Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jim Rogers Says May Short US Treasurys

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Subject: FWC: [Born-and-Bred American Dope] Jim Rogers Says May Short US Treasurys
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 08:03:00 -0700

Jim Rogers Says May Short US Treasurys

Hey, dope, you forgot when you lost lot of money in 2008 when you were short Treasuries and had to cover? And what have you been waiting for to short again? How many times have you been burned?


OK, what makes Jimmie a certifiable born-and-bred American dope? Last year the dope told people to buy sugar because the world is getting richer and, therefore, more and more people would eat sugar (this sort of logic is typical of a born-and-bred American dope). Hey, dope, India is lot poorer than America, Germany and Switzerland (those chocolate eating Swiss) and yet an average Indian eats more sugar per capita (and it shows in the form of poor health). Do rich in America eat more sugar than poor in America? The world has been getting richer for how long? The consumption of sugar has grown more or less exponentially since the Industrial Revolution in England and yet what happened to the price of sugar? The 52-week high, low and last for sugar futures is: 36.08, 13.00, 21.14. This sort of volatility is typical for commodities. You want a piece of advice? If you are long sugar get the hell out (Indian dopes might learn to eat less sugar). A history ignoramus like you, par for the course for a born-and-bred American dope, should stay away from the markets that you don't have a clue about. I know you partnered with financial gangster George Soros and made some dough, but no one knows how well you have done since.

The Bond Prince (with world-class record in US Treasuries),




Jim Rogers Says May Short US Treasurys

Published: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 | 3:55 AM ET


Jim Rogers, the veteran investor and commodity bull, plans to short U.S. Treasuries, maybe today if he "gets around to it" and wants to buy more silver, he told Reuters in an interview.


Rogers, who rose to prominence as co-founder of the former Quantum Fund with billionaire investor George Soros four decades ago, said he expects bond prices to fall and the U.S. dollar to rally when the Federal Reserve halts its government bond buying program at the end of June.


"I'm not short bonds yet but I plan to short bonds -- maybe this afternoon if I get around to it," Rogers told Reuters Insider television on Tuesday.


The Fed in November launched a second round of purchases of long-term securities, which investors and traders refer to as QE II, pumping $600 billion into the financial system.


Rogers added a cautionary note on bonds, however.


"The problem is that polls show 95 percent of investors are bearish on bonds. One reason that I'm not short on bonds yet is that there are too many bears," he said.


The long-time commodities investor said he was unruffled by last week's commodities rout that knocked 13 percent off oil prices.


Silver [XAG=  37.33    -1.12  (-2.91%)   ] also fell 25 percent in its biggest correction since prices collapsed in 1980, hit by a succession of margin increases that nearly doubled trading costs.


Silver had risen 27 percent in April. Now he sees a buying opportunity.


"It's not the end of the silver market," he said.


"I want to buy more silver." The price of increasingly scarce commodities like oil and precious metals will be rising for a number of years, Rogers said, regardless of impressive market corrections.


"We are in a bull market that has several years to go. I don't know when it is going to end," Rogers said.


"We have virtually no new supply of anything. The world's known reserves of oil continue to decline." He described the commodity crash as "nothing unusual".


"Corrections happen all the time in markets," he said.


Despite his insistence that he's the worst market timer out there, before last week's plunge Rogers had expressed concern a sudden rise in silver prices could lead to a correction. But now that silver has fallen back, he is optimistic.


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