Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jain Predicts China Will Win World War III

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Economic World War III: China Would Plunge the Global Economy Into the Greater Depression to Defeat the US
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 09:42:29 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Economic World War III: China Would Plunge the Global Economy Into the Greater Depression to Defeat the US

One conclusion that I reached some 15 years ago was that the World War III, between the major powers, by definition, would be economic in nature and soon thereafter I became convinced, once I learned of very weak fundamentals of the US econo-political system, that it would be China that would come out on the top trouncing the US. Why? After gaining great economic advantage from savings (capitalism needs accumulation of capital!) China would be best positioned to benefit from the global depression! Wars cost but it all comes back with huge profits if you win! Chinese would take a page from the Anglo-American playbook!! The decisive battle of the WW III could commence at any time when China cannot avoid the capitalistic boom-bust cycle. Only fools try to time such things too closely.


We have arrived at a point where China can deal the fatal blow on an aging economy run by money whores, e.g., Henry Kissinger who has been on the Chinese payroll for decades. Savers survive depressions far better than borrow-and-spenders! Only dopes listen to people like Paul Krugman, the spokesperson for the Debt Pushers. We need to spend more, says Krugman's gang.

A very vulnerable American econo-political system has everything to do with it. It was easily taken over by an organized group of corporate crooks led by bankers and financiers (democracy being the preferred system of the moneyed crooks). How would democratic dopes in India survive the global Greater Depression? They wouldn't. India as a political unit, cobbled together by the Brits, would cease to exist. During the global Greater Depression, the US is already in one, the political system of modern Anglo-American style democracy, copied by Indians, would be thoroughly discredited. Blind faith in a false god has consequences. Only those who are totally ignorant of history can be made to believe that democracy is the best political system. Hack, it is not even the second best. In this regard Americans are irremediable dopes. Facts on the ground (increasing dissatisfaction with the "politicians") are irrelevant to a blind faithful.

Be Safe! And protect what you got, if you can. Only the careless get greedy at such times.


Major World Market Graphs a Glance

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