Thursday, January 28, 2010

Paul Krugman, Rush Limbaugh & Jas Jain

Why Rush Limbaugh Is a Better Economist Than Paul Krooksman + Sell Buffett Short!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Why Rush Limbaugh Is a Better Economist Than Paul Krooksman + Sell Buffett Short!
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 05:09:08 -0800
From: Jas Jain

Few days ago Paul Krooksman, a proponent of massive government economic manipulation along with his followers among rogue economists, publicly declared that he has given up on Obama. Rush Limbaugh gave up on Obama even before he was nominated. Krooksman is a typical born-and-bred American voting dope who fell for Obama’s obvious lie of Change. I concluded that Obama was a No Change candidate also before he was nominated. Krooksman thought that Obama would enact his policies, not popular with the vast majority of Americans, without understanding the politics. At least Limbaugh is not that stupid. Being better than Krooksman is not high praise for Mr. Limbaugh as an economist.

Krooksman is no ordinary born-and-bred American dope. He was raised in the greater NYC culture of deception, fraud and manipulation, the same culture that breeds crooked bankers and financiers, deception and manipulation being their trick of the trade. In addition, he is an egomaniac in the ranks of Bernanke, Greenspan and Limbaugh. In contrast, Paul Volcker, a rare born-and-bred American who is not a dope, was a decent man and a good public servant who was sacked by Reagan. Academia in the Greater NYC area—Columbia, Princeton, Yale, etc.—is dominated by economic and political manipulators. For whose benefit could these people, as Bernanke and Greenspan have already proven, manipulate the economy?! It is impossible to manipulate the economy in the interests of the majority! Krooksman and his followers never points out in detail who all are going to be hurt by, or who will pay for, the policies that he and his followers propose. They keep building bad models.

Krooksman and Limbaugh have four things in common—they both are Baby Doomers, born-and bred American dopes, egomaniacs and propagandists. Propagandists on the left and on the right do a thorough job of breeding Americans into lifelong dopes. Nothing is left to chance. Americans are screwed and the future of the American economy is bleak. After being screwed by Reagan-Greenspan-Bush-Bernanke gang, for 20 of the 28 years before Obama, they are now being screwed by Clinton-Obama-Summers gang (many ex-Clintonites in the gang). Sexual revolution does mean wanting to get screwed all the time. It is an addiction for which there is no cure. It will end with the end of the current econo-political system, most likely before 2030. Death relieves misery!

Investment theme: Sell America short! Sell born-and-bred American dope Warren Buffett short!! (Two financial broadcasters from Honk Kong commented that Buffett is more on financial TV then they are; the guy wants attention all the time and has four young gals chasing him for reports more than any other businessman in America, maybe in the world. If he had any sense he would have retired in 1997. I am thankful that he hhas made shorting his Scam easy for me).


1 comment:

Noodles said...

To: jas_jain@xxx
Subject: Re: Why Rush Limbaugh Is a Better Economist Than Paul Krooksman + Sell Buffett Short!
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 08:20:31 -0800

Another keeper, Jas! :-D

I didn’t think that I would have any fans left among born-and-bred Americans whose egos are stocked all their lives by New Age theories of self esteem and such. :-D

I forgot to mention that Obama is not a public servant as he and all other servants of the Crooks claim. He was hired by the likes of Goldman Sachs and he must serve them while doing a bit to pacify the populace.

Unless Obama can muster the courage to put 10,000+ of the banking and finance Crooks and their agents into an American Gulag (in Alaska with camp Commandant Sarah Palin!) he cannot fool the people as being the Change agent. The change that Obama is able to deliver is the same as change of underwear I make because I do have 2-3 brands of underwear and I pull the one that is on the top of a heap. People notice no change in my dressing! Let us just say I am not a good dresser and Obama is.


Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates