Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tea Party - If You Don’t Vote You Wouldn’t Have Any Voice In the Govt”

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Tea Party -- Re: "If You Don't Vote You Wouldn't Have Any Voice In the Govt"!
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 11:38:34 -0700
From: Jas Jain
Sword: "Tell that to the Tea Party! Every revolt starts off small and seemingly insignificant…  you never know when groups will collectively decide to hit the "reset" button."


Yeah, yeah, Tea Party is being exploited by Republicans who are far more responsible for the mess and the deficits than the Democrats. Limbaugh is big on Tea Party and so is Hannity. What more do you want to know about the power of propaganda in America? Tea Partiers' hearts are on the right place but they are born-and-bred American dopes and that means that they are easily exploitable by the propaganda machine. Remember, born-and-bred American dopism trumps everything else in the areas of economics, investments and politics. This is a very tough hurdle to overcome.

If the US continues on the current course, Feminazis (a term coined by Limbaugh), since 1960s, and Financial Nazis, since 1980s, have set the stage for Communism in America. The connection between Feminazis and Communism should be obvious to some but the connection between Financial Nazis and Communism isn't that obvious. To take America down has been a bipartisan affair and popular democracy has had a lot to do with it. Feminazis are waiting for the arrival of Lady Communist! That is a character in a Greek tragedy.

To say that Americans are confused is an understatement. Confusion de Confusiones (by Joseph Penso de la Vega) and Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (by Charles Mackay) are not just about the stock market but apply equality to the democratic politics. We are dealing with dopes en masse. Dopes are being taken to the cleaners. Age of Propaganda has triumphed.



"If You Don't Vote You Wouldn't Have Any Voice In the Govt"!

This according to a born-and-bred American dope who is also a talk radio host in L.A. area. If you want to have a voice in the govt you need to make large contributions to certain politicians and, or, hire a lobbyist, you dope. Nothing says more about a born-and-bred American dope than his, or her, faith in the vote and the power of his, or her, vote. I have not known similar faith, or the same degree of faith in the vote, among others.  It is one thing for a young person, like the college kids that voted for Obama in droves, to display such blind faith, but I have seen greater faith in those who are in their, 60s, 70s, 80s and above. Fool me once shame on you…

A born-and-bred American dope cannot figure out and rectify contradictions in his beliefs, instilled from birth via incessant propaganda, about economics, investments and political system. After voting in three Presidential elections, 1992-2000, I got my message and realized not only the futility but that I even contributed to bad policies of GW Bush for which I later apologized. It only took three months, after I voted for GW Bush, for me to realize my mistake. I duly resigned from the Republican Party and have never voted since. By voting one is contributing to bad polices and corrupt practices of the politicians. Honest politician, if such an animal is found, has very little power because he, or she, would be overwhelmed by the power of the bad politicians. Elections are part of entertainment and pageantry at best. Please correct me if I am wrong on this. I think that non-voters should hold a party on the lection day to poke fun at the addicted-to-voting dopes.


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