Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Democracy Is the Disease, You Dopes!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Democracy Is the Disease, You Dopes! – FWC: Market Democracies and Inequality
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 04:57:50 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Democracy Is the Disease, You Dopes! – FWC: Market Democracies and Inequality


Market Democracies and Inequality:


"We would like to think that it is possible for a society to… treating all individuals and groups with equal consideration; creating comparable opportunities for everyone."


The practice in America is opposite to the theory of Equal Opportunity. The biggest offender in America is none other than the guy that the authors on this economics blog (progressives and neo-Keynesians) support—Barrack Obama. If you look at the top appointments of Obama, especially, when it comes to the Supreme Court and manipulation of the economy, you will notice that religion, race, gender and sexual orientation, in that order, of the appointees have played a big role. An evildoer is what an evildoer does. White Christian men, most heavily discriminated, have every reason to be pissed off. I dislike Limbaugh, a partisan propagandist, but I support his suspicions of Obama. Bernanke and Obama are cancers that only modern democracy could have brought to power. These two evildoers are setting the stage for the American Hitler.

Things aren't much better in India. A bad system guarantees bad outcomes. The #1 problem in America is born-and-bred American dopes. As a result, there cannot be any solution, or improvement, before the disaster strikes. The System of the Crooks wouldn't go down easily, or without a fight. But go down it will.



Breeding Dopes IS Part and Parcel of Modern Democracies

Sorry, I forgot to mention this in my last post. Acquisition of political power, very important as to who get the economic power, depends upon breeding dopes. Hence, the most important effort on the part of the ruling economic and political elite is to breed dopes from birth and keep them dopes for life. Rush Limbaugh is a good example. He is a born-and-bred American dope (extremely important for a successful propagandist!); he breeds dopes; and does his best to keep his dopes. The same applies to many propagandists on the left, e.g., Krooksman. Propagandists have complete control over the minds of born-and-bred American dopes, unique sub-specie because of the American success during the twentieth century. The dopes have not registered the change!

Three dopes when it comes to the US economy are: Buffett, Greenspan and Gross. These born-and-bred American dopes believe that Bernanke would be able to avoid depression and inflate the economy. No can do. These three, at least Buffett and Gross, have ears of born-and-bred American dopes, no? No wonder that they are in the propaganda business now.


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