Friday, August 13, 2010

Krooksman (Paul Krugman) Keeps Complaining That the Fed Is Not Doing Enough to Help the Economy

Chart of  ECRI's WLI vs S&P500

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Krooksman Keeps Complaining That the Fed Is Not Doing Enough to Help the Economy
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 06:21:23 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Krooksman Keeps Complaining That the Fed Is Not Doing Enough to Help the Economy


Krooksman's complaints that the Fed and govt not doing enough are incessant. This guy must be a moron because he doesn't understand that the real world is lot different than the world in which he and his cult followers amongst economists live.


Bernanke got the job by lying, or making false promises (surprise, surprise!), about what he would be able to do to fight deflation (drop money from helicopter!) and depression. Only born-and-bred American dopes fell for his false claims about the Great Depression and how he could have avoided it. The guy is fighting the last lost war as I had warned early on. He didn't fool me even for a minute because he was a case of pure fraud from day one based on what he had already said. His primary training was in deception, fraud and manipulation (to serve the banking and finance Crooks, a very prestigious job for economists in America!) as is the case with Krooksman. The same skills are required to succeed on Wall Street, or get a job at Goldman Sachs. Academics have the solutions to the real world economic and political problems? How did Americans fell for this one? Breeding Americans into dopes has been essential to get support for the System of the Crooks that Bernanke must serve and dopes can vote for.


Bernanke and Obama are bali ke bakre (goats fatten for kill), i.e., to be assigned the blame for the Greater Depression. They were born-and-bred American dopes before they became anything else. They couldn't have seen the trap, could they? They walked right into it. The real story of America is its Crooks and dopes. Bernanke and Krooksman are middlemen always serving the rich and the powerful. Dopes do get to watch the tamasha and talk about it. Hack, they are paying for it. What a system!


August 13, 2010  ECRI's WLI and Growth Move Higher

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