Thursday, May 26, 2011

Greece: Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds

Kirk here:  My advice is beware of Greeks bearing bonds!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: "How Is Greece Doing?"
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 14:20:09 -0700
From: Jas Jain

"How Is Greece Doing?"

That was the question that Bloomberg posed to a guest. "ONLY 10% OF GREEK DOCTORS PAY INCOME TAXES, MEANING ONLY 10% OF THE DOCTORS MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO QUALIFY TO PAY TAXES"! So, we know that at least 10% of the Greek doctors are stupid and 90% are cheats. Greeks must be history ignoramuses to opt for "popular" democracy. They didn't learn their lesson 2400 years ago (lot of smart Greeks have been emigrating for 2400 years!). If present-day Greeks are ignoramuses then Americans must be morons for opting for a full-fledged popular democracy (people on the dole get to vote!).

Greeks are being screwed by the bankers and so are born-and-bred American dopes. American dopes have the mindset to fix things, but how can anyone fix a problem without the correct diagnosis? Propaganda machine makes sure that a born-and-bred American dope has no clue as to the real causes of the problems (Republican morons think that tax cuts are the solution to all economic problems facing America) because the people who are responsible for most of the problems control the economy, the govt and the propaganda machine.

Problems in America, apart from income taxes, are as bad, or worse, than in Greece. However, Greece has one advantage: It can default tomorrow. Greece should have defaulted 2-3 years ago. Americans would be squeezed in a deflationary spiral without the benefit of the option of sovereign default until the Greater Depression is acknowledged by all.

"Democracy is the best system except for all the rest," my ass. The Greek disease would spread to all democracies. You show me a democrat with faith in the power of his, or her, vote and I will show you a dope. The #1 problem for America is born-and-bred American dopes, easily the biggest, or irremediable, dopes on the planet Earth. I know of no solution for this condition other than prolonged misery. Prolonged misery is coming to America and it would spread to all countries. America would be a very different country when it comes out of it. Many who are alive today wouldn't be around to witness this.


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=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
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