Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bankers’ Control of the Economies and Government

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Subject: Bankers' Control of the Economies and Govts Is A Horrendous Problem or Democracies
Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 10:23:10 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Bankers' Control of the Economies and Govts Is A Horrendous Problem or Democracies

Most Americans, and democratic public worldwide, still don't understand what went wrong with the US economy—A proven group of economic gangsters, using deception, fraud and manipulation, had taken control of propaganda (economists!), economic policy, financial markets and regulation by taking control of the govt at the federal level and legalizing what should have been illegal, or impermissible. These organized gangsters placed Bernanke at the Fed in 2002 because they were creating the conditions that necessarily lead to depressions and made trillions of dollars as a result and Bernanke's job was to provide justification for bailing them out. What has been good for these gangsters was very bad for the people and the future of the US economy. The problem has not only not gone away, it is worse today. Bankers' mischief would ruin many democracies and Greece is in their crosshairs right now.


Greece has been suffering at the hands of bankers that have forced Greece to pay a very high cost to save the bankers. Greece should have defaulted 2-3 years ago and gotten out of the EU, but politicians were not serving the Greek people, but rather serving the German and other bankers. It is only a matter of time before moneyed Crooks take control of a democratic govt (it is inherent in the system).  It is coming to a democratic country near you if it is not already there. Disintegration of democratic countries and discrediting of democracies is the major event to take place over the next two decades.


In America, where the bankers' control is most thorough, the most likely outcome would be the election of American Hitler once the depression could no longer be pushed into the future at ever-increasing cost. Eight years of Bernanke and Obama would go a long way in pushing the American public in that direction (voting for the American Hitler). And who do you suppose pushed Germans to make Adolph Hitler the Fuehrer? Bankers and financiers of the UK and the US had a lot to do with it, especially, during the WW I. Trust me, they are not "doing God's work." They are serving Mammon, one of the seven princes of Hell, corresponding to the Seven Deadly Sins.

Warnings don't mean much to arrogant and stupid people and they keep marching on their chosen path.


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Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates