Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Long Road Ahead by Paul Krugman

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: The Long Road Ahead by Paul Krugman
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 12:29:37 -0800
From: Jas Jain

FWC: The Long Road Ahead by Paul Krugman

"…unemployment would be close to 8 percent at the end of 2012, and wouldn't get below 6 percent until midway through Sarah Palin's first term."


Which road are we talking about? This guy, Krooksman, is an agent of the Debt Pushers and fully deserves to be condemned with harshest language. The first commentator, appended, is right. I am no fan of Sarah Palin, but she is a far superior economist than Krooksman! The US economy is not on any "road;" it is in a ditch. Only a dumb ass like you thinks that an 8-10% debt-financed stimulus to get a 2-3% growth is a recovery; no, you dope, the US economy is still in the ICU, i.e., is in a ditch. Your guy, Oh-bamba, is only digging the ditch and getting the American "economy" in a deeper hole. I realize that you make a living being an intellectual whore, but to get out of the hole you must stop digging first, no? You are not an economist; you are a profligate! Live with that. Your Nobel Prize is no more deserving than Obama's! You both are serving the interests of the Crooks and that is the only reason for the prize. So, don't delude yourself with any grandeur. And you claim to have a conscience. Have you no shame?! You are a hardcore Communist disguising as a Progressive. Be a man and say that you are a born-and-bred Communist. Hack, that is an insult to Communists in China who understand capitalism far better than you do.


PS: There has been lot of very fine discrediting of Krooksman in comments over the past year or so, but many American dopes are impressed with the credentials. He is by far the worst of the lot of American e-CON-omists. He is a conman, alright. Aren't Americans "lucky!"


January 1, 2011, 9:24 am

The Long Road Ahead by Paul Krugman

So, suppose that US growth is accelerating. Even so, it will take years of high growth to get us back to anything resembling full employment. Put it this way: suppose that from here on out we average 4.5 percent growth, which is way above any forecast I've seen. Even at that rate, unemployment would be close to 8 percent at the end of 2012, and wouldn't get below 6 percent until midway through Sarah Palin's first term.


"1.ndspinelli, usa; January 2nd, 201, 5:19 am: We are in a perfect storm. Capitalism has created a consumer culture in the US that has been fueled by credit. Individuals and government have lived above their means, and our children will be worse off then us baby boomers. Professor Krugman wants the government to continue this quixotic journey. It simply won't work."

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