Thursday, March 31, 2011

Top CD Rates at Biggest US Banks

Interest rates are starting to go up on the long end while the short term rates are terribly low. Today's survey or CD rates at the largest US banks shows BofA advertises 2.25% for a 5-year CD with Citibank paying the lowest for 5-years at 2.0%.    Historical CD Rate Graphs

When we did our last survey of rates at the largest banks, a 5-year CD at the largest US Bank, Bank of America, was only 1.40%.  Chase and Citi paid 2.5% and 1.50%, respectively.  

Unfortunately, short term rates remain extremely low.  Thus, I've kept most of my "cash reserves" in high rate savings accounts with the top rate now 1.30% at American Express. See  Best Savings Account Rate Survey 

Top CD Rates at Biggest US Banks

CD Rates for $10,000 CD  - APY in %
as of 3/7/11

6- Mo
12 Mo
Bank of America (BAC)
JP Morgan Chase  (JPM)
Citibank (C)
aka Citigroup & Citicorp
Wells Fargo Bank (WFC)

25 Mo
33 Mo
58 Mo
HSBC Bank North America -
5b HSBC Online Rates

US Treasury Rates
Click for full size chart


Greenspan Calls for New Economic Thinking

Mar 31 Gold/Silver Price Ratio Continues Plunge
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 18:30:01 +0100
Subject: Re: FWC: Greenspan Calls for New Economic Thinking

 “Right Jas! It is amazing the creativity these guys (the ones you meant) demonstrate to convince the populace to worship them as their Masters.”

I cannot overemphasize how brainwashed born-and-bred Americans, from the bottom to the very top (doctors, economists, Ph.D.s, engineers, accountant, lawyers, etc., etc.), are. They have succumbed the Cult of Personality (e.g., Hitler, Greenspan, Bernanke); Cult of Celebrity (e.g., Reagan, Schwartzenegger, Obama); Cult of Symbols (e.g., CSCO, AAPL, AMZN, Democrat, Republican); etc. They are worse than the idol worshipers of the old. We are dealing with irremediable dopes who are self-satisfied with their knowledge of political systems, economics and investments. The true sign of any dope is not knowing the limitations of one’s knowledge. There a born-and-bred American dopes excels above the rest. Buffett and Gross are good examples of born-and-bred American dopes in the area of investments! These two ceased to be good years ago and born-and-bred American dopes have not recognized the change. Not recognizing change is an important reason why Americans are irremediable dopes. They cannot correct their false beliefs.

------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: FWC: Greenspan Calls for New Economic Thinking
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 10:48:38 -0700
From: Jas Jain

I also noticed that 'trickle down' Reagonomics is making a strong comeback. Amazing !!
It was the Trickle Up Poverty program that got started under Reagan-Greenspan-Rubin-GW Bush-Bernanke-Obama regime. I don't blame GHW Bush and Clinton for this aspect of policies because they were not active participants. Greenspan and Rubin were the ring leaders under these two presidents.
PS: Sorry for there instead of their in the original post. From: Jas Jain
Man, these guys (I mean Greenspan, Bernanke, Krooksman, Blinder, Stiglitz, Dean baker, etc., who claim to know how best to manipulate the economy) have no shame. They all are in the business of deception (false promises of the good, or better, outcomes via various policies) and manipulation (make any assumptions to come to their own desired conclusions). There aim is to facilitate fraud by rapacious capitalists, including debt pushers. For whose benefit have these organized gangsters influenced the economic polices of the US govt? A group of tiny minority and there own (they make a good living, don't they?). At whose expense? Working middle class and future taxpayers and benefits recipients. As long as these gangsters have influence over the US govt policies you can be sure that things would keep getting worse and worse. Bernanke's job is to put the last nail in the coffin and then go into hiding. Dopes are sure to be angry and cry for revenge, but dopes have been supportors of various organized gangs. Gangs have been around for millennia and yet dopes can't recognize the gang behavior. Among the most destructive gangs, we have corporate gangs, gangs of economists, and political gangs, in that order. Yes, you dopes, gangs of economists have done far greater harm than the "politicians."
Greenspan Calls for New Economic Thinking

Monday, March 28, 2011

Who Matter and Who Don’t On the Federal Reserve?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Who Matter and Who Don't On the Federal Reserve?
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 06:24:18 -0700
From: Jas Jain
Who Matter and Who Don't On the Federal Reserve?

During 2009, Steve Liesman, Chief Economist for CNBC, claimed that Bernanke, Kohn and Mishkin were the "ring leaders" at the Fed and whatever they decide becomes the decision of the FOMC. Today, he claimed that the "center of the policy" is in the hands of Bernanke, Yellen, Evans and Rosengren. He claims that others who talk publicly, e.g., Bullard,  don't matter, or not much anyway, in the policymaking. So, basically a gang of 3, or 4, is formed to make the rest ineffective? This fits like a glove to the American System of the Crooks. America, at all levels, is ruled by organized gangs with very few, the gang leaders, exercising the power.


In debates between Rick Santelli and Steve Liesman, I side most often with Santelli. Liesman spends lot of time being an apologist for the Fed, or defending the propaganda aspect of the Fed. FOMC stands for Foul Open Mouth Committee and the foulest months of all, Ben Bernanke's, is going to have regular press conferences to advance the propaganda. Bernanke has been saved by the bad deal, for the American People, between Obama and the establishment Republicans in December that pumped extra $0.5Tr of deficit spending into the economy.


Is Steve Liesman Fed's Mouthpiece On CNBC? Maybe, he should change his name to Liarsman, or Lies'man. Economic propaganda and decision making is in the hands of very bad people organized in gangs. With the gangsters in charge, America cannot get out of the Greater Depression that it is in during the lifetime of most people. Bad people in power are America's only real problem; the rest are minor problems.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Krugman Is Wrong: The United States Could Not End Up Like Greece

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC--Krugman Is Wrong: The United States Could Not End Up Like Greece
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 18:07:57 -0700
From: Jas Jain <jas_jain

Dean Baker and Krooksman, born-and-bred American dopes and neo-Keynesian solutions peddlers, are in the propaganda business. One only needs to read them in order to monitor what harm an organized gang of rogue economists can do to America. Bernanke is one of them, but with power to do evil and he is fully exercising that power. Only a system designed for dopes would give that kind of power to one man. The same goes for Greenspan, GW Bush, Obama, etc. American econo-political system has evolved into a very bad system for the people and very good system for the Crooks who control Bernanke and Obama. The outcome cannot be in doubt.


Krugman Is Wrong: The United States Could Not End Up Like Greece
Friday, 25 March 2011 03:58
By Dean Baker
It does not happen often, but it does happen; I have to disagree with Paul Krugman this morning. In an otherwise excellent column criticizing the drive to austerity in the United States and elsewhere, Krugman comments:
"But couldn't America still end up like Greece? Yes, of course. If investors decide that we're a banana republic whose politicians can't or won't come to grips with long-term problems, they will indeed stop buying our debt."
Actually this is not right for the simple reason that the United States has its own currency. This is important because even in the worst case scenario, where the deficit in United States spirals out of control, the crisis would not take the form of the crisis in Greece.
Greece is like the state of Ohio. If Ohio has to borrow, it has no choice but to persuade investors to buy its debt. Unless Greece leaves the euro (an option that it probably should be considering, at least to improve its bargaining position), it must pay the rate of interest demanded by private investors or meet the conditions imposed by the European Union/IMF as part of a bailout.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

ECRI WLI Rises, WLI Falls and WLI Dips

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: WLI Rises, WLI Falls and WLI Dips
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 14:42:55 -0700
From: Jas Jain <jas_jain>

WLI Rises, WLI Falls and WLI Dips
The titles of the ECRI's WLI report for the past three weeks.
Amazingly, the WLI index has a near 100% correlation, long-term, with Non-Farm Employment! I bet that Guru Lakshman Achuthan of ECRI, a born-and-bred American dope, doesn't know this fact. Here are two WLI reading almost 11 years apart:
Can you guess how much employment growth has taken place over this period? The sick American e-CON-omy, on a very expensive life support from govt manipulators, is not going to survive the force of the Greater Depression. Appointment of evildoer Burn-ass-ke to the Fed in late 2002 by evildoer GW Bush was the biggest waiving of the red flag after a crank warned about the course that the US economy was on. The secular GDP in the US has been declining ever since 1997. There is no Change!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Future of Silly.con Valley - A Detroit Ghost Town

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Future of Silly.con Valley -- FWC: Detroit Is Becoming a Ghost Town
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 09:41:21 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Future of Silly.con Valley
Detroit Is Becoming a Ghost Town- Peter Gorenstein

Booming economies that the last two longwaves left behind in their wake—St. Louis, Mo and Detroit, MI. Silly.con Valley fits the bill for the area that the current longwave that began in 1950 would leave behind. What would it take? Collapse of the Scam Market without the revivals that followed the 2002-03 and 2009 lows. Basically, when the Greater Depression can no longer be postponed by the massive govt intervention and the most irresponsible fiscal and monetary polices that are now in place. Such efforts by govts always fail. What sort of person puts faith in govt's ability to cure economic ills that were a result of horrible govt policies and enforcements?

Kirk Comment:  I think Jas has missed for decades that the people who make companies from scratch, load up on cheap shares then unload them on the public via IPOs then use the Cisco (CSCO) / UTEK/ AMAT etc model of insider stock option dilution need a place to hang their hat.  The people who do this successfully need SOMEWHERE to live and send their kids to school.  They also semi-retire in these nice communities and new kids come along with Twitter, Facebook and Google ideas to do it all over again.  When they cash out... they need a nice place to live while they foster more new ideas to repeat their success but as VCs.   It is why the money centers of the world do well... London, Manhattan, Silicon Valley up through VC land to San Francisco. 

I DID NOT miss this and did very well with about a double in my home value, living "rent free" since I met Jain in 1998 and up about 2.5 times since buying in 1994.   I betcha my total mortgage payments to live in 94022 (MLS for 94022) will be less than paying rent by the time I decide to pay off the loan and for sure by the time I die if I make it to my 90s....

Keep a half to a third of your wealth in cash or highly liquid assets and even if the whole world collapses, you still get to live on the SF Peninsula with its beautiful weather... and use that cash to pick up bargains from others at pennies on the dollar.  It is FAR preferable to the Jas Jain, hermit in the mountains option.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fred Fisher: Fed and USG Can’t Shake Lindsay Lohan Habits!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fed's Fisher: Fed and USG Can't Shake "Lindsay Lohan" Habits!
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 08:17:11 -0700

Fed's Fisher: Fed and USG Can't Shake "Lindsay Lohan" Habits!

He spoke to a reporter in Frankfurt. Serial offenders and addicts to easy credit! All meant to help Americans borrow-and-spend. Fixing the economy by more and more consumption? Why?

What Americans don't understand (surprise, surprise!) is the fact that an organized criminal gang of Debt Pushers, with justification provided by an organized gang of bearded economists!, control both the Federal Reserve and the USG. Hack, one of these bearded economist is the Chairman of the Fed.

I have been warning about it for years, way before the 2008 Crisis. System of the Crooks in spades. As long as the criminal gang is in power, no matter which party controls the Presidency and the Congress, the foundation of US economy would keep weakening until the edifice collapses.


PS: Lohan is also in news this morning.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Something For Inflationists to Chew On

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Something For Inflationists to Chew On
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 08:45:13 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Something For Inflationists to Chew On

As per CNBC survey, the expectations of the future wages (change in the wages) have gone down from +1.2% four years ago to –1.2%. In America, wages are the biggest contributors to long-term inflation (short-term energy and food inflation notwithstanding). Another thing to chew on is that Guru Buffett is very worried about inflation despite his businesses not being able to raise prices! When it comes to the economy and housing Buffett is a genuine born-and-bred American dope (American dopes talk confidently about things that they don't know and that knowledge is based on life-long doping). This dope has been making very bullish comments on the US housing for a year now and the housing prices are hitting new lows every day. I will post a graph before the next case-Schiller index comes out next week. The guy doesn't know when to shut up. Fade Buffett!


LIBOR Rates:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Special report on the future of the state

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: "Special report on the future of the state"
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 11:33:17 -0700
From: Jas Jain

From: Dean
Subject: "Special report on the future of the state"
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 20:24:59 -0700

Economist Magazine has done an absolutely excellent job in this special report, concisely addressing all major government organizations, and organization itself.  These are the first 2 articles in the report.  There are more to click on in the list within the article, each leading into the next.  It takes some time, but well worth it to me.  "If something can't grow indefinitely, then it will stop."  What happens?

 "Taming Leviathon"

A catastrophe that would bring it down, i.e., collapse of the current system under its own weight. I know that people don't want to hear this and that they listen to those that provide "hope" and "solutions." A Change without any real change is what they wish for. Change is always forced upon wishful thinkers. E.g.:


"You, yes you, are to blame. California is interesting for one final reason. Throughout most of the West, people are in denial about the consequences of wanting both more government and lower taxes. In California ballot initiatives have actually given voters a direct say. Generally they have made government worse, protecting bits of spending yet refusing to pay for it. Having voted for Mr Schwarzenegger in 2003, they deserted him the moment he tried to introduce structural reforms in 2005."

California reelin'


Yes, like Californians, Americans are to blame for the state of the State. States run by actors! In "The gods that have failed—so far" nowhere is the word democracy appears. Democracy is the god that has failed!! As to "Taming Leviathon," it needs a king, or in the case of the US, a Holy American Emperor. Would an emperor run a $1.65Tr deficit? What America has is the Holy Almighty Dollar Empire, controlled by a cabal that worships Mammon and its expertise is in Pushing Debt.


Even though The Economist and The Financial Times are superior publications compared with their American counterparts, the articles in the series are for feel-good and not much more. When a son of Muammar Qaddafi espouses the same political ideas as George Soros and a born-and-bred American political philosopher, John Rawl, we can be certain that lot of lying is going on, especially about the virtues of democracy:


"The core aim of the thesis [Ph.D. thesis by Muammar Qaddafi's son, at London School of Economics!], then, is to explore the potential for the concept of Collective Management to develop a more democratic, morally justified system of global governance that recognises the rights of individuals…and is particularly focused on empowering civil society organizations (CSOs) to give a stronger voice to those currently under-represented in the existing system."


Who is John Rawl?!

 "John Rawls (b. 1921, d. 2002) was an American political philosopher in the liberal tradition. His theory of justice as fairness envisions a society of free citizens holding equal basic rights cooperating within an egalitarian economic system. His account of political liberalism addresses the legitimate use of political power in a democracy, aiming to show how enduring unity may be achieved despite the diversity of worldviews that free institutions allow. His writings on the law of peoples extend these theories to liberal foreign policy, with the goal of imagining how a peaceful and tolerant international order might be possible."


I can almost wommit. This born-and-bred American dope is totally ignorant of history and even more ignorant of the Human Nature. The dope never learned that democracy has been a tool of the moneybags (first, the moneybags of London, then of NYC and now in Moscow, Mumbai and everywhere in the world), who now have turned into full-fledged Crooks. The System of the Crooks in America was a foregone conclusion!

Under democracies, we have a "public private partnership" (the "public" pays!) between the Crooks and the "elected" (first approved by the Crooks!) officials. Let us see how long this racket lasts.



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

California Is Not Serious About the Earthquake Danger

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: "California Is Not Serious About the Earthquake Danger"
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 10:28:58 -0700
From: Jas Jain

"California Is Not Serious About the Earthquake Danger"

This according to historian Simon Winchester (he appeared on Bloomberg) who wrote a very interesting (story-telling) book on the 1906 SF quake. America breeds dopes and California breeds careless dopes! Success is hard for dopes to cope with (it blinds them, naturally)!! Silly.con Valley dopes, living among the wicked and the crooks (the latest being Marc Zuckerberg) don't mind the risks properly. What else is new? Like every dog, every ass has his day! And pigs would roam free in Silly.con Valley. All in due course.



March 15, 2011

What If Scenario: Powerful Earthquake In the SF Bay Area

Someone on Bloomberg talked about the above scenario earlier today. He mentioned a more devastating fault than the well-known San Andreas Fault—the Hayward fault. He estimated a loss of $1.5 Tr. I bet that if one counts the losses in the Scams and the unreal estate in the area, the losses in the "wealth" would be several times the losses due to the damage caused by the earthquake. I am sure the risk is not factored in the prices of the local scams and the unreal estate, both commercial and residential. "Accidentally," lot of "wealth" created by the Scam Market fraud would disappear. That no one would mourn.


Democracy Is the Disease, You Dopes!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Democracy Is the Disease, You Dopes! – FWC: Market Democracies and Inequality
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 04:57:50 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Democracy Is the Disease, You Dopes! – FWC: Market Democracies and Inequality


Market Democracies and Inequality:

"We would like to think that it is possible for a society to… treating all individuals and groups with equal consideration; creating comparable opportunities for everyone."


The practice in America is opposite to the theory of Equal Opportunity. The biggest offender in America is none other than the guy that the authors on this economics blog (progressives and neo-Keynesians) support—Barrack Obama. If you look at the top appointments of Obama, especially, when it comes to the Supreme Court and manipulation of the economy, you will notice that religion, race, gender and sexual orientation, in that order, of the appointees have played a big role. An evildoer is what an evildoer does. White Christian men, most heavily discriminated, have every reason to be pissed off. I dislike Limbaugh, a partisan propagandist, but I support his suspicions of Obama. Bernanke and Obama are cancers that only modern democracy could have brought to power. These two evildoers are setting the stage for the American Hitler.

Things aren't much better in India. A bad system guarantees bad outcomes. The #1 problem in America is born-and-bred American dopes. As a result, there cannot be any solution, or improvement, before the disaster strikes. The System of the Crooks wouldn't go down easily, or without a fight. But go down it will.



Breeding Dopes IS Part and Parcel of Modern Democracies

Sorry, I forgot to mention this in my last post. Acquisition of political power, very important as to who get the economic power, depends upon breeding dopes. Hence, the most important effort on the part of the ruling economic and political elite is to breed dopes from birth and keep them dopes for life. Rush Limbaugh is a good example. He is a born-and-bred American dope (extremely important for a successful propagandist!); he breeds dopes; and does his best to keep his dopes. The same applies to many propagandists on the left, e.g., Krooksman. Propagandists have complete control over the minds of born-and-bred American dopes, unique sub-specie because of the American success during the twentieth century. The dopes have not registered the change!

Three dopes when it comes to the US economy are: Buffett, Greenspan and Gross. These born-and-bred American dopes believe that Bernanke would be able to avoid depression and inflate the economy. No can do. These three, at least Buffett and Gross, have ears of born-and-bred American dopes, no? No wonder that they are in the propaganda business now.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Powerful Earthquake In the SF Bay Area - What If

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: What If Scenario: Powerful Earthquake In the SF Bay Area
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:10:39 -0700
From: Jas Jain

What If Scenario: Powerful Earthquake In the SF Bay Area

Someone on Bloomberg talked about the above scenario earlier today. He mentioned a more devastating fault than the well-known San Andreas Fault—the Hayward fault. He estimated a loss of $1.5 Tr. I bet that if one counts the losses in the Scams and the unreal estate in the area, the losses in the "wealth" would be several times the losses due to the damage caused by the earthquake. I am sure the risk is not factored in the prices of the local scams and the unreal estate, both commercial and residential. "Accidentally," lot of "wealth" created by the Scam Market fraud would disappear. That no one would mourn. It may be a punishment for the wickedness!


Another Inside Job By PAUL KRUGMAN

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: Another Inside Job By PAUL KRUGMAN
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 09:06:20 -0700
From: Jas Jain
"…the financial crisis of 2008… was made possible by bad behavior on the part of bankers, regulators and, yes, economists."

Please note that yours truly had identified this long before 2008. However, Krooksman dare not mention the role that Their Royal Highnesses, aka the American People, had played and continue to play. Absolutely nothing has changed since! The following questions naturally arise:

Q1: When would the American People recognize that they have been, and continue to be, ruled by Crooks and evildoers and are informed only by propagandists, including Krooksman?

Q2: What can the American People do?

Q3: How are the American People to know that they are born-and-bred dopes?


Only those ignorant of the reality on the ground in America can be optimistic about America's future. Warren Buffett, betting on America's future, is a total dope. He can't help it; he was born-and-bred to be a dope. Buffett Scheme, aka Berkshire Hathaway, would go down with the American economy within his lifetime.



arch 13, 2011

Another Inside Job


Count me among those who were glad to see the documentary "Inside Job" win an Oscar. The film reminded us that the financial crisis of 2008, whose aftereffects are still blighting the lives of millions of Americans, didn't just happen — it was made possible by bad behavior on the part of bankers, regulators and, yes, economists.

What the film didn't point out, however, is that the crisis has spawned a whole new set of abuses, many of them illegal as well as immoral. And leading political figures are, at long last, showing some outrage. Unfortunately, this outrage is directed, not at banking abuses, but at those trying to hold banks accountable for these abuses.

The immediate flashpoint is a proposed settlement between state attorneys general and the mortgage servicing industry. That settlement is a "shakedown," says Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama. The money banks would be required to allot to mortgage modification would be "extorted," declares The Wall Street Journal. And the bankers themselves warn that any action against them would place economic recovery at risk.

All of which goes to confirm that the rich are different from you and me: when they break the law, it's the prosecutors who find themselves on trial.

To get an idea of what we're talking about here, look at the complaint filed by Nevada's attorney general against Bank of America. The complaint charges the bank with luring families into its loan-modification program — supposedly to help them keep their homes — under false pretenses; with giving false information about the program's requirements (for example, telling them that they had to default on their mortgages before receiving a modification); with stringing families along with promises of action, then "sending foreclosure notices, scheduling auction dates, and even selling consumers' homes while they waited for decisions"; and, in general, with exploiting the program to enrich itself at those families' expense.

The end result, the complaint charges, was that "many Nevada consumers continued to make mortgage payments they could not afford, running through their savings, their retirement funds, or their children's education funds. Additionally, due to Bank of America's misleading assurances, consumers deferred short-sales and passed on other attempts to mitigate their losses. And they waited anxiously, month after month, calling Bank of America and submitting their paperwork again and again, not knowing whether or when they would lose their homes."

Still, things like this only happen to losers who can't keep up their mortgage payments, right? Wrong. Recently Dana Milbank, the Washington Post columnist, wrote about his own experience: a routine mortgage refinance with Citibank somehow turned into a nightmare of misquoted rates, improper interest charges, and frozen bank accounts. And all the evidence suggests that Mr. Milbank's experience wasn't unusual.

Notice, by the way, that we're not talking about the business practices of fly-by-night operators; we're talking about two of our three largest financial companies, with roughly $2 trillion each in assets. Yet politicians would have you believe that any attempt to get these abusive banking giants to make modest restitution is a "shakedown." The only real question is whether the proposed settlement lets them off far too lightly.

What about the argument that placing any demand on the banks would endanger the recovery? There's a lot to be said about that argument, none of it good. But let me emphasize two points.

First, the proposed settlement only calls for loan modifications that would produce a greater "net present value" than foreclosure — that is, for offering deals that are in the interest of both homeowners and investors. The outrageous truth is that in many cases banks are blocking such mutually beneficial deals, so that they can continue to extract fees. How could ending this highway robbery be bad for the economy?

Second, the biggest obstacle to recovery isn't the financial condition of major banks, which were bailed out once and are now profiting from the widespread perception that they'll be bailed out again if anything goes wrong. It is, instead, the overhang of household debt combined with paralysis in the housing market. Getting banks to clear up mortgage debts — instead of stringing families along to extract a few more dollars — would help, not hurt, the economy.

In the days and weeks ahead, we'll see pro-banker politicians denounce the proposed settlement, asserting that it's all about defending the rule of law. But what they're actually defending is the exact opposite — a system in which only the little people have to obey the law, while the rich, and bankers especially, can cheat and defraud without consequences.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Peter Eliades asks inflation or deflation??

  • See CRBQ which is the Thomson-Reuters Jefferies Global Commodity Equity Index Fund
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: CRB Weekly with parallel channel
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 15:54:05 -0800
From: Jas Jain

From: Peter Eliades
To: jas_jain
Subject: Emailing: CRB Weekly with parallel channel
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 15:00:27 -0800

What say you, O great Guru of India, inflation or deflation??

Hello Peter,
I don't track the CRB. The resilience of the US Treasury bond market is pointing to the deflationary resolution. No, not tomorrow, but whenever the current trends in the Scam Market and the commodities reverse. This is a long-term prognostication. The past two years are not a reflection of any long-term trend reversal.

The 3-Year inflation rate in the US, both core as well as the headline, is at a 45 years low. The headline inflation rate over the past 2.5 years (Jul'08-Jan'11) is at an annual rate of 0.05% (no typo here, it is 1/20th of a percent); I would admit that it is a result of the gasoline prices peaking 2.5 years ago and now they are back on the rise.

Bernanke would fail in his fight against deflation. No, we are not Japan, but our neo-Keynesian economists advised the Japanese about the QE some 15 years ago! Americans' buying power (aggregate demand necessary to drive inflation up in the US on  a sustained basis) is not a force to fear.
Best regards,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Savings Grace for China and Debt Deface For America

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Savings Grace for China and Debt Deface For America -- RE: China
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 11:47:34 -0800
From: Jas Jain

 Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 11:26:16 -0800
Subject: RE: China
To: jas_

"Imo, a financial crisis is baked into the cake for China.  For me the big question is what will the Government's response be once the financial crisis can't no longer be ignored.   Part of me thinks they'll take the pain and restructure private debts.  I'm basically assuming that the Chinese will take a longer term view than The U.S.    By accepting a debt deflation, the Chinese would be well positioned with low overhead costs going forward.  Hu can say for sure?"


Yes, the Chinese policymakers enjoy the Savings Grace! Americans would "enjoy" the Debt Deface, well deserved I might add. There are consequences to allowing debt-pushing Crooks to take control of the economy and the govt policies. That is what is going to separate China from America and India during and after the Greater Depression.


China's Coming Collapse

Major World Market Graphs At A Glance
 Daily  5 Days  1 Yr

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: China's coming collapse (long article).
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 08:22:20 -0800
From: Jas
From Canadian Business magazine, March 14, 2011
China's coming collapse

The Middle Kingdom's prosperity is an illusion. And when China finally falls, we'll all feel the pain.

By Jason Kirby
Thanks. For once and for all we shall find out the power of central planning of the economy via credit (as opposed to the production in Soviet Union style) dispensed by bureaucrats and managers who don't have any stake in the game. Let people speculate with easy money that belongs to no one! Magic!! Poor Austrian economists.

Yes, this time it is China's bust that would plunge the global economy into depression for which Bernanke and Obama would have no solution (they have already shot their wad; premature ejaculations!). Real suckers are still the Americans and the Indians who are playing the game controlled to a great extent by the Chinese govt. dispensing money, in the form of US dollars, for borrow-and-spend to buy lot of East Asian products. Such games always come to an end and suddenly. And the Bernanke would act surprised (no one could have seen it coming) once again.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bill Gross US Treasuries "Most Overvalued"

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Guru Bill Gross on Treasuries
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 09:21:00 -0800
From: Jas Jain

Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 05:59:35 -0800
Subject: Guru Bill Gross on Treasuries
To: jas

Treasuries "Most Overvalued" Bonds, Bill Gross Says: Beware End of QE2


"Jas, If treasuries sell off, then housing and commercial real estate will tank even more.  That's not something our fragile financial system could swallow easily, if at all. Imho, the long term down trend in rates is still in place.  In the short term, there's lots of noise. Your thoughts?"


Indeed the 30-year bull market in long-term Treasuries is intact. Attached is a chart for the past ten years with trend lines. Some propagandist on Bloomberg has already forecasted a 30-year bear market in Treasury bonds! "Guru Bill Gross" is also in the propaganda business. I don't recall a period when the bearishness on US Treasuries was this high, especially, on financial TV and from Wall Street whorehouses. They have the ears of dopes!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Buy America!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Buy America!
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 12:10:14 -0800
From: Jas Jain
Buy America!

By that I mean the American dollar and American Treasury bonds. I am sure that it has not escaped most of those who follow financial markets that crooks and dopes alike are negative on the dollar and the Treasuries. What more can a true contrarian wish for. Foreigners, especially, the Indians and the Swiss, who buy the long-term US Treasury Strips are going to be doubly rewarded.

A Great American patriot,


PS: Needless to point out that those who voted for and defend evildoers GW Bush and Obama are unpatriotic. Actually, these evildoers' actions are responsible for the dollar and the long-term US Treasuries being undervalued. Sadly, Crooks and evildoers do provide opportunities for speculators and investors, at home and abroad.

Interest rates are starting to go up on the long end while the short term rates are terribly low. Today's survey or CD rates at the largest US banks shows BofA advertises 2.25% for a 5-year CD with Citibank paying the lowest for 5-years at 2.0%.    Historical CD Rate Graphs

Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates