Thursday, February 18, 2016

What Made America “Great?” GUNS!

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Subject: What Made America "Great?" GUNS!
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 14:50:46 -0800
From: Jas Jain
What Made America "Great?" GUNS!

There can't be any debate about the fact that America became the most powerful and the wealthiest state in history. So, what made America the wealthiest and the most powerful state? Guns. The wealth came from the conquest of land, mostly from native Americans and Mexico and guns played the decisive role in that conquest. Rest of the land was "purchased" from Napoleon and the Czar when they needed money badly to hold on to their empires during wars, i.e., distress sale. America has been and remain a fiscal-military state, a model that Hamilton had laid down for the federal govt, along the British model for success, after the Revolution.

The biggest champion of illegal immigration into the US was none other than Ronald Reagan, a Republican cult figure. He oversaw quadrupling of illegal immigration from Mexico during 1980s compared to 1970s. No one has done more since or before. Born-and-bred American political morons are told that illegal immigration can be controlled with laws and political process without the use of guns and violent methods to scare the illegals. In 1950s, illegal Mexican immigrants were sent back with the use of guns and there is no substitute for force, or severe penalties, in enforcing laws, especially proven illegals.

America is NOT a great nation, never was and never will be. A nation full of born-and-bred dopes, political morons, and controlled by Crooks can never be called a great nation.
Rule of Law, my ass. Rule of men who control guns, including military and police, of course!


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