Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Peter Schiff, Marc Faber & Jim Rogers on Bond Bubble vs Jas Jain

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Peter Schiff on Bond Bubble, Again
Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 16:39:05 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Peter Schiff on Bond Bubble, Again

This born-and-bred American dope, and a financial dope dealer, has been talking about hyper-inflation and bond bubble for a very long time, e.g., Schiff: Bond Bubble Going To Burst Published: January 11th, 2009. He was on CNBC-World this afternoon bombasting about the imminent bursting of the Bond Bubble. Another financial dope dealer on this subject is Martin Weiss, but I stopped following his propaganda couple of years ago after determining that the guy is peddling worthless advice to unsuspecting dopes.

Another certifiable moron on the subject, Marc Faber, has been trashing the long-term US Treasury bonds for some 7-8 years. Not to be outdone, born-and-bred American dope Jim Rogers, a supposed investment guru, had shorted US Treasury bonds several times over the past ten years and has gotten burned. How come these morons never figure out that they simply don't understand the fundamentals of the US economy? Rogers also asked people to buy sugar for the past couple of years because "as the world prospers it consumes more sugar"! Hey, moron, Indians eat more sugar per capita than Americans. The very fact that these morons have followers around the world tells you the role propaganda plays in the investment world. Dopes love to be duped!

The 30.5-year-old bull market in the US Treasury bonds in alive and kicking. Only dopes would get in its way. Dope Jim Rogers has been trampled upon, but he is too stupid to learn his lessons or too proud to admit that he is clueless.

Being too proud to admit one's lack of knowledge about economics and politics is a defining characteristic of all born-and-bred American dopes. The dope knows the truth! Rush Limbaugh is among the biggest offenders.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
-- Mark Twain

My record on the US Treasury bonds, among the best in the world, speaks for itself.

ECRI's WLI Moves Higher; Q1 GDP Positive Due To Deficit Spending

1 comment:

Jas Jain said...

Paul Krugman On Rachel Maddow Show

How does this dope dealer get on TV every day? This born-and-bred American dope doesn’t know when to quit. Hey, moron, when in a deep hole stop digging. This guy seems to suffer from the messiah complex. At least Bernanke knows that he is in a deep hole and for the time being he has stooped digging. But don’t count on either to admit that they the have been wrong.

These manipulators wouldn't quit until they have successfully plunged America into the Greater Depression.


Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates