Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Inflation, not deflation, Mr. Bernanke + Comments

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: Inflation, not deflation, Mr. Bernanke + Comments
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 18:38:57 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Inflation, not deflation, Mr. Bernanke +  Comments

"A weak economy doesn't mean deflation. Ultimately, inflation is a monetary phenomenon."

For an economist, stupid is what stupid thinks and makes claims. Why would anyone even think that Bernanke could achieve a desired level of aggregate demand (number one factor in inflation/deflation), or employment, or growth, or inflation rate? Have these people factored in the fact that he was a born-and-bred American dope first (with fantasy beliefs in the power of the Fed!) and anything else much later. Forget inflation for few years while the US is in depression, Mr. Xie. Listen to you in 2012-13. I am sure that you would be prescribing medicine to fight deflation. Born-and-bred American dopes have been consuming way too much in the recent years and now they are being forced to cut back, or they have been scared into cutting back. Deflation is walking in without a fight! Just wait when the Scam Market makes a new lows and the home pries fall 20%.


From the Comments:

"So what do we do now?"

1. sharpen pitch forks

2. heat up tar

3 bag up feathers

4. round up politicians

5. round up bankers

6. round up lying mainstream media

 Reply Comment:

 7. And then do nothing and go back to watching American Idol


Thus far, born-and-bred American dopes are all talk and no action against the Crooks. And Crooks know this! But how long would dopes remain mere talkers?




Aug. 22, 2010, 8:25 p.m. EDT

Inflation, not deflation, Mr. Bernanke

Commentary: World divides into ice-cold and red-hot economies

By Andy Xie

Bull vs Bear Case - Neener vs Kass & Brinker

Charles Neener Predicts DOW 5,000
Charles Neener, former Goldman Sachs technical analyst, was on CNBC today talking about his market advice to avoid stocks and buy bonds.
At the same time...
Doug Kass is bullish. In BTIG Fed Model With VIX Risk Adjustment Kass says
What is extremely noteworthy about this metric in the current environment is that the level of equity undervaluation relative to Treasuries today using this model is equivalent to the extreme levels registered in early March of last year.

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