Monday, June 13, 2011

Obama Gives In to Whining on Wall Street + AGE OF GREED

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Subject: FWC: Obama Gives In to Whining on Wall Street + AGE OF GREED
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 07:27:28 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Obama Gives In to Whining on Wall Street + AGE OF GREED

Wall Street has the highest concentration of Crooks. Everything that is being said in the links below is consistent with System of the Crooks that got its biggest boost from the most successful dope dealer (propagandist) in recent decades, "Ronaldus Magnus." Among eCONmeisters, we have dope dealers on the right, e.g., now deceased Milton Friedman (see the appended), and dope dealer on the left, e.g., Krooksman, aka Paul Krugman. The economics profession has been taken over by dope dealers. There is nothing more profitable in America than dope dealing, e.g., Oprah Winfrey and Rush Limbaugh.


 American Extremism At Work

The two party system has been reduced to implementing the extremists polices on both sides because the extremists deliver the margin of victory to a party. Extremists on the left, led by Krooksman, claim that deficit spending pays for itself and the extremists on the right claim that tax cuts pay for themselves. Both polices have led to exponential growth in debilitating consumption debt. And there is no way out of this logjam until the depression could no longer be pushed into the future and economic reality forces itself on a population of born-and-bred dopes. Misery would be forced upon the dopes! Crooks have made sure of that!!  There would have to be an epic battle between Crooks and Dopes. And it would be bloody. Be Safe!



Monday, June 13, 2011

Obama Gives In to Whining on Wall Street:


Age of Greed: Author's Talk with Jeff Madrick

"Greed will always be with us," writes Jeff Madrick, "but it rises and falls with the times." In AGE OF GREED: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, Madrick brings a narrative history of how greed bred America's economic ills over the past forty years—and in so doing tells us how we got to the crisis of 2008 and to the perilous situation we now face. At Cooper Union, he will talk about the impact of the 1970s—a decade of punishingly high inflation and unemployment. Madrick will also address how taxes and economic policies contributed to the nation's ills. A 50-year-old, free-market economic theory was resurrected to justify weakening or eliminating government regulation and social programs. Businesses organized aggressive, well-financed lobbying efforts to support such views. The single-minded pursuit and justification of self-interest has risen to levels of increasing destructiveness. AGE OF GREED is a history of this era, told through the lives of the individuals most responsible for it.

Also, "The chapter is titled "Milton Friedman, Proselytizer," and there is a good deal of (fascinating) information about Friedman's early years as a "fanatically religious" Jew. One is left with a picture of Friedman as a rather clever but irresponsible simplifier and dogmatist.

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Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates