entitlements for Crooks!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Goldman Sachs Caught In Fraud by SEC
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 13:24:59 -0700
From: Jas Jain

A good tamasha needs some well-timed surprises. Clap, clap, clap. Don't forget: SEC stands for to Secure Entitlements for Crooks! The Public's confidence must be maintained!!

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 20:13:47 +0000
Subject: RE: Goldman Sachs Caught In Fraud by SEC
To: jas_jain

Ok, I figured out what is going on with the Goldman lawsuit. Obama wants to use this case to drum up support for financial regulation bill, which we all know gives more power to Federal reserves to 'regulate financial system'.

"Second update 12:00 PM: Reader Hubert points out that the SEC suit was announced minutes before this e-mail was sent out in Obama's name. Coincidence?

I cannot stand these Obama missives, so I am only including the beginning, which is sufficient to give you the drift of the gist.

Friend –

It has now been well over a year since the near collapse of our entire financial system that cost the nation more than 8 million jobs. To this day, hard-working families struggle to make ends meet.

We've made strides — businesses are starting to hire, Americans are finding jobs, and neighbors who had given up looking are returning to the job market with new hope. But the flaws in our financial system that led to this crisis remain unresolved.

Wall Street titans still recklessly speculate with borrowed money. Big banks and credit card companies stack the deck to earn millions while far too many middle-class families, who have done everything right, can barely pay their bills or save for a better future.

We cannot delay action any longer. It is time to hold the big banks accountable to the people they serve, establish the strongest consumer protections in our nation's history — and ensure that taxpayers will never again be forced to bail out big banks because they are "too big to fail."

That is what Wall Street reform will achieve, why I am so committed to making it happen, and why I'm asking for your help today.

Please stand with me to show your support for Wall Street reform."

Sabri (Turkish American): “How many people know what tamasha means Jas, unless they are from our side of the world? Tamasha means spectacle in a broad sense, as in "The Society of the Spectacle" by Guy Debord. We live in the society of tamasha! Tamasha is something to be watched and admired! Best, Sabri”

Thanks, Sabri. Spectacle is a much better translation of tamasha than act, or play. Few people know how much Turkic influence there is in that part of the world, especially India, via Persia and Mongols. The show must go on!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Fwd: RE: Goldman Sachs Caught In Fraud by SEC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Goldman Sachs Caught In Fraud by SEC
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 12:15:55 -0700
From: Jas Jain

I always enjoy listening to and reading people with different take than mine, especially, those who are genuine born-and-bred Americans who, obviously, have a better understanding of the American system (see replies from Dean and Kirk) than those of us who lack that distinction and benefit. One of the latter asks: "Jas, This move by SEC surprises me. Do you understand what is going on?"


As someone having a large position in the most notorious fraudster in the world I better. One of my great satisfactions over the past 12-18 months has been to successfully strangle this fraudster and having a truckload of out-of-money puts (today I lost money on my strangle, as the volatility spiked, but made a bundle on the puts). Now, to answer your question briefly, it is all part of a big act, or tamasha!


In terms of whether I have had foresight or hind-sight I would let others decide. Maybe, I have had the outsider's luck.




Dean:" Your "outrage" is colored by 20/20 hindsight, by which you are certainly correct.  The prevailing view before the housing collapse was that housing would not collapse.  You would say the prevailing view was "stupid," which has proven correct, but that could have been wrong, too. At the moment of decision there are a myriad of influences partially known.  The buyer is responsible for accepting these risks.  If he does not wish to accept this responsibility, then he should buy guaranteed TBills, if he thinks these are truthful.

"This is Nixon from the Left.  Brokers are on both sides all the time.  This publicity furthers Obama agenda.  –Dean"


Kirk here: "Yes Jas. It seems the SEC has suddenly decided it is illegal to make money on commissions selling fire insurance then shorting insurance companies that paid them after they figure out it is fire season and an arsonist has targeted the buildings they sold insurance for. I've never understood how any thinking person can trust what anyone tells them who sells them a product be it used stock certificates for internet companies that don't make money or CDOs that most never understood at all, especially if the selling party can secretly take the opposite side of the trade at a later date.... which they all can and often do. This is probably why you and I make money with completely different methods while most lose money."


Goldman Sachs Caught In Fraud by SEC


What else is expected from these perennial crooks? I have been exposing this fraudster for a dozen years when I christened the firm Goldchain Silverknife. This firm of born-and-bred fraudsters, raised in a culture of fraud, should have been banned a very long time ago but when they control the USG you can forget that. There are consequences when proven crooks take over the govt.


Goldman Sachs Caught In Fraud by SEC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Goldman Sachs Caught In Fraud by SEC
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 07:59:20 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Goldman Sachs Caught In Fraud by SEC, just reported on Bloomberg.


What else is expected from these perennial crooks? I have been exposing this fraudster for a dozen years when I christened the firm Goldchain Silverknife. This firm of born-and-bred fraudsters, raised in a culture of fraud, should have been banned a very long time ago but when they control the USG you can forget that. There are consequences when proven crooks take over the govt.


Kirk here:
Yes Jas. It seems the SEC has suddenly decided it is illegal to make money on commissions selling fire insurance then shorting insurance companies that paid them after they figure out it is fire season and an arsonist has targeted the buildings they sold insurance for.

I've never understood how any thinking person can trust what anyone tells them who sells them a product be it used stock certificates for internet companies that don't make money or CDOs that most never understood at all, especially if the selling party can secretly take the opposite side of the trade at a later date.... which they all can and often do.

This is probably why you and I make money with completely different methods while most lose money.

Goldman Sachs Fund

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Goldman Sachs Fund Down 98%!
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 05:19:56 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Goldman Sachs Fund Down 98%! Whitehall Street International Fund, just reported on Bloomberg. How much do you suppose Larry Blankfein had his own money in this fund? I bet nada. Goldman Sachs did something identical during 1928-30 but with lot more victims.


These people are bred in a culture of fraud and the ability at deception and manipulation is considered being smart! Well, there must be some dopes at the other end of these smart folk. They live for periodically defrauding part of the populace whoever falls for their game. Now, of course they control the Federal govt—a govt of the Crooks, by the Crooks and for the Crooks. No?



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tax Rates by Income Level

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Squeezing the Middle Class: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:39:05 -0700
From: Jas Jain

What really matters is that how much income you get to keep after taxes. In relative terms, since 1950s (this graph only goes back to 1960), the wealthiest are taking home more than ever before, the middle-class, 50-80 percentile, are taking home less than ever before. During the period when the real take home income of the 50 percentile has gone up 20% the take home income of the top .1% has gone up more than 200%! Republicans keep shouting that the rich pay more in taxes but what they never point out is that this is because their income has grown far more than any other class and they never say that rich are taking home, which is what really counts, far more. The progressive taxation was instituted for a reason—to keep the Crooks in check. Reagan Revolution and the Reagan-Greenspan Era would prove to be disastrous, long-term, for America. They created the Gangistan. Those Republicans living in the Dopeland are clueless or they don't want to admit that they have been doped all these years. The propaganda machine in America is extremely effective. Rush Limbaugh makes a good living singing the praises of Reagan-Greenspan Era.


Since 12/31/98 "Kirk's Newsletter Explore Portfolio" is UP 159% (a double plus another 59%!!) vs. the S&P500 UP a tiny 8.6% vs. NASDAQ UP a tiny 3.5% (All through 12/31/09

In 2009, "Kirk's Newsletter Explore Portfolio" gained 33.5% vs. the DJIA up 18.8%
As of 4/14/10, the explore portfolio is up 10% YTD

Subscribe NOW and get the April 2010 Issue for FREE!  
(Your 1 year, 12 issue subscription will start with next month's issue.)


Paul Farrell: Wall St. propaganda machine . . .

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Paul Farrell: Wall St. propaganda machine . . .
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 08:12:59 -0700
From: Jas Jain

"Wall Street's happy talkers making fools of 95 million investors (again)"
The blind man can't see, again! The mountain didn't blow in the storm, again!! How can a born-and-bred dope be fooled again? The Scam Market exists for one and one purpose only—to collect indulgences so that scam loving dopes could feel good about their future. Scam loving dopes are addicted to speculation and the Wall St. Casino is there to provide the necessary service to relieve people. It is all very capitalistic. The show must go on. Otherwise people would be bored! There are at least ten million retired Americans, 62+, whose main activity to relieve the daily bore is to speculate in the Scam Market. Would you want them to burden their heirs with too much liquid inheritance? Why not pay and play?? Empty handed you came and empty handed you would go. Have fun while you live. And speculation is fun. Charvaka philosophy:
While you live,
Live in pleasure.
Even if you must incur debt,
Keep drinking melted butter.
To: jas_jain
Subject: Paul Farrell: Wall St. propaganda machine . . .
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:40:32 -0700
[T]he Propaganda Machine is relentless, is growing stronger. And thanks to the Supreme Court's incredibly stupid decision making corporations human, the Machine will feed more and more propaganda through the media, lobbyists and campaign donations, to control Washington. "The Machine" has your profile, knows you're easily manipulated by happy talk and nonsense optimism.
There's little you can do: Capitalism and democracy are dead. And unlike 2008, we will not be able to dodge a replay of 1929 and a Great Depression 2 after the coming crash.

April 13, 2010, 12:01 a.m. EDT

Dow 12,000 next? Or new record 14,165?

Commentary: Wall Street's happy talkers making fools of 95 million investors (again)

By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch

ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Yes, we hit 11,000. Propaganda. Yes, we'll quietly sneak past 11,722 (Dow's 2000 peak). Yes, we'll happily climb to 14,164 (Dow's 2007 peak). Maybe. But you're being conned: Even a new record of 14,165 barely equals CPI inflation the past 10 years.

Get it? Wall Street's lost more than 20% of your money the past decade. Now they're blowing a new bubble, filled with more toxic costly hot air.

How to invest for the end of the world

Afraid of a hurricane? Pandemic? Global Warming? Dow Jones Advisor columnist James Altucher tells Shelly Banjo what stocks to consider.
Yes, the bull's back. But not the bull market kinda "bull." The "happy talk" kinda "bull" propaganda. Did you hear the double-speak coming from our Greenspan clone, Ben Bernanke, the Fed's No. 1 lobbyist, Washington's cleverest politician and Main Street America's biggest enemy? His "best guess" last week: "If economic conditions improve, as I expect, we should see increased optimism among consumers and greater willingness on the part of banks to lend, which in turn should aid the recovery."
Yes, if this, if that, if, if, if ... pure bull. Bernanke said nothing that a high school student couldn't recite from an Econ 101 text. What's he really telling us? The Fed's member banks won't lend a dime till the consumer get more optimistic. What nonsense: He shoveled trillions to Wall Street fat cats last year when consumers had zero optimism.
Bernanke's spouting the happy-talk sound bites for cable news. Why? Bernanke's under fire: Congress is considering restrictions on the Fed's secretive out-of-control spending that's adding an estimated $23.7 trillion in new debt to America. You can't trust Ben's propaganda.
Now check on the other end of the "truth-or-consequences" spectrum: Yale Economist Bob Shiller's warning a double dip in the economy "has a substantial probability." Bloomberg/BusinessWeek also says Pimco boss Bill Gross has turned bearish, warning that the "almost three-decade bond-market rally is coming to a close," that "bonds have seen their best days" as "rates are moving up." Stuff Bernanke should be telling us.

The Propaganda Machine: In 2007-2008, in 1999-2003, in 1929-1933

Yes folks, we're all optimists, blind optimists. We dismiss facts, block reality, deny history, even recent meltdown. Not just Wall Street, also Main Street's 95 million investors. Yes, you. We all want to be deceived. We want to trust in a better future, want the good news, optimism, happy talk, bull markets. We desperately want to forget the harsh reality of the recent past.
And Wall Street and co-conspirators in cable TV know this too. You're profiled as a loser. They know you're a sucker for happy talk.
Yes, this Propaganda Machine is feeding the media a steady diet of happy talk. And the No. 1 rule for ratings success is: "Know what the masses want and feed it to them." Audience become sheep, cheer, want more. Today people are desperate for good news after the tragic lack of leadership the past few years.
We got a dark reminder last week as two former Citigroup bosses (one a former U.S. Treasury Secretary) admitted they "did not have a grip on what was happening" in their "too-big-to-fail" bank. Yet those bozos created a disaster and still pocketed hundreds of millions. And far more evil, their fat-cat successors are spending hundreds of millions of their shareholders' money to defeat financial reforms that will prevent this from happening to them again.
Unfortunately this historical cycle is doomed to recur. Except the next time it'll end in another, bigger meltdown, and the Great Depression 2 that the Fed and Treasury keep pushing downstream. So expect the Propaganda Machine to keep feeding sound bites to the media, as this Happy Conspiracy between Wall Street, Washington and Corporate America keeps manipulating Main Street's 95 million investors. It never ends.
Here are three historical reminders:

The Propaganda Machine in 2007-2008 meltdown

BusinessWeek, Kiplinger's and USA Today reported on the false predictions made before the 2008 subprime credit meltdown spread rapidly across America and the world:
  • Bernanke: "I don't anticipate any serious [failures] among large internationally active banks."
  • Ken Fisher: "This year will end in the plus column ... so keep buying."
  • "Mad Money" Jim Cramer: "Bye-bye bear market, say hello to the bull."
  • Goldman Sachs' Abby Joseph Cohen: "The fear priced into stocks is likely to abate as recession fears fade."
  • Barney Frank: "Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are fundamentally sound."
  • Barron's: "Home prices about to bottom."
  • Worth magazine: "Emerging markets are the global investors' safe haven."
  • Kiplinger's: "Stock investors should beat the rush to the banks."
  • Madoff: "It's virtually impossible to violate the rules."
Bad calls? Very bad. But Main Street's a willing victim, we want to believe the happy talk. We're all trapped by this deadly disease, like sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

The Propaganda Machine in 2000-2003 crash and recession

Back a few years ago we reviewed a 2003 book, "Bull! 144 Statements from the Market's Fallen Prophets," published during the 30-month recession, when Wall Street was losing $8 trillion in market cap. Here's a few of America's opinion leaders spreading their misleading happy talk as the market slowly disintegrated for 30 months from 11,722 to 7,286 in October 2002. Yet they prattled on.
Unfortunately, many of these Fallen Prophets are still misleading investors as members of the new Propaganda Machine:
  • James Glassman, author "Dow 36,000." "What is dangerous is for Americans not to be in the market. We're going to reach a point where stocks are correctly priced, and we think that's 36,000 ... It's not a bubble. ... The stock market is undervalued." A month earlier Dan Kadlec published "Dow 100,000." (October 1999)
  • Larry Kudlow, CNBC host. "This correction will run its course until the middle of the year. Then things will pick up again, because not even Greenspan can stop the Internet economy." (February 2000)
  • "Mad Money's" Cramer: "SUNW probably has the best near-term outlook of any company I know." (September 2000)
  • Lehman's Jeffrey Applegate. "The bulk of the correction is behind us, so now is the time to be offensive, not defensive." (December 2000)
  • Alan Greenspan. "The 3- to 5-year earnings projections of more than a thousand analysts ... have generally held firm. Such expectations, should they persist, bode well for continued capital deepening and sustained growth." (December 2000)
  • Suze Orman. "The QQQ, they're a buy. They may go down, but if you dollar-cost average, where you put money every single month into them ... in the long run, it's the way to play the Nasdaq." (January 2001)
  • Maria Bartiromo. "The individual out there is actually not throwing money at things that they do not understand, and is actually using the news and using the information out there to make smart decisions." (March 2001)
  • Goldman Sachs' Cohen. "The time to be nervous was a year ago. The S&P then was overvalued, it's now undervalued." (April 2001)
  • Lou Dobbs, CNN. "Let me make it very clear. I'm a bull, on the market, on the economy. And let me repeat, I am a bull." (August 2001)
  • Larry Kudlow. "The shock therapy of a decisive war will elevate the stock market by a couple thousand points," with Dow 35,000 by 2010. (June 2002)
All propaganda. No facts. All happy talk designed to manipulate you and me. All part of a tacit conspiracy, the Propaganda Machine. In fact, the Dow bottomed only after a 30-month bear market, in October 2002 at 7,286. The Iraq War started in April 2003.

The Propaganda Machine in the 1929 crash and 1930's depression

The Propaganda Machine never stops, and thanks to the Supreme Court, it will make matters worse in coming years. Let's go back to the crash of '29 and the first Great Depression. Unfortunately it will take a replay of the 1929 disaster to trigger Wall Street reform. Dodd's bill is too little, too late.
So listen closely to all the happy-talking -- past, present and future -- and plan accordingly because 2012 is the new 1929:
  • Irving Fisher, Yale Ph.D. in economics: "Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau. I do not feel there will be soon if ever a 50 or 60 point break from present levels, such as (bears) have predicted. I expect to see the stock market a good deal higher within a few months." (Oct. 17, 1929)
  • Goodbody market-letter in New York Times: "We feel that fundamentally Wall Street is sound, and that for people who can afford to pay for them outright, good stocks are cheap at these prices." (Oct. 25, 1929)
  • Business Week: "The Wall Street crash doesn't mean that there will be any general or serious business depression ... For six years American business has been diverting a substantial part of its attention, its energies and its resources on the speculative game... Now that irrelevant, alien and hazardous adventure is over. Business has come home again, back to its job, providentially unscathed, sound in wind and limb, financially stronger than ever before." (Nov. 2, 1929)
  • Harvard Economic Society: "A serious depression seems improbable; [we expect] recovery of business next spring, with further improvement in the fall." (Nov. 10, 1929)
  • Treasury Secretary Andrew W. Mellon: "I see nothing in the present situation that is either menacing or warrants pessimism ... I have every confidence that there will be a revival of activity in the spring, and that during this coming year the country will make steady progress." (Dec. 31, 1929)
  • President Herbert Hoover: "The depression is over." (June 1930)
Yes, the Propaganda Machine is relentless, is growing stronger. And thanks to the Supreme Court's incredibly stupid decision making corporations human, the Machine will feed more and more propaganda through the media, lobbyists and campaign donations, to control Washington. "The Machine" has your profile, knows you're easily manipulated by happy talk and nonsense optimism.
There's little you can do: Capitalism and democracy are dead. And unlike 2008, we will not be able to dodge a replay of 1929 and a Great Depression 2 after the coming crash.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

NFIB’s Monthly Index of Small Business Optimism

The National Federation of Independent Business said its monthly index of small business optimism fell 1.2 points in March to 86.8 and below 90 for the 18th consecutive month. story

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Latest Results of the Health Check Up of the US Economy—A Picture Worth TEN Thousand Words
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 09:51:09 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Latest Results of the Health Check Up of the US Economy—A Picture Worth TEN Thousand Words


There is no better barometer, or colon-scope!, of the US economy than the NFIB's monthly survey of small businesses across America (please see the attached chart). Born-and-bred American e-CON-meisters, who have proclaimed recovery, exist to make African witchdoctors look like real healers. The voodoo practiced by the American e-CON-meisters is in a class by itself. They are neech (beneath), i.e., untouchable! They should be barred from all public buildings and sacred places in America, including the White House. But they are not because they (the voodoo men) are in-charge. America does need a sickness-care reform, including one for the American economy!



Next Bear Market Bottom

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: No more Long-term Growth Cycle left for America—Re: Fun With Guessing- Bottom of the Secular Bear/Economy
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 08:34:11 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Kevin (highlighted by Jas): "Fun With Guessing- Bottom of the Secular Bear/Economy --  After reading a bit on longer term cycles, including the effects of political cycles, mortgage resets, etc., I would guess that the next big bear market will bottom somewhere between 2013 and 2016. Re-election of Obama will increase this probability. The real economy should bottom sometime within 1-3 years after that.

I am guessing we get some shaky performance between late 2010 and early 2012, at which time the incumbent party will try to ramp up economic and market performance again. After 2012, again, especially if the incumbent administration is re-elected, watch out for the real issues to surface.

I see the stock market and maybe more importantly, the real estate market to bottom between 2013 and 2020; more likely prior to 2016.
After all of that, the economy will have cleared this mess, and another long term growth cycle can begin.

I am still looking for a stock market sell signal, but have not gotten a good one yet."

There is no more long-term growth cycle left for America. Americans have cashed out the future growth and sold it to the Chinese and the rest. That is what a quintessential born-and-bred American dope like Warren Buffett can't understand. Buffett should have retired at 68! America's days as the top dog are numbered in Chinese.

Since 12/31/98 "Kirk's Newsletter Explore Portfolio" is UP 159% (a double plus another 59%!!) vs. the S&P500 UP a tiny 8.6% vs. NASDAQ UP a tiny 3.5% (All through 12/31/09

In 2009, "Kirk's Newsletter Explore Portfolio" gained 33.5% vs. the DJIA up 18.8%
As of 4/6/10, the explore portfolio is up 7% YTD

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Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates