Friday, August 27, 2010

“Wall Street Psycho” Commentary

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Subject: FWC: "Wall Street Psycho:" 15 Signs of Moral & Ethical Pathology, Soul-Sickness.
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 08:39:39 -0700
From: Jas Jain

"Wall Street Psycho:" 15 Signs of Moral & Ethical Pathology, Soul-Sickness.

"Washington, Main Street, none of us has "clean hands." We're all in bed with the "Happy Conspiracy," touched by greed, turning a blind eye to Wall Street's rapidly metasticizing moral and spiritual pathology."

I have been harping on the subject of morality for years. As a part of being bred into an irremediable dope a born-and-bred American is also bred into an intellectually dishonest dope so that he, or she, can support the political gangsters and corporate crooks of his, or her, choice. This leads to promoting immoral conduct among economic and political leaders. The most disgusting of American dopes in the area of economics and economic policies are Reagan-GW Bush defenders led by propagandist Rush Limbaugh. With the benefit of the hindsight it is clear that the policies of Reagan, Greenspan, GW Bush and Bernanke, including the tax polices, have caused lot of economic damage. Just because the Democratic gangsters are not blameless doesn't mean that Republicans are not the guiltier of the two political gangs, for the past 30 years, in screwing the working class Americans and hollowing out the US economy by allowing financial bloodsucking. In some ways Limbaugh typifies the American mentality of "know all" and blaming others. The corrective mechanism, to be able to see problems in one's thinking or beliefs, mostly prejudices, or false beliefs, is disabled in most Americans and that is the key element in breeding irremediable dopes.


Wall Street is simply a place where the moral rot is most obvious. Let us look at the thinking of the two important members of Financial Nazis of America, as reported by Yves Smith in Fears of Regime Change in New York, "…Bill Gross post, which had mentioned the appalling Steve Schwarzman contention that taxing private equity overlords more on their carried interest was like HItler invading Poland. Schwarzman is not only not retreating from his remark, he is convinced that the reason the economy is so lousy is that rich men like him are not getting their way (this is if anything an understatement of their account. Both men expect his head to be the first on a pike)." Financial Nazis of America have reasons to be scared! Let me repeat, Financial Nazis of America exist to make German Nazis look good and they will in the coming decades. They have applied the Nazi techniques to the world of finance with far greater propaganda power. And Americans are bigger dopes because those born in America that are alive today have been brainwashed all their lives about how wonderful the American econo-political system is despite the changes that have made it worse and worse over the years.


It is the morality, stupid!




 "Wall Street Psycho:" 15 Signs of Moral & Ethical Pathology, Soul-Sickness.

by Paul B Farrell, JD, PhD



In The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism Jack Bogle no longer sees Adam Smith's "invisible hand" driving "capitalism in a healthy, positive direction." Today, his "Happy Conspiracy" of Wall Street plus co-conspirators in Washington and Corporate America are spreading a contagious "pathological mutation of capitalism" driven by the new "invisible hands" of this new "mutant capitalism," serving their selfish agenda in a war to totally control America's democracy and capitalism.

The "Goldman Conspiracy" is the perfect B-School case study of Wall Street's secret contagious pathology, with insiders like Blankfein, Paulson and others pocketing billions more of the firm's profits than shareholders, evidence the new "mutant capitalism" has replaced Adam Smith's 1776 version which historically endowed the soul of American democracy as well as our capitalistic system. But sadly for America, Goldman's disease is rapidly becoming a pandemic spreading beyond Wall Street's "too-greedy-to-fail" banks, infecting our economy, markets and government, as it metastasizes globally.

What are the symptoms of this growing "soul-sickness," this "pathological mutation of capitalism" Bogle fears? Recently we reviewed the consequences of this "soul-sickness." Today we'll edit and paraphrase news reports about fifteen symptoms spreading "soul-sickness" beyond the boundaries of this Goldman case study: These are the 15 signs of a moral pathology undermining not just banking, but American democracy and capitalism.

1. Gross denial of any moral damage caused by their rampant greed
Seeking Alpha: 'Goldman is America's most hated corporation. We cheer as Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi calls Goldman "a giant vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity." Banks triggered a global crisis. Main Street suffers. Greedy bank CEOs raid the Treasury then stuff $30 billion in their bonus pockets, up 60% from last year.' They are our 21st century General Motors, convinced 'What's good for Goldman is good for America.' We saw how that arrogance ended. Wall Street has similar suicidal symptoms.

2. Narcissistic egomaniacs with secret "God complexes"
London Times' John Arlidge interviewed Goldman CEO Blankfein: 'He paid himself $68m in 2007, now worth more than $500 million, yet insists he's a blue-collar guy. He says banking has a 'social purpose,' just a banker 'doing God's work'.' When I was at Morgan Stanley in the seventies the firm ran an ad: "If God Wanted To Do a Financing, He Would Call Morgan Stanley." Today, all of Wall Street is dual diagnosed: They're morally blind money addicts who believe they're "God's chosen." AA would say: They haven't "bottomed," won't recover from their disease till a disaster hits, with another market meltdown and the "Great Depression 2." Then maybe they'll "quit playing God."

3. Paranoid obsessives about secrecy, guilt and non-disclosure
Bloomberg: "New York Fed's Secret Deal: Taxpayers paid $13 billion more than necessary when government officials, acting in secret, made deals with banks on AIG, buying $62 billion of credit-default swaps from AIG. The government would eventually cover about $180 billion in AIG swaps backing toxic CDOs when Paulson and Bernanke double-teamed to bailout Goldman, saving them from bankruptcy.

4. Power-hungry need to control government using "Trojan Horses"
Wall Street Journal: 'For a year Goldman said it wouldn't have suffered damage if AIG collapsed. But a new report throws kills that claim. TARP inspector general found that then New York Fed Chair Geithner gave away the farm. If AIG had collapsed, Goldman would have had to cover the losses itself. They couldn't collect on the protection of AIG swaps.' Yes, Goldman was bankrupt. But 'friends in high places' always save them.

5. Borderline personalities who regularly ignore "conflicts of interest"
New York Times: 'Before becoming Treasury secretary in 2006, Hank Paulson agreed to hold himself to a higher ethical standard than his predecessors. He specifically said he'd avoid his old buddies at Goldman where he was CEO. Later Congress saw many conflicts of interest, not just meetings but favorable treatment for his buddies at Goldman.'

6. Pathological liars incapable of honesty even with own investors
McClatchy News: "Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash after peddling more than $40 billion securities backed by 200,000 risky home mortgages. But they never told their investors they were also secretly betting that a drop in housing prices could wipe out the value of those securities.' Paulson knew, stayed silent. 'Only later their investors discover Goldman's triple-A investments were junk. Did Goldman's failure to disclose its bets on an imminent housing crash violated securities laws?' BU Professor Kotlikoff says: This is fraud, should be prosecuted.' But won't in the new "mutant capitalism."

Members of AA know when an alcoholic is lying: Their lips are moving! Same with Wall Street: Think Liar's Poker. It's in their DNA. They're compulsive liars trapped in a culture of secrecy. They lie, the lies cascade, memory slips, more lies are necessary, they cannot stop lying. Goldman sure can't … look, their lips are moving again.

7. Sole fiduciary duty to insiders, not investors, never the public
NY Examiner: 'Goldman was at the heart of the sub-prime market, selling sub-prime junk as no-risk AAA bonds, then gambling, hedging, shorting their investors. Goldman traded like Enron. That set up the meltdown. The Fed and Goldman's ex-CEO at Treasury saved Goldman. Taxpayers got stuck with the bill. McClatchy's Gordon uncovered Moody's making billions selling triple-A ratings. Bailout overseer Elizabeth Warren called this reckless gambling. Trend forecaster Gerald Celente calls it mafia-style looting.'

8. Moral issues are PR glitches, violations of "don't get caught" rule
USAToday says 'Goldman Sachs should be celebrating. Yet, the mood at the investment bank seems to be one of crisis about the public backlash over employees' bonuses. So Goldman's on a PR blitz in a bid to undo the damage. They canceled their Christmas party. Also launched a $500 million program for small businesses. Get it? They can't see their moral failings, only a PR problem, so they hire PR agents and crisis managers first.

9. Charitable donations are tax and PR opportunities, not moral issues
New York Times: Examined Goldman charitable foundation's tax filing: 'Thick as a phone book with more than 200 pages of trades. 'Never seen anything like it," said Verne Sedlacek, president of Commonfund, a $25 billion fund for universities and nonprofits. The money to Goldman's foundation is dwarfed by insiders' bonuses. The foundation got $400 million, gave away $22 million.' Bonuses were 20 times more. Even the New York Post said 'Goldman's Born Again Image is Laughable." They're sleaze-ball cheapskates.

10. When exposed in a massive fraud, feign humility, fake an apology
CBS MoneyWatch: 'Blankfein says he's "sorry for the role Goldman played in the housing crisis: We participated in things that were clearly wrong." "Wrong?" Sounds more like he's admitting to something "clearly criminal." Reread: Isn't he admitting guilt to a fraud; cheating millions of homeowners, shareholders, taxpayers? Then laughs at us with phony "restitution," a fund of $100 million annually for five years to small business owners.' Financial Times says '$100 million is the profits from one good trading day. In 3Q'09 they had 36 days better than that.' Unfortunately, these crooks will get away it.

11. When bankruptcy threatens, bribe friends in "Happy Conspiracy"
Barron's: While Geithner was 'showcasing what a great investment Washington made in Goldman the 23% return on the $5 billion of the taxpayers money. Buffett's deal made him a fabulous 120% return. Goldman's stock ran up to $180 from $115, a gain of $2.8 billion. Add 8% discount on warrants, another $3.2 billion to him."

12. Engage co-conspirators to cover-up, distract, do your dirty work
Reuters: 'Former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain was fired after a scandal over the billions Merrill bonuses. He says big insider bonuses don't cause excessive risk-taking nor the financial crisis.' He blames 'poor risk management, excessive leverage and too much liquidity for too long. But even if they tie bonuses to long-term performance, that won't prevent the next collapse.' Why? They'll find new ways to break the moral code.

13. As money-hungry vultures, they will prey on vulnerable Americans
McClatchy News: 'An obscure Goldman subsidiary spent years buying hundreds of thousands of subprime mortgages, many from the more unsavory lenders. They repackaged them as high-yield bonds. The bottom fell out. Now, after years of refusing to disclose they owned the mortgages, the secret is out and Goldman has become one of America's biggest, greediest foreclosers.' Yes, the vampire squid wants pounds-of-flesh.

14. Treat everyone not in the "Happy Conspiracy" with "tough love"
HuffPost's Leo Leopold warns: 'Each day reveals how we've traded away our sense of decency and the common good in exchange for pure greed. Unemployment means hunger. The Agriculture Department reports 49 million Americans don't have enough food, up 13 million over the last year, highest number ever.' Wall Street treats anyone not in the "Happy Conspiracy" as morally-defective capitalists in need of "tough love."

15. Addicts blinded by greed: "Jesus would throw them out …"
New York Times' Maureen Dowd: "Goldman's trickle-down catechism isn't working. We have two economies. In the past decade Wall Street's shared little with society. Their culture is totally money-obsessed. There's always room for a bigger house, bigger boat. If not, you're falling behind. It's an addiction. And Washington's done little to quell it. Geithner coddles wanton bankers. Obama's absent. Saturday Night Live was tougher. And as far as doing God's work: The bankers who took taxpayer money, pocketing obscene bonuses: They're the same greedy moneylenders Jesus threw out of the temple." Pray for the second coming?

Question. Warning: Washington, Main Street, none of us has "clean hands." We're all in bed with the "Happy Conspiracy," touched by greed, turning a blind eye to Wall Street's rapidly metasticizing moral and spiritual pathology: So ask yourself, do you believe America's widespread "lack of a moral compass" will eventually trigger another, bigger market and economic meltdown, pushing America into the next "Great Depression II?"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Inflation, not deflation, Mr. Bernanke + Comments

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Subject: FWC: Inflation, not deflation, Mr. Bernanke + Comments
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 18:38:57 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Inflation, not deflation, Mr. Bernanke +  Comments

"A weak economy doesn't mean deflation. Ultimately, inflation is a monetary phenomenon."

For an economist, stupid is what stupid thinks and makes claims. Why would anyone even think that Bernanke could achieve a desired level of aggregate demand (number one factor in inflation/deflation), or employment, or growth, or inflation rate? Have these people factored in the fact that he was a born-and-bred American dope first (with fantasy beliefs in the power of the Fed!) and anything else much later. Forget inflation for few years while the US is in depression, Mr. Xie. Listen to you in 2012-13. I am sure that you would be prescribing medicine to fight deflation. Born-and-bred American dopes have been consuming way too much in the recent years and now they are being forced to cut back, or they have been scared into cutting back. Deflation is walking in without a fight! Just wait when the Scam Market makes a new lows and the home pries fall 20%.


From the Comments:

"So what do we do now?"

1. sharpen pitch forks

2. heat up tar

3 bag up feathers

4. round up politicians

5. round up bankers

6. round up lying mainstream media

 Reply Comment:

 7. And then do nothing and go back to watching American Idol


Thus far, born-and-bred American dopes are all talk and no action against the Crooks. And Crooks know this! But how long would dopes remain mere talkers?




Aug. 22, 2010, 8:25 p.m. EDT

Inflation, not deflation, Mr. Bernanke

Commentary: World divides into ice-cold and red-hot economies

By Andy Xie

Bull vs Bear Case - Neener vs Kass & Brinker

Charles Neener Predicts DOW 5,000
Charles Neener, former Goldman Sachs technical analyst, was on CNBC today talking about his market advice to avoid stocks and buy bonds.
At the same time...
Doug Kass is bullish. In BTIG Fed Model With VIX Risk Adjustment Kass says
What is extremely noteworthy about this metric in the current environment is that the level of equity undervaluation relative to Treasuries today using this model is equivalent to the extreme levels registered in early March of last year.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rosenberg Getting Part of the Credit for the Scam Market’s Decline

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Subject: Rosenberg Getting Part of the Credit for the Scam Market's Decline
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 12:10:09 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Rosenberg Getting Part of the Credit for the Scam Market's Decline


His comment that "the US is in 1930s style depression" is being played big time on CNBC. Thank you, Mr. Rosenberg, for being a mensch among a profession that is full of rogue economists that are blatantly  Crooks' agents.


Make sure you read:


------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: IS LEAMER A DREAMER? By Rosenberg
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 07:34:11 -0700
From: Jas Jain


For the record, I had identified Prof. Ed Leamer as a rogue economist in 2007. America is full of dopes, Crooks and rogue economists. And there in lies the problem that has no solution. Americans, collectively, are working themselves, and working very hard, towards a catastrophe. And rogue economists are doing their part.



David Rosenberg; 08/24/10:


"We mentioned yesterday that the Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index ticked up in July, prompting its architect, Ed Leamer, to tell that Globe and Mail that "I don't think that a double-dip is in the cards." Never mind that this index appears to have peaked in early 2008, after the recession actually began. But no sooner did the ink dry on our report that we received this from a faithful reader, regarding Mr. Leamer:

"My favorite WSJ quote (12/14/2006) to this day is: "This time will be different," Ed Leamer, who heads the forecasting center at the University of California at Los Angeles' Anderson School of Management, predicts in a report: "This time the problems in housing will stay in housing."

"Come to think it, this sounds like something Bernanke would have said."

Make sure you read:

Fwd: Guru Lakshman Achuthan IS In the Hot Seat Again

Mr Jain is jealous of the respect some of us "dopes" have for Lakshman and ECRI.  Make sure you read
ECRI WLI Update - Weekly Leading Index Data
ECRI Weekly Leading Indicators Widely Misunderstood

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Guru Lakshman Achuthan IS In the Hot Seat Again
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 06:50:44 -0700
From: Jas Jain
Guru Lakshman Achuthan IS In the Hot Seat Again

David Rosenberg; 08/23/10:


"The ECRI leading index (smoothed) came in at -10 for the August 13th week from -10.2 the week before. This is the fifth week in a row that it has been -10 or worse and so I would assume that this meets the "persistence and intensity" requirement for a recession."


I had identified Guru Lakshman Achuthan of ECRI as rogue economist years ago based on his overtly bullish bias in the interpretation of the leading index of the US economy that ECRI publishes weekly, the WLI. The reason I had given him the title of a guru is because he had cult followers among the most clueless of the born-and-bred American dopes in Silly.con Valley, where the prosperity is derived primarily from fraud and economic immorality is rampant. It is natural that residents of Silly.con Valley would follow a guru that does all he can to pump up Scams via purposely-bullish prognostication of the economy. It was easy to see that the guy is in the propaganda business, as are the vast majority of the economists that have access to the public, especially on the financial media. Like all propagandists in America, economists play an important role in breeding Americans into dopes and keeping them doped-for-life. Breeding dopes has been the most profitable endeavor in America! This is to be expected in the Age of Propaganda.


The guy has an abysmal record in forecasting recessions before they happen. The last time around he admitted to the recession 3-4 months after the economy was already found to have been in recession. As late as three moths after the recession had already begun the guru was claiming that it could be averted by policy actions.


One must focus on the behavior, including the morality, of the participants to see where a society is headed. The most important groups to focus on in order to see where the US economy is headed are born-and-bred American dopes, the Crooks and the rogue economists. The rest are mere details that fill the time to entertain the dopes. All three point to the collapse of the American economy that would take the political system with it.


Mr Jain is jealous of the respect some of us "dopes" have for Lakshman and ECRI.  Make sure you read
ECRI WLI Update - Weekly Leading Index Data
ECRI Weekly Leading Indicators Widely Misunderstood

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gandhi & Reagan - Most Overrated People In History

Shortest list in the World... People Jas Jain admires he can see without a mirror. :-) 
All the rest of us are dopes, crooks or both!

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Subject: Most Overrated People In History… Gandhi… Reagan
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 18:05:28 -0700
From: Jas Jain
Most Overrated People In History… Gandhi… Reagan
A friend sent a link with subject " I totally agree:"

Both were master propagandists (Gandhi understood the appeal of a sadhu, a holly man clad in meager dhoti, among the Indian masses and Reagan understood the American dopes, i.e., belief in the American Exceptionalism and in Optimism). Copying America, Indian actors also have enjoyed great success with the voters in recent decades. Gandhi's good reputation, worldwide, proves two things—widespread ignorance about the real man and power of the media to shape opinions of the masses, especially about historical personalities. Reagan' popularity is strictly among the partisans.

Gandhi was far superior at image building, but his portrayal in the West is also due to the fact that he was a great political tool for the British Raj. The Indian Independence had little to do with Indian political leaders and in reality there are few heroes of the Indian democracy, an Anglo-American institution (Americans kept pressuring the British before the WW II to gain advantage over the Brits). It was definitely not homemade. Nehru was the most cunning and the most Anglicized of the native leaders and his family has been the biggest beneficiary of the Indian democracy.

Extending Bush Tax Cuts - Paul Krugman

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Subject: FWC: Now That's Rich [Extending Bush Tax Cuts] by Paul Krugman
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 16:53:16 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Now That's Rich by Paul Krugman

 "Our "dysfunctional and corrupt political culture" may extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy even though there's no good reason to do so"


The Bush Tax cuts were bad to begin with and I must agree with Krooksman and liberals that extending them would be a very bad idea. Krooksman's and other liberals' ideas to create job by more govt spending, i.e. stimulus, are also bad. Jobs doing what?! In a nation of born-and-bred dopes only the jobs for fulltime propagandists like Krooksman and Limbaugh are in high demand and secure. With the benefit of the hindsight we can say that the so-called Reagan Revolution, especially tax cuts for very high earners, e.g., $50M/year, was Crooks' Revolution! (Limbaugh has been a big beneficiary). When would there be a Dopes' Revolution in America? When dopes have suffered enough at the hands of the Crooks. There is no other outcome that is probable.


"Otherwise, it will be hard not to lose all faith in America's future."


Only born-and-bred America dopes, of which Krooksman is one of the leaders, have "faith in America's future." A bad system guarantees a bad outcome. "Faith in America's future" is misplaced and Americans are still living in the past. That past that has Gone With the Wind! The Greater Civil War is knocking on the door.


PS: "Stupid is what stupid does." Likewise, Crooks are what Crooks do and dopes are what dopes do. Dopes are addicted to Scams and feed the Crooks with both hands, including voting for certifiable agents of the Crooks. 


“Politics is about lying, cheating and stealing from the people who put them in office.”

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Subject: FWC: "Politics is about lying, cheating and stealing from the people who put them in office."
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 15:53:02 -0700
From: Jas Jain

FWC: "Politics is about lying, cheating and stealing from the people who put them in office."

This sums up democracy, as it is practiced in America and India, no? What does it say about the habitual voters, especially those that have been voting for the past 30+ years mostly along the party line? It is hard to find a more widespread scam in the world than democracy. It has become the mother of myriad financial scams.


Comments (my highlights):

"America is slowly being bled dry by these blood sucking leeches! Politics is about lying, cheating and stealing from the people who put them in office. Since every politician does it and makes a career out of doing just that, it has become the norm. The system is spinning out of control because of NAFTA, but what does a politician know about trade. It's not their problem they just represent the lobbyists, not the people."


"Roosevelt who broke up the monopolies, during his presidency!

That is the kind of President we need. Since then the MOB has taken this country, and it controls the powers that be(Federal Reserve). The elite are the top 10% of earners on this planet and they own 93% of the world, as described in -'too big to fail' is killing the middle class- on yahoo tech ticker. They have countless minions at their disposal, breaking this countries checks and balances. Welcome to New World Order, good luck and God bless."


The "MOB" is what I call the Crooks. They have incorporated themselves into the system and are legit as far as the "rule of laws" is concerned because they control the lawmakers. Such an obvious scam but not for the blind faithful of the system. I don't count the top 10% as the elite; it is rather more like the top .01%. What ails America is the current econo-political system itself and not some of its details. It is no wonder that people like Warren Buffett, with blind faith in the American system, are totally clueless about the future.


RE--Why Quantitative Easing is Likely to Trigger a Collapse of the U.S. Dollar by Hussman

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Subject: FWC: RE--Why Quantitative Easing is Likely to Trigger a Collapse of the U.S. Dollar by Hussman
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 11:53:39 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 17:54:44 +0000
From: akhtar
Subject: Jas, Jas, Jas
To: jas_jain

Any thought on this bombshell from Hussman?

Why Quantitative Easing is Likely to Trigger a Collapse of the U.S. Dollar by Hussman


You failed to perform the basic test: Is Hussman a born-and-bred American? Every born-and-bred American suffers from the knowledge that he, or she, does not possess in the areas of economics, investments and political systems. Hussman's record on the US Treasury bond market, over the years, is horrendous. Anyone with that bad a record on USTs is unlikely to understand currencies, especially, the USD. He should limit himself to the US Scam Market.
Like the Japanese Yen and Swiss franc, low-inflation currencies, the USD should remain a strong currency thru the deflationary depression, volatility notwithstanding, which is primarily due to speculators. The US dollar would collapse only after the US econo-political system collapses. Then all bets are off on the USTs and the USD. That is when gold as an insurance would pay off big time. This is extremely important to remember.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC: "…what we still have on our hands is a broken financial system"
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 10:12:25 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Rosenberg: "Despite the most aggressive government efforts in the modern era to kick-start the economic cycle, what we still have on our hands is a broken financial system."


Even more importantly, what we have on our hands is a broken political system. Hence, in the US we have a broken econo-political system. A BROKEN SYSTEM GUARANTEES AN ACCIDENT. Therefore, we have an accident waiting to happen. Some power needs to force a regime change on Americans. The two-gang political system is part of the systemic fraud whereby false hope stays alive in the supporters of the gang not in power. Economic predators that prey on the working class Americans control both gangs. The voters can't seem to figure this out after numerous disappointments and failures.



David Rosenberg; 08/23/10:

"Despite the most aggressive government efforts in the modern era to kick-start the economic cycle, what we still have on our hands is a broken financial system. We hope this is not lost on the perma-bulls among us, but the pool of credit under the umbrella of private label asset-backed consumer and mortgage asset loans has collapsed by over $5 trillion, or by 60% (!), over the past two years. The private market for securitized credit is back to where it was in 2000 when the economy was two-thirds the size it is today. What few people realize is that 100% of the increase in GDP during that wonderful, though obviously artificial, economic recovery coming out of the tech wreck from 2002 to 2007 was funded by the explosion in the securitized credit market. This market is now, for all intents and purposes, defunct and replaced by Uncle Sam's family (Fannie, Freddie, Sallie … and the FHA too)."

Friday, August 20, 2010

America’s Crooks Know and Understand the Dopes As Thoroughly As I Do

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: America's Crooks Know and Understand the Dopes As Thoroughly As I Do
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 05:22:02 -0700
From: Jas Jain

America's Crooks Know and Understand the Dopes As Thoroughly As I Do

They know that born-and-bred Americans are dopes of democracy, addicted to voting, with blind faith in the econo-political system; they are politically impotent; and they have been trained to vote to hand power to the Crooks. Crooks, as a group, make sure by covering their bets by owning both parties in some proportion, especially heavyweight gangsters like Barney Frank. Dopes make a one-way losing bet at all times! Dopes remain adamant and ignorant of the true nature of the system of democracy—Domination Of Money. It was the case from day one in England and it has been true since the American Independence. Brainwashing from birth takes its toll. Breeding dopes is a necessity for the ruling elite—"It is beyond my control!" Born-and-bred American dopes have progressed beyond being human beings into automata. They are as easy to control as a programmed computer. And Crooks and propagandists know this.


The relationship that American working-class "enjoys" with its Capitalist Masters is no different than the farm animals enjoy with the farm owner. Dopes are bred for maximum profits for their Capitalist Masters! The proof is in the pudding. The farm animals are also bred with the same goal. The clock is ticking for the unraveling of America's System of the Crooks.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Doug Kass: US Is Not Japan Debate

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: US Is Not Japan Debate -- RE: interesting summary from Doug Kass
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 10:35:18 -0700
From: Jas Jain

From: Dean
Subject: FW: interesting summary from Doug Kass
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 10:10:35 -0700


What is the probability that a born-and-bred American would conclude that US is in far worse shape than Japan was in 1990s? There is no greater disability in understanding America's future than being a born-and-bred "I am an optimist" American. For Americans there are more than 100 flavors of economic and political propaganda, conducted by thousands of propagandists, to choose from to suit every prejudice.


Subject: interesting summary from dougie

[]Run, don't walk, to read Credit Suisse's take on the 'U.S. is like Japan' debate.

This morning Credit Suisse directly addresses the "U.S. is like Japan" debate:

The U.S. is not Japan 15 years ago. We find many more differences than similarities between the U.S. today and Japan 15 years ago:

The U.S. has had far more proactive fiscal/monetary policy. (Japanese monetary conditions were tight until 1995. Unlike the U.S. today, Japan fiscal easing was small.)

Japan had falling wages since 1997 and negative inflation expectations since 1993. (U.S. wage growth and inflation expectations are >2%.) Falling wages creates sustained deflation.

Asset deflation was more acute in Japan, with house prices declining by almost 80% in the big cities.

The U.S. moved to recapitalize banks quickly and has already written down 85% of their estimated losses (Japan needed 13 years.)

Japan was very slow to deregulate, and hence the price of labor fell as opposes to the quantity. With companies having little incentive to maximize return on equity, the return on capital is one-third that of the U.S.

Deflation became economically and politically acceptable because Japanese households have net financial assets of 41% of GDP, so they benefit from deflation.

Euro-Swiss Cross: Increased Volatility In an Increasingly Uncertain World

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Euro-Swiss Cross: Increased Volatility In an Increasingly Uncertain World
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 10:16:24 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Euro-Swiss Cross: Increased Volatility In an Increasingly Uncertain World


The financial markets could be in for a tough fall season. Unraveling of the America's System Of the Crooks could be at hands. The question is when and not if. Sooner the better? Be Safe!


RE: Jeremy Siegel and Jeremy Schwartz Say Bonds Are In Bubble

RE Article Siegel and Schwartz Bond Bubble Warning

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Subject: RE: [Jas Jain Commentary] RE: Jeremy Siegel and Jeremy Schwartz Say Bonds Are In ...
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 13:15:52 -0700
From: Jas Jain
To: Kirk Lindstrom

Kirk Here.  If the Fed is running the printing presses full speed to buy up Treasuries, doesn't that make owning them risky, especially for the next year or two or until after we get a spike of inflation?   You would think "the boys" will run the market up to make the GM IPO successful to get the government off the backs of GM.   Long-term, you are probably right that entropy will move wealth from the US to the emerging markets.

Hello Kirk,
People have been asking me this question and warning me for at least 4 years. I was hedged in 2008 and I am now partially hedged via options on the long bond future. I am quite certain about the deflationary outcome over the next two years. First, we need confirmation of the Double Dip (actually one big dip, but people would call it the second recession since 2007).

I don't understand how people would buy GM bonds or the preferred other than for a trade after Obama has already shown he will break the law and take equity from bond holders to give the unions.... but that is another question for another day.

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Subject: RE: [Jas Jain Commentary] Jeremy Siegel and Jeremy Schwartz Say Bonds Are In A Bu...
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 12:47:22 -0700
From: Jas Jain

 I was going to post that in the morning but there are more important things that needed posting.

Guy is a certifiable Crooks' agent. They get him on CNBC and Bloomberg to pump the Scam Market most of the time, but now they need to trash the Treasuries in order to get moeny into the Scam Market.


Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 12:37:04 -0700
From: Kirk Lindstrom
To: jas_jain
Subject: [Jas Jain Commentary] Jeremy Siegel and Jeremy Schwartz Say Bonds Are In A Bu...

Kirk here:  Jas, what do you think of the Jeremys' bubble comments?

Siegel and Schwartz Bond Bubble Warning

The Long Running Economic World War Between the Savers and the Debt-Spenders

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Subject: The Long Running Economic World War Between the Savers and the Debt-Spenders
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 07:53:12 -0700
From: Jas Jain

The Long Running Economic World War Between the Savers and the Debt-Spenders

The war can be dated to have begun in 1983 when America, under Reagan-Greenspan (before he was appointed to the Fed, forcing out Volcker, he was the top economic advisor to Reagan's team) the "Consumption Debt," led by huge federal deficits, in the US took off. On the other side of the globe, East Asia started to save and plough its savings into building manufacturing capacity to become the top supplier of consumer goods, including cars, of course, to the world. Reagan became the first top agent of the Crooks. Before becoming the Governor of California and later the POTUS he was the pitchman for corporate America. The Crooks saw the potential and Reagan was hired as their political agent, to change govt policies, especially the tax polices, that favor them. Unlimitedly he became the top agent of Corporate Crooks of America, especially the banking and finance Crooks whose agent Greenspan already was. Junk Bonds boom and the S&L Crisis followed. Since then the Crooks have never looked back and have focused on recruiting top propagandists in Clinton, GW Bush and Obama to sell their programs, all to the detriment of the working class Americans. Pushing Debt became the mantra of the banking and finance Crooks; more debt outstanding means more financial products (let China make the real products!) and more income for the banking and finance Crooks. The game continues full speed today. Crooks at Goldman Sachs and PIMCO are doing very well in this climate.


For the past 30 years Americans have paid more than 6% real interest rate on the combined Consumption Debt. Of the $20Tr. of Consumption Debt in the US, presently, more than 2/3rd is the compound interest! How is a born-and-bred American dope to know that? Would Krooksman tell them this fact when he wants to push even more Consumption Debt? This guy makes a good living keeping the American People in dark and pushing the bad medicine. America is full of rogue economists that serve the Crooks. Crooks have the money to pay and can buy the best minds. Hack, they even have Nobel Prizes to give. 


It is now very obvious as to who is winning the war, the savers or the debt-spenders. Good guys are winning! American dopes have been screwed royally. And the Crooks who have screwed them all these years are more in control than ever before and are sitting pretty. China is simply exploiting the situation created in America by Americans. America is sure to lose the war because it harbors traitors in banking and finance Crooks who have been Pushing Consumption Debt that is very bad for the future. Obama is their man. He is doing his share in pushing more debt.


Fwd: MAD Would Prevent America From Exercising the Financial Nuclear Option

Subject: MAD Would Prevent America From Exercising the Financial Nuclear Option
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 05:31:23 -0700
From: Jas Jain

MAD Would Prevent America From Exercising the Financial Nuclear Option 

Remember nuclear warheads race and proliferation? What kept things between the US and the USSR from going too far? MAD (mutually assured destruction). Would Capitalist Crooks destroy their own capital in order to wipe the debt obligations of American dopes, including the taxpayers? I don't think so. Dopes who have bet on the US inflating away its debt are not doing too well, while those of us who have bet the other way are sitting pretty. I have been a gold bull for the past 13 years primarily because it is insurance against fiat currencies and gold is now behaving more and more like a currency. Gold could easily go to $5,000/ounce in a deflationary depression in the US!


Inflating away would be an economic suicidal move on the part of the US. It ain't in the cards. Prolonged pain for American dopes is in the cards, i.e., backed into the cake. During this period of pain for the dopes Crooks and their agents like Bushes, Clintons, Gores and Obamas would do very well. Financial derivatives markets of 2010 are not the same as those of 1971 when the US was taken off the gold standard. The move was not unexpected by the markets. Amazingly, it is lot harder to inflate, as FDR was able to do on whims, in the absence of the gold standard! Bernanke wishes a 3-4% inflation rate but he can't get there!!!!!!!!! Of course, he can't utter a word to that effect because that would trigger a massive problem. The guy doesn't have much room to maneuver. He has been turned into a paper tiger, i.e., he is impotent just as I had predicted.


Kirk here:  Jas, Goldman Sachs (top of your favorites list) has already shown it will attempt to make money shorting securities it sold to its customers.  If they thought they could get rich shorting US Stocks, US Treasuries or both, then why can't they do it again?  Also, what you seem unable to grasp is the relationship between your "crooks" and their customers is symbiotic. They would be stupid to kill their host and not even you say they are stupid.  Investment banks make their big profits raising capital for IPOs and secondary offerings.  They want a rising market for stocks for this to make maximum dollars so pushing for inflationary policies should be high priority in their bag of tricks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Day After America Exercises the FINANCIAL Nuclear Option?

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Subject: The Day After America Exercises the FINANCIAL Nuclear Option? – Re: Fiat Money, or Paper Currency, EQUALS Govt Control of the Trade and the Economy
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 19:07:36 -0700
From: Jas Jain

The Day After America Exercises the FINANCIAL Nuclear Option? – Re: Fiat Money, or Paper Currency, EQUALS Govt Control of the Trade and the Economy

See Hugh's reply below. Can someone chart the Day After scenario if America drops the FINANCIAL Nuclear Bomb on the Global Economy? I know, Indian economy would be Hiroshima, but what about China and Japan, would they be Nagasaki? My impression is that America's ruling elite, the Crooks, is immoral but not stupid enough to exercise the Nuclear Option (inflating away) that would cause a global meltdown.



1) Fiat currency and paper currency are not the same thing.


Fiat currency is not backed by anything.


Paper money may, in contrast, be a vehicle for commodity-backed currency.

In the Chinese case I would guess the paper money was backed by silver.


2) The world financial markets and the American financial markets are not the same thing.


Sure, the bond market would crash in New York. Once everybody

stands back and takes a deep breath, the Chinese, Russian and

Brazilian markets would, in contrast, probably do a moonshot.

Same perhaps with India and Europe. The point being that the

demise of the American markets sends players to those other

markets just as extraordinary strength in the American markets

draws them away from those markets.


3) The trouble with America's straightjacket is that it ain't gonna

hold. The patient will either escape or be choked to death trying.

The middle ground just isn't a sustainable option.



Fwd: Fiat Money, or Paper Currency, EQUALS Govt Control of the Trade and the Economy

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fiat Money, or Paper Currency, EQUALS Govt Control of the Trade and the Economy
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 17:43:33 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Fiat Money, or Paper Currency, EQUALS Govt Control of the Trade and the Economy

Hugh: "Heh-heh. Whatever we're smoking here in Denmark, Jas, it's certainly better than the stuff you're getting over there :-)"

You mean other than the Danish women?! :-)


"…The whole purpose of fiat money is to use it as a stealth way to tax."

With due respect, this is not true, historically. The Chinese first introduced the paper currency (was it the Yuan dynasty, or was it earlier?) and the reason was to be able to control the trade within China and with other nations. All foreigners, mostly the traders, were required to buy the govt issued paper currency (with a seal) with their bullion to be able to do any trade once they arrived in China. It was an amazing tool of control! You cannot run an empire without good controls (ask the accountants) and the paper currency is just a tool of control.


A nanosecond after the US govt attempts to inflate its way out of the debt problem the world financial markets would melt. America does not have the luxury that Zimbabwe has today, or Weimar Germany had in 1920s. America is in a straightjacket.



Stock Market As a Substitute Debt Market & Consumption Debt

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Subject: Stock Market As a Substitute Debt Market & Consumption Debt
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 17:09:13 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Stock Market As a Substitute Debt Market & Consumption Debt

"Hello Jas, Somewhere in your Peak Debt article, you mention that stock market is a substitute debt market. Can you elaborate what you mean? Also from where did you collect the consumption debt data? Best, Sabri"


Stock Market As a Substitute Debt Market

An entrepreneur has two avenues, or alternatives, open to him for raising capital for a continuing venture, or new venture—debt market and the stock market. In good old days, before America's CROOKS gave birth to the Scam Market, the expectation was that the stock market "debt" would be serviced with dividends just like a debt issuance is serviced with the contracted interest rate and payment of principal at the end of duration, or installments that reduce the principal to zero at the end of the duration, e.g., fixed rate mortgages. Thankfully, this intuition of mine was also confirmed by an authority (either I read it in a book by Galbraith or Schumpeter). That is why I started to use "It Is the Debt, Stupid!" in some of my comments on the Scam Market in late 1990s. The companies that do not pay a reasonable rate of dividend, e.g., 3% for a growth company and higher for others, are Ponzi schemes. In good old days the bubbles burst sooner because the companies wouldn't be able to pay increased dividends that kept up with the rise in the stock prices!


Consumption Debt

With the exception of large-scale wars the federal debt is consumption debt (by collecting less in taxes than the expenditure the govt. is funding excess consumption, as is the case presently in Europe and the US). The debt taken by households, including the mortgage debt, is clearly consumption debt. Once again, households are consuming more than the income. So, in my estimate of the consumption debt, or a good proxy, is the sum of the federal debt outstanding and the total household debt, both reported in z.1, quarterly. There is a great chart of household debt, courtesy of Calculated Risk, here.





--   best regards Kirk Lindstrom Blog: Newsletter: Online Store: 

Re: Crook Gross: “It Is Not Legal and It Is Not Fair, But I Support It”

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Subject: Re: Crook Gross: "It Is Not Legal and It Is Not Fair, But I Support It"
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:26:19 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Hugh : "We've covered some of the ground before, and I do recall stating that the government could nip so-called deflation in the bud any time it wanted simply by giving everyone a pile of money.

"Let's say crediting each taxpayer with 100,000 dollars on their return, which will be duly paid out as part of their refund check.

"This is an election year.

"Doing it like this does *not* penalise those who acted prudently. So it blows that objection away.


If Obama made it a half million dollars each, he'd probably get the green light to invade Iran from the population too.

"Face it, they have to "print" money and lots of it.

"The effect would be to wipe out existing debts, open the door to a new financial system/currency and provide the greatest economic stimulus since the New Deal. The Fed would be a casualty though. That's not all bad, the crooks would just get to set up a new central bank, so they would be happy too."


Hey, Hugh, what are you smoking there in Denmark, man? I want some of it so that I can think clearly and dump all my US Treasuries (they are at all-time high as a result of prudent hedging). My mind is clouded in deflation. Maybe, I am too stupid to understand this "Printing Money" thing. The Bond Market Vigilantes are real and they are a scary bunch. They would squish Bernanke and Obama like mosquitoes. I don't know if you have taken a good look at Bernanke lately; he looks morose. He is one scared puppy.


Have you thought about coming back to the Uncle Land? Uncle Sam needs you more than ever.


Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates