Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Listen to Hu and Not to Obama

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: Re: Listen to Hu and Not to Obama
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 06:42:15 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 06:00:37 -0700
From: A Sane American
Subject: Listen to Hu and Not to Obama

To: jas_jain

Jas: "Democracy, in practice, is a plain fraud where moneyed crooks get to pick the government that they want."
It's a feature, not a bug!  :-)
It is more than a feature; it is the essence of democracy. Democracy = Domination of Money (over all other values, including mother, father, God, country...).
"Americans really are brainwashed."
Because that is the most profitable undertaking in the world not just in America. Wecome to the global free market! Chinese are thankful. Ochi oosoo amurika doodoo (thank you born-and-bred American dopes). Anyone wanna bet how much of American brainwashing is paid for by the Chinese? Opium Wars in reverse! There are many ways of doping a population. When history of America's decline is written it would be one of breeding dopes and picking their pockets with ease. The Han are a formidable adversary and American morons picked Obama to lead their charge. The Chinese rulers eat politicians like Obama for dim sum.

Blaming the Chinese?  WTF?  Pinning our ills on the price of the Yuan doesn't seem to square with Bernanke's "savings glut" theory?  You know, the cutting edge theory that excess "savings" create a situation wherein ordinary Americans and Chinese can't afford the same homes their less wealthy parents and grandparents COULD afford.  
And how is it that Greensham and Bernanke can't identify asset bubbles while they are inflating, but they CAN positively determine when the market is under-pricing assets? 
This one really bugs me - why do people blindly accept that inflation is beneficial and deflation is evil?  It's not as if inflation has brought prosperity to the majority. 
We've all heard of eliminating the middle man, but Wall St. & the Fed took it a step further and eliminated the middle class.  It's that simple.   When ordinary Americans had substantial wealth in bonds and cash, the Fed unleashed inflation to steal that wealth (1970s).  Then, Wall St. sold American dopes over-priced stocks as inflation protection after inflation had subsided and deflation was on the horizon.  And to add insult to injury, Wall St. plundered the inflation gains that many Americans had accumulated in their houses.  Now that there is nothing left to plunder, Wall St. & the Fed are dumping their losses on future generations of Americans.   The breadth of the fraud is mind boggling.  The fact that there are no indictments is an indictment of the entire system. 
At this point, it should be abundantly clear to all that the Fed is the sponsor and enabler of Wall Street's looting - but it's not.   Americans really are brainwashed.  

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