Monday, March 28, 2011

Who Matter and Who Don’t On the Federal Reserve?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Who Matter and Who Don't On the Federal Reserve?
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 06:24:18 -0700
From: Jas Jain
Who Matter and Who Don't On the Federal Reserve?

During 2009, Steve Liesman, Chief Economist for CNBC, claimed that Bernanke, Kohn and Mishkin were the "ring leaders" at the Fed and whatever they decide becomes the decision of the FOMC. Today, he claimed that the "center of the policy" is in the hands of Bernanke, Yellen, Evans and Rosengren. He claims that others who talk publicly, e.g., Bullard,  don't matter, or not much anyway, in the policymaking. So, basically a gang of 3, or 4, is formed to make the rest ineffective? This fits like a glove to the American System of the Crooks. America, at all levels, is ruled by organized gangs with very few, the gang leaders, exercising the power.


In debates between Rick Santelli and Steve Liesman, I side most often with Santelli. Liesman spends lot of time being an apologist for the Fed, or defending the propaganda aspect of the Fed. FOMC stands for Foul Open Mouth Committee and the foulest months of all, Ben Bernanke's, is going to have regular press conferences to advance the propaganda. Bernanke has been saved by the bad deal, for the American People, between Obama and the establishment Republicans in December that pumped extra $0.5Tr of deficit spending into the economy.


Is Steve Liesman Fed's Mouthpiece On CNBC? Maybe, he should change his name to Liarsman, or Lies'man. Economic propaganda and decision making is in the hands of very bad people organized in gangs. With the gangsters in charge, America cannot get out of the Greater Depression that it is in during the lifetime of most people. Bad people in power are America's only real problem; the rest are minor problems.


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