Friday, May 14, 2010

Abby Joseph Cohen's Fair Value Target for S&P 500

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The Old Cow at Goldman Has a 1,250 Fair Value Target for S&P 500
Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 06:48:02 -0700
From: Jas Jain

The Old Cow at Goldman Has a 1,250 Fair Value Target for S&P 500

I thought that they had removed her from this job, but I guess that was only temporary while the market was going down. Everyone on Bloomberg and CNBC swears by the 'fact" that Goldman is run by very smart people. How could they keep an old unproductive cow like Abby Joseph Cohen around as an MD and pay her millions for years of bad targets for S&P 500. She should have been fired for bad performance.


Goldman Sachs is a crooked shop and if you can milk tens of billions in proprietary trading, which should be illegal for a bank holding company but is not, profits what difference does it make to keep few unproductive people around. These people are disgusting and their profits come from being part of the cabal that controls the government polices and regulatory bodies so that they could engage in activities from which they should have been barred. The SEC lawsuit would have no negative impact, long-term, for Goldman and even if it pays some civil fine it would come from the pockets of shareholders and not the crooks that made hundreds of million each over the past eleven years since Goldman went public.


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