Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Review of Movie "Atlas Shrugged"

Kirk Here:   P.J. O'Rourke and Jas Jain are 100% correct about both parties of the government going after the middle class... that is where the easy pickings are!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: "But these days big government has made its peace with big business…"
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 10:09:18 -0700
From: Jas Jain

FWC: "But these days big government has made its peace with big business…"

"But these days big government has made its peace with big business, garlanding it with honours and stuffing it with tax breaks, and has decided to go after small business, instead. John Galt has gone downmarket."

Does a born-and-bred American dope understand how financial bloodsucking of the working middle-class is done with the help of the Government of the United States of America? I think not. Go and look at the chart of CSCO for the past 12 years; the Scam has sucked some $200B and no one has gone to jail. Hack, the culprits are admired and called philanthropists! System of the Crooks is firmly entrenched. This would continue until the private economy is reduced to a skeleton and the govt economy would dominate. Can any American dope answer a simple question: Why would the next ten years for the US not be worse than the last ten years? We are in the Greater Depression and we can thank the Federal Reserve and the USG for that. Does Warren Buffett understand this? I think not. He is whistling past the graveyard.
PS: When I use the term born-and-bred American dope I am trying to be polite. We are dealing with a dumber animal.

·         P.J. O'Rourke reviews the movie version of "Atlas Shrugged"

Apr 19th 2011, 16:51 by Schumpeter
 P.J. O'ROURKE makes a sharp observation in his review in the Wall Street Journal, of the film version of  "Atlas Shrugged" ("Atlas Shrugged, and so did I"). For Ayn Rand, the put-upon wealth creators were all business tycoons. But these days big government has made its peace with big business, garlanding it with honours and stuffing it with tax breaks, and has decided to go after small business, instead. John Galt has gone downmarket:
An update is needed, and not just because train buffs, New Deal economics and the miracle of the Bessemer converter are inexplicable to people under 50, not to mention boring.  The anti-individualist enemies that Ayn Rand battled are still the enemy, but they've shifted their line of attack.  Political collectivists are no longer much interested in taking things away from the wealthy and creative. Even the most left-wing politicians worship wealth creation—as the political-action-committee collection plate is passed.  Partners at Goldman Sachs go forth with their billions.  Steve Jobs walks on water. Jay-Z and Beyoncé are rich enough to buy God. Progressive Robin Hoods have turned their attention to robbing ordinary individuals.  It's the plain folks, not a Taggart/Rearden elite, whose prospects and opportunities are stolen by corrupt school systems, health-care rationing, public employee union extortions, carbon-emissions payola and deficit-debt burden graft.  Today's collectivists are going after malefactors of moderate means.

Ayn Rand the Propagandist—FWC: Taxes and government
In a fully free society, taxation—or, to be exact, payment for governmental services—would be voluntary. Since the proper services of a government—the police, the armed forces, the law courts—are demonstrably needed by individual citizens and affect their interests directly, the citizens would (and should) be willing to pay for such services, as they pay for insurance.

Extreme views on econo-political systems play a very important role in American propaganda, be it Krooksman, or Limbaugh, who would lose their following if they moved towards the center. Their job is to breed a certain type of dopes. Ayn Rand was a supreme propagandist. Russian Jewish immigrants, in particular, and East European Jewish immigrants, in general, and their descendents play a very dominant role the in American propaganda machine today. Ayn Rand was their leader and she showed the way.

Atlas Shrugged

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