Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Paul Krooksman Calls for “Kitchen Sink” Approach to Keep the US Economy from Depression

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Subject: Paul Krooksman Calls for "Kitchen Sink" Approach to Keep the US Economy from Depression
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 19:48:08 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Paul Krooksman Calls for "Kitchen Sink" Approach to Keep the US Economy from Depression

He was interviewed on Bloomberg. He made a reference to his mentor at Princeton, Bernanke, and Krooksman thinks that Bernanke and the Federal govt should do lot more than what they have already done. Actually, on the TV he looks more and more like a cousin of Bernanke.


When you hear "kitchen sink" you know that you are listening to a born-and-bred American dope. The dopes believe that if you throw everything at something a part of it might stick. Yeah, that is true if you throw mud or shit at someone within range. One wonders how anyone with this sort of prescription can get a Nobel Prize in economics. That is where the system of the Crooks comes into play. In addition to being a born-and-bred American dope and an economics moron Paul Krooksman is an agent of the banking and finance crooks (hence, the name Krooksman, and how well have banking and finance crooks done since the Crisis?). Apparently, he makes a very good living doing that. Some Americans who must work for a living have to pay for this guy, no? There in lies the rub. How can an economy where millions of parasites like Krooksman make a fabulous living and Chinese workers who make $250 a month, doing hard labor for more than 12 hours a day, and send $150 of that to support their wife and kids compete?


Blood is being sucked out of hard working Americans so that propagandists like Greenspan, Bernanke and Krooksman can make a good material living doing nothing. As a matter of fact they do lot worse than doing nothing. Their singular mantra, or cure all for whatever ails the US economy, is pushing more debt on the working class folk and the future taxpayers from which banking and finance crooks make hundreds of billions a year. They are sinners who need to be punished rather than being respected and rewarded. America has adapted bad economic and political morality under the rule of the Crooks and as long as that is the case there cannot be any hope of avoiding the depression that would tear apart the whole system constructed by Crooks over a long time. It is only a matter of few short years before the current system of the Crooks collapses. Krooksman would then claim that the govt and the policymakers didn't do enough and he would finish the book that Bernanke had started writing in 2002 about the Great Depression: How Govt and Policymakers Caused the Greater Depression.  Amazing system.


Jas, I bet you will love this...
 $1.55M  taxpayer money to keep FIVE jobs!
 Jul 5, 2010 8:18 pm US/Pacific
Stimulus Check Helps Fairfield Avoid Layoffs
The Fairfield Police Department will receive a symbolic $1.55 million federal stimulus fund check Tuesday morning that will prevent the layoffs of five police officers.

Congressman John Garamendi will present the check to the Mayor Harry Price in front of Fairfield City Hall, 1000 Webster St. at 7:45 a.m.

Fairfield applied in June for the Community Oriented Police Services grant under the COPS Hiring Recovery Program.

The grant is funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

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