Monday, August 16, 2010

Rush Limbaugh & Barack Hussein Obama

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Democracy -- RE: When Evil, In Any Form, Is Not Resisted and Countered It Grows and Grows and Grows.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 15:30:30 -0700
From: Jas Jain

 Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 21:19:30 +0000
Subject: Re: When Evil, In Any Form, Is Not Resisted and Countered It Grows and Grows and Grows.
To: jas_jain

-- On Mon, 16/8/10, Jas Jain  wrote:
No, voting gives "mandate," or legitimacy, to the Crooks 

"That is a very important point that I always tell to democracy dopes. The rulers want everyone to vote so that the system gets legitimized, nothing else. Personally I try to stay away from voting, but democracy dopes tell me - 'every vote counts'. So, I ask them if someone wanted to measure the average height of Americans, would he measure all Americans or just take a sample of the entire set? In case of getting the mood of Americans regarding whether they are leaning Republican or Democrat, why is it necessary to ask every person instead of a small randomized set? They have no answer, and they keep mumbling the same garbage arguments."

That is why it was necessary to breed Americans into irremediable dopes! Most societies bred dopes along some line of higher authority, or "Irrational" beliefs. The born-and-bred American dope is a victim of  "rational" thought and "Enlightenment." "All-knowing" Rush Limbaugh as "the truth detector" shepherding "mind numb robots?"!!! Obama dopes and not any better. It would be funny if it weren't sad. One has to be a moron to believe that Limbaugh, a propagandist for life, understands economics and tax policies. Limbaugh's reward for his role in breeding a certain variety of Republican dopes? Fame and Fortune that is in hundreds of millions. There is no business like the propaganda business in America. And an American is a sucker for propaganda. Like ever-multiplying flavors of ice cream the dopes demand myriad flavors of propaganda to choose from and they get it. American minds feed on lot more junk than American bodies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the proof is in the pudding. I know, every American thinks that he, or she is not a dope, but most others are. There is no law against self-delusion.

Democracy is going to be discredited within the next 20 years and America would be Exhibit A and India Exhibit B.

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