Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Something for Americans and Indians to Ponder: What Conditions Gave Rise to Power of the German Nazis?

Disclaimer:  REMEMBER, this post below is not mine.  It is all by Jas Jain.
I'd sure like to hear what Mr Jain proposes as a SOLUTION.    Some of us voted for or supported Libertarian Ron Paul who has been vocal about the problems faced in the US but in California, that is like peeing in the ocean to make the tide rise faster.
ANY fool can bash the government in the US (and most of them do) but it takes real genius and courage to try and make positive change.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Something for Americans and Indians to Ponder: What Conditions Gave Rise to Power of the German Nazis?
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 13:58:50 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Something for Americans and Indians to Ponder: What Conditions Gave Rise to Power of the German Nazis?

1. Democracy! Under no other form of govt would Nazis have gained political power in Germany.

2. "Communist" threat!! Is there a large Communist country that poses economic and political threat to these two "democracies?"

3. Reaction against the bankers and financiers, especially, against those fanning speculation via stocks and commodities exchanges at the expense of the producer class, specially, the working class. In particular, German intellectuals were against the Anglo-American system that was controlled by the moneyed interests at the expense of all other interests including the lives lost in wars fought for the sake of "moneybags," e.g., the Boar War. Historically, the control of the govt passed from the landed and military aristocracy to the moneyed interests of traders and industrialists to bankers and financiers, exemplified by Rothschilds in England and J.P. Morgan in the US. Over the past 15 years, the bankers and financiers in the US have turned into pure crooks by introducing widespread fraud into the system itself. With the control of the govt and the regulators these banking and finance crooks were able to turn what were essentially fraudulent activities (I warned so at the time!) into legal activities, which in the case of American legalism is anything that is not strictly prohibited is by definition legal, or allowable. This leaves door wide open for financial innovation whose real harmful nature people don't find out until after the damage has been done. The Crooks go scot-free.

4. Economic depression, as the Great Depression in the US spread to Europe.

5. Large number of dissatisfied people among the majority, especially, material, or economic, dissatisfaction, but also the feeling of an ineffective government. The majority in the case of the US is white Christians and in the case of India it is the "upper" caste (excluding the untouchables) Hindus. The politically correct environment in the two countries is a horrendous practice that exacerbates the dissatisfaction of the majority.

6. Diversity!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thorstein Veblen, a famous American sociologist, predicted troubles in Germany based on the greater diversity of the population in terms of cultural habits and temperament. I can list, but I would not!, at least six significant groups whose temperaments and cultural values are sufficiently different. Some of these groups insist of playing by different rules! America is ripe for ethnic explosion because of the imprudence of certain politically active minorities. Ethnic politics in America is growing because it pays! Obama is a big beneficiary.

7. New electronic media, i.e., radio that was used in propaganda that is central to success in a democracy, especially for a charismatic personality. Now, of course, we have not only the TV but also the Internet. Things have never been better for a charismatic figure, a demagogue. There is nothing like bad times to bring a charismatic leader to the fore, especially, in very large population countries like America and India. America and India are too big to be able to correct the multifaceted problems that affect different geographies and different groups disproportionately and in different ways. Central Planning is more likely to fail in a larger country than in a smaller country. Big is ugly!!!


Now that all the govt interventions to postpone the long awaited depression (depressions, like recessions, are part of the modern capitalistic system) are due to exhaust themselves within a few short years the Made-In-USA, once again!, Greater Depression would engulf the world economies. This is more so because the American banking and finance system has been copied by India and many other countries. Most importantly, the system has been controlled by the crooks who have already cashed out trillions of dollars with the households and taxpayers laden with debt. Crooks have no incentive to risk their trillions and they can easily take that capital to any country that they feel safe in and leave the rest high and dry. It is a sad commentary on those Americans who are proud of the current system, and show that pride by voting election after election after election, and in essence agree to be ruled by liars and cheaters. That is what lifelong brainwashing can do to an otherwise intelligent person.


The reasons listed above more or less guarantee that Nazi-like (not the same as the German Nazis) regimes are likely to come to power in America and India via the vote once the global depression sets in. Actually, there is a working model now in existence that would be copied closely! I would cover this in the next commentary on this subject. Prepare for safety as best as your circumstance permits. Forewarned is forearmed!


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