Sunday, June 12, 2011

Health Care in America

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FWC--Sick in the head: Why America won't get the health-care system it needs
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:29:35 -0700
From: Jas Jain 

"Sick in the head" is also why America wouldn't get the govt it needs, economy it needs, etc. There is no solution to the problem of "sick in the head" because almost all those born in America who are alive today have been systematically bred to be dopes in the areas of economics and politics. The System of the Crooks necessitates it. Therefore, breeding dopes is an existential necessity for the American system, as it exists today. Crooks employ tens of thousands of dope dealers, e.g., Krooksman, Limbaugh, etc., to make sure that Americans are supplied with the political dope of their liking, or the ones they are addicted to. Capitalism is very good at supplying what people want!
It would take getting rid of the Crooks, as one gets rid of the pests, to have any chance for a better America. Until then, America would keep sliding down. The sickness-care system would remain sick.
BTW, I went to the UCLA Medical Center for a physical (for a check up and to get various tests done for those 62 and older) and there were plethora of overweight women employed there (mostly service jobs). Most overweight women were black and Hispanic and the least overweight were East Asian. The sickness-care "industry" itself is in bad shape. The intellectual health of Americans is lot worse than their physical health. Americans' prolebms originate in their sick heads.

 Sick in the head: Why America won't get the health-care system it needs
By Luke Mitchell

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