Friday, July 1, 2011

Jas Jain's Intellectual Mentors

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Truth-Telling Among "democratic" Dopes
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 15:56:42 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Truth-Telling Among "democratic" Dopes

Aristotle left the town, Athens (not his town of birth), when he felt that there was a threat to his life because he didn't want Athens to put to death another philosopher, or truth-teller (Socrates being one; we actually don't know all that were put to death by the blood-thirsty demos of Athens in the 4th century B.C.). America is getting very close to the same phase of democracy as Athens was during the later life of Socrates.

Once, I made a mantel [EC:  mental?] list (didn't write it on paper) of 25 of my intellectual mentors. Aristotle was #1 (Confucius, Tao, Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus, etc., among the ancients, included in the list, but Plato, the idealist, was not). If I were a practical man, or a political man, Muhammad would be #1 on the list. A modern-day Mohammad can conquer and unite the world! The Prophet was a forth rate philosopher but a first rate political man bar none.

There is nothing that democratic dopes (here, I mean popular democracy, as it exists in most of the Western world and India since 1950s) hate more than plain truth because truth is unpopular and popularity plays a big role in success among a democratic population.

If you want fame and fortune in America and India, I say, train in the arts of deception, lying, and manipulation (e.g., become a political economist!). The group that excels at these qualities is the most powerful and successful group in America today. It is not a coincidence, or a surprise. Supposedly "smart" people can do lot of evil! But they understand the democratic mind. Nazis did. Financial Nazis of America and their agents are fully aware of the fact. Born-and-bred American dopes are there for the taking! The question is: Who would take them? Only the evil men can compete for this prize!!


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