Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Krugman, Limbaugh and Reich Examples of Economic Parasites

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Limbaugh Complaining About Brainwashed and Uninformed Americans
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 06:05:20 -0800
From: Jas Jain
Limbaugh Complaining About Brainwashed and Uninformed Americans

I happened to listen to Mr. Limbaugh yesterday. And who are these Americans? Those who support and would vote for Obama. Talk about disgustingly dishonest and morally bankrupt born-and-bred partisan American dopes (those who never except responsibility for their own support for wrong actions and policies and constantly blame others for everything). People like Limbaugh and his supporters are not only brainwashed, but badly, or wrongly, informed, which is lot worse than being uninformed. I don't know a single born-and-bred American who admits to be uninformed! The dope is overflowing with knowledge. There are few things that do more harm than wrong knowledge.


When it comes to economic and political issues almost all Americans are brainwashed and badly informed because the system depends on it. Limbaugh happens to be a beneficiary of this demand for brainwashing. Every born-and-bred American needs to be duped in order to support the current econo-political system crafted by the two bad political parties that are essentially unchallenged in their duopoly.

What makes Limbaugh a morally bankrupt democrat (the same applies to Krugman and Reich)? They support democracy but in reality want a dictatorship—They want no opposition to their policies because they are the most moral and have the  best policies. Limbaugh wants the dictatorship of conservative Republicans and Krugman and Reich want dictatorship of the progressive Democrats, neither having support of more than 20% of Americans. Conceit without limits. Democracy is the best political system, my ass. Krugman, Limbaugh and Reich are examples of economic parasites and miscreants that democracy breeds.


Few, if any, have played a bigger role in election of Obama in 2008 and probable re-election in 2012 than Mr. Limbaugh. Blaming the other side when your side was at least equally responsible is a bad practice and misfires more often than not. Limbaugh has done a lot in breeding Americans into dopes, a certain flavor of dope, because born-and-bred Americans like different flavor of dopes and the supply meets the demand instantly in a very efficient propaganda system.

The #1 problem America and the world faces is born-and-bred American dopes. The System of the Crooks necessitates breeding irremediable dopes.


Kirk here.  The 60% of us in the middle are squeezed by both ends.  Too many giveaways by "the far left" to the poor and politically connected unions and government "workers" for votes EQUALLY matched by the giveaways by the far right to the super rich who pay a much smaller part of their income to taxes than us in the middle... people making between $50K and $200K a year. 
The rich don't have the numbers but they make BIG campaign contributions to spend to influence the conservatives with issues (like gay bashing and women's rights) that have no business in a national election as those things are reserved for the states. 

1 comment:

Jas Jain said...

Americans’ MORONIC Political Behavior and Belief System

What would you call a person who expects people who are the problem and responsible for causing the problems in the first place to find a solution and implement it? A moron, no? No generation of Americans have been as morally bankrupt, consuming in excess by burdening the future generations with debt, a sin, as the so-called baby boomers (I christened them Baby Doomers who were systematically bred to lead to America’s doom). For the past 20 years and for another 10-20 years to come Baby Doomers have been, and would continue to be, in control of the economy and the political system. Therefore, the current problems and the future collapse of the American system should come as no surprise. It was a design and a very thorough at that. And who are bigger morons than Americans, the second largest democracy? Who else but the Indians, the largest democracy, because these morons have blindly copied the American system.

ALL political systems get to a point where they need to be dismantled or they would collapse of their own rot. America and India have definitely arrived at that point.

The Road Map: Democracy à degradation of the demos (populace)à dishonesty à disenchantment with the govt à demonstrations that turn violent à disintegration of law and order à doom. The only question for India, first, and then America is: When?


Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates