Monday, March 14, 2011

Powerful Earthquake In the SF Bay Area - What If

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: What If Scenario: Powerful Earthquake In the SF Bay Area
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:10:39 -0700
From: Jas Jain

What If Scenario: Powerful Earthquake In the SF Bay Area

Someone on Bloomberg talked about the above scenario earlier today. He mentioned a more devastating fault than the well-known San Andreas Fault—the Hayward fault. He estimated a loss of $1.5 Tr. I bet that if one counts the losses in the Scams and the unreal estate in the area, the losses in the "wealth" would be several times the losses due to the damage caused by the earthquake. I am sure the risk is not factored in the prices of the local scams and the unreal estate, both commercial and residential. "Accidentally," lot of "wealth" created by the Scam Market fraud would disappear. That no one would mourn. It may be a punishment for the wickedness!



Anonymous said...

Is that worthless nobody saying those of us smart enough to have made money and live in the Bay Area are wicked and deserve to have our homes leveled?

My family has lived in the Bay Area for generations and we don't deserve to have our homes crushed by an Earthquake or tsunami no matter what some jerk who wasn't smart enough to figure out how to afford it here has to say.

I say good riddance. Cisco and the Bay Area are better off with him living in a hovel in the mountains tilting at windmills where nobody has to see him.

Anonymous said...

"worthless nobody". Ha!

"some jerk who wasn't smart enough to figure out how to afford it here". Ho ho! Tigerblood, anyone?

Brilliant! Keep up the good work, Jas.

Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates