Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama vs. FDR

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Obamanomics vs. FDRnomic Explained
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:00:18 -0700
From: Jas Jain <

Obamanomics vs. FDRnomic Explained

David Rosenberg; 09/22/10:


You pointed out that FDR worked out the WPA at lunch one day and put Americans to work, paying them to build the Golden Gate Bridge, while Obama is mailing Americans 99 weeks of unemployment checks—the modern soup line. Well, it's worse than that. Think about it: FDR borrowed that money, mostly from Americans, and sent it to American workers who bought American goods. Today Obama is borrowing money from China and sending it to Americans entitled to 99 weeks of no-work-pay, I mean unemployment insurance, and they are taking it over to Wal-Mart and sending it to Chinese workers. Go figure….

Well put.

How many born-and-bred American dopes can figure out who in America profit the most from Obamanomics. FDR was at least a good socialist while Obama is a bad socialist and a bad capitalist, but he represents the Crooks better than any President we have had. Crooks could hardly have bought a better slave! A bad system guarantees a bad Fed Chairman, a bad President and bad outcomes. Obama is very much a predictable outcome of the System of the Crooks that is firmly entrenched.


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