Thursday, January 6, 2011

China backs Spain in new Eurozone support

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: BBC News - China backs Spain in new Eurozone support
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 08:46:29 -0800
From: Jas Jain

BBC News - China backs Spain in new Eurozone support

Hugh: "I continue to be amazed by how the American banksters just don't get it. China's dollars are busy undoing American hegemony as we speak. Just look at Africa - it's been years since I've heard anything about the "third world debt crisis".. And they're scoring big points now for helping Europe out. So big that it will inevitably call NATO's existence into question if the attacks on the Euro continue. And don't think Putin and Merkel aren't on the same page about exploring where future security guarantees will need to come from. I recognise that some folks might not desire that outcome, but that doesn't alter the fact itself."


Come on, Hugh, you are no spring chicken. You must know by now that "American banksters" are financial bloodsuckers, i.e., parasites, as well as wanderers. After they have sucked born-and-bred American dopes dry they would wander over to Shanghai, Mumbai, Rio, etc. Guess who is responsible for breeding Americans into dopes, wholesale? For example, "Democracy is the best political system except for all the rest." LMAO. Anglo-American democracy is the political system of banksters and fraudsters. The proof is in the pudding. The countries most susceptible are: India, the UK and the US. The past American success was based on the warrior ethic and not on deception and financial fraud ethic that is now part of the ruling elite. China today has far more moral leadership than India and the US. Times change!


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