Friday, November 9, 2012

Profitable "Lies for Money"

Jas, did I leave anything off my list?

  • TV Pundits convincing GOP donors Romney had a chance to win knowing full well his move to the right from his moderate positions on most issues while governor would lose the election to Obama.

  • Hospitals performing procedures they know are "probably" not cost effective but are VERY profitable to the hospitals and MDs...

  • Banks selling products to pension funds knowing the investments will probably go sour...

  • Hedge funds charging 2 and 20 knowing that if they get lucky, they make 20% but the 2% is the real money they will make going forward on reputation for past risky trades they probably can never repeat without under performing first.

  • Divorce lawyers telling the client they can get more out of the other partner and continue to offer this advice until the total basket of cash available is zero... then they settle.

  • ???

1 comment:

Jas said...

Rush Limbaugh Indirectly Admits to Being Wrong and Misleading His Listeners

Today, Limbaugh admitted that the per-election polls were right and on the money. On the election day, as well as few days before the election, he kept attacking the polls and the pollsters who were predicting that Obama would win most of the 7-9 critical states, especially, the all-important Ohio, a must win for Romney. He kept suggesting that they were purposely not using a representative sample of the likely voters and they were not correctly interpreting the data. He, on the other hand, knew that Romney would win based on his interpretation of the same polls as well as some polls that are popular among Republicans. His dishonesty was so obvious to me and it was clear that he wanted to mislead his listeners into believing that Romney is very likely to win and they should vote and have others vote for Romney. The same problem inflicted many commentators on FOX News, the worst being Dick Morris, a rut, and Karl Rowe.


Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates