Monday, April 18, 2011

Influence of Money On Elections

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: American Dope Complaining About Influence of Money On Elections
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 11:10:06 -0700
From: Jas Jain

American Dope Complaining About Influence of Money On Elections

MarkThoma It's depressing that any dumb-ass with enough money can have so much influence on elections.


This guy is a born-and-bred American dope who happens to be an economist (former chair of economics dept ay U Oregon). Hey, dope, dumb-asses are the voters who get nothing for their vote! Also, since you are such an ignoramus about the reality in America you probably don't know that buying elections is legal in America. It is very very legal in India. Reagan was bought and paid for by the super rich who knew that born-and-bred American dopes are hooked to entertainers.

A dope like you hasn't yet figured out the true nature of Anglo-American democracy (also copied by India)—Domination of Money. As long as there are elections people with money would own the govt. Got it? Now, go to your room and stand on your head for an hour.

Is there any treatment for detoxifying the American head?


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