Thursday, June 28, 2012

Don't Seek Education, Seek Knowledge

June 27 Arena's Obesity Drug, Lorcaserin - Belviq, Approved by FDA.  How Belviq Works

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Subject: I Rest My Case of Born-and-BRED American Dopes--FWC: Don't Seek Education, Seek Knowledge
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 08:53:00 -0700
From: Jas Jain

I Rest My Case of Born-and-BRED American Dopes--FWC: Don't Seek Education, Seek Knowledge

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 8:07PM

 "Education has a different meaning depending on who is doing the educating.  William Torrey Harris, the once US Commissioner of Education, probably best defined education in the US in 1906 when he said that "substantial education, which, scientifically defined, is the subsumption of the individual."

"H.L. Mencken explained further in arguing that the "aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality…

"What masquerades as education today in public schools in the Western world is, for the most part, brainwashing, subjugation, and mass control.  What students do absorb in terms of basic math or language skills is minimal, as can be seen from the near-universal dumbing-down of Western society."
Don't Seek Education, Seek Knowledge

 "The subsumption of the individual," and "to breed a standard citizenry," and "brainwashing, subjugation, and mass control," from three different commentators says what about how Americans are brought up thru the "compulsory education" system? (Needless to point out that American ideas and methods have been adapted by most nations in some form or another). Americans, more than any other group of people, have been systematically bred to have blind faith in the system, a system that keeps getting worse and worse and serves the interests of a tiny minority of mostly immoral individuals. They have been bred to be the ideal customers for dope dealers (propagandists). How else could people like Ann Coulter, Tomas Friedman, Paul Krugman, Rush Limbaugh, Robert Reich, etc., make a good living without producing anything of value other than propaganda? And how do people like Bernanke, GW Bush, Greenspan and Obama get to rule? These people could only have prevailed over an organized group of brainwashed political dummies. And these dummies are in no mood to change the system because they are totally clueless as to what has gone wrong in America. How can you fix anything if you have no clue as to what is wrong? A bad system has been systematically created to make people serve the interests of Crooks by giving the appearance of fairness.

I rest my case.


Arena's Obesity Drug, Lorcaserin - How Belviq Works
(two glasses of water before a meal is safer and cheaper....duh...)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak: “almost nobody repays debts”

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Subject: FWC: Government Debt: The Price We Pay
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 10:12:02 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Government Debt: The Price We Pay

"…we find that government debt worldwide is growing faster than the global economy."
Since 1997, all the growth and more in the US has been a result of borrow-and-spend. The same is now true of the global economy as a whole.
 "Every emergency now becomes a pretext for bungling government action and expense. Since governments cannot pay for bailouts and increased public assistance out of revenue, there must be borrowing."
The four biggest emergencies in the US since 2001 have been:
1. Re-election positioning for GW Bush from the day he became the President in 2001.
2. Re-appointment of Greenspan in 2002.
3. Bernanke's campaign for appointment as the Fed Chairman in 2006 when Greenspan's term were to expire.
4. Obama's re-election positioning from the day he became the President.
These four evildoers engaged in mortgaging America's economic future for their own ends.
We have found the enemy!
"The idealist uses the state to solve social problems, to cure the ills of society. But this cannot work, says Jung: "The mass State has no intention of promoting mutual understanding and the relationship of man to man; it strives, rather, for atomization, for the psychic isolation of the individual. The more unrelated individuals are, the more consolidated the State becomes…."
Yes, indeed.
"The growth of the state and rising government debt has a social cost, a moral cost, and a psychological cost. Government now intervenes in every area of life. Government's divorce policy and family court system in the United States, for example, constitutes one of the greatest institutions of plunder ever devised. Jung warned against "apparent morality … [cloaked] in deceptive colors [beneath which there lies] a very different inner world of darkness." The growth of the state is sinister, and the growth of government debt is a dark promise indeed. Claiming to help the economy out of trouble, the state interferes with the necessary process of creative destruction.
The state interferes mostly on the side of those who behave badly and burdens the good by using the power of force. The society keeps getting more immoral as a result.
"Even worse, however, the state interferes with the family and the self-worth of the individual; for the state gains in power at the expense of the family and the individual. The moral backwardness today may be blamed on the state. The financial crisis has the state's finger prints upon it. The more the state does, the more the society disintegrates. This is not mere economic harm, but spiritual harm as well." 
Longer the current system in the US lasts worse things are going to get. The System of the Crooks seems firmly in-charge for now. The coming election would be a useless exercise. The destruction of the current system in the US is likely to begin after the 2016 or 2020 elections and it would be a catastrophic event for the globe.
It is the debt, stupid!
 Government Debt: The Price We Pay
By JR Nyquist
Created 25 Jun 2012
There is a fascinating passage in Pavel Stroilov's book Behind the Desert Storm. It is a transcript from a discussion between Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Gorbachev wants to know where Mubarak gets his country's money from. "Is it flowing in the Nile?" he asks. Mubarak replies that, "Everyone has debts in today's world." He went on to say that Egypt only accepted non-repayable aid. "Nowadays," Mubarak explained, "almost nobody repays debts. I am talking to you absolutely frankly."
It is nothing for governments around the world to acquire debt. They do so without thinking of the consequences. Consider Mubarak's words: "almost nobody repays debts." He is talking about the state, about government.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Wholesale Gasoline Price Prediction: Jain Says $1.00 Lower

Summary:  Jas Jain sticks with $20/barrel price prediction for crude oil.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Crude Oil Supply-Demand & Prices--Re: Wholesale gasoline heading $0.80-$1.00 or more lower . .
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:15:37 -0700
From: Jas Jain <jas_jain

Crude Oil Supply-Demand & Prices--Re: Wholesale gasoline heading $0.80-$1.00 or more lower . .
To: jas_jain
Subject: Wholesale gasoline heading $0.80-$1.00 or more lower . . .
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 08:44:00 -0700
. . . and oil back to the $30s-$50s by next year, consistent with another global deflationary contraction.

Coming from a Peak Oil guy this is quite a forecast. My forecast prior to the Crisis of 2008 was, and still remain, $20 per barrel, when the deflationary depression can no longer be postponed into the future. I happened to be in India in November 2008 when the oil prices were falling and in my hotel room I had my brother, who owns one of the largest petrol stations in India, and am American friend who accompanied me. They both were arguing that the crude prices can't fall below $45 because the Saudis wouldn't sell below that prices and below $35 because the cost of production would be higher. The price soon thereafter fell below $35 and there was such problem with crowded oil tankers full of oil in the gulf that one could have bought Saudi oil below $29 in December 2008. The price drop of some 80% from the peak didn't last long as there was huge stimulus by govts, led by China, to avoid the global recession. I think that in the coming months, after four years of the lows in crude prices, that stimulus would wear out and the world economy would find itself in a far worse fundamental situation than in 2008. The supply has already exceeded the demand (graph attached) and the inflation-adjusted price of crude oil, $18-28 per barrel, which lasted for 27 years, as seen in another graph, would be breeched to the down side when the first truly global depression becomes a reality because govt interventions can never avoid depressions, they only make it worse to get out of it. Needless to say, the depression would be deflationary.
Crude Oil Prices

 1990 to June 2012
Crude Oil Price VS S&P500

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Election day in California

Goals of Elected Government

Libertarian (where I sit): Goal is to Protect individual rights

Crony Capitalism (what we have with Democrats and Republicans having minor issues to hate each other over to hide the real goal which is) : Collect taxes from the productive under various guises then distribute the tax dollars to the cronies to administer social and warfare programs. Trial lawyers, government workers, developers, makers of military gear, insurance companies, Wall Street, etc. ALL support their bought and paid for representatives as long as the gravy keeps flowing where they can get a major cut of the action.

Imagine the conversations:  "I'll give you $100B to buy new war making equipment to 'keep the world safe for democracy' in exchange for our 'drugs for seniors' program.  Who cares we can't afford either, we'll be out of office on book tours collecting $1M a year consulting fees by the time the country has to pay for this."
Until people realize this and throw out what we have now and put in true libertarians... we're doomed to follow Greece.
--     best regards  Kirk Lindstrom    

Friday, June 1, 2012

Family Dholi of Rajasthan, India

Kirk Here:  Interesting how close this term resembles the company "Family Dollar."  Is it a coincidence?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: A Story From My Childhood: Pandering Is an Age-Old Profession That Pays Well
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 15:56:23 -0700
From: Jas Jain 

A Story From My Childhood: Pandering Is an Age-Old Profession That Pays Well

I grew up in a village in part of Rajasthan, India, that maintained traditional culture better than most parts of British India and that culture still existed for several years after the dependence of Indians was transferred from the Brits to Westernized Indians educated in England.

As you know, we had a caste system, and it was fully functional when I was a young boy. Different castes, specially the untouchables, performed different tasks. One of these untouchable castes was dholis, who would play big drum to lead various processions, especially weddings. The dholi-in-chief of the village was also my family dholi (there might have been only one family, but I can't be sure). Before or after the procession the dholi would sing the praises of the ancestors, by naming generations, and the family, basically pandering, and would get a gift for his services. Once I remember my father paying the dholi with a gold coin, or gold jewelry.

Our dholi also had a teenage son. What was noteworthy to a curious kid like myself was that both were strong and a bit fat in an area where there were extremely few fat people (only among wealthy). I don't recall any other untouchable family with fat people in it. We can be sure our dholi family was well fed and I wouldn't be surprised if it had more savings than most families (these gifts can lead to a small fortune). As time passed the teenage son of our dholi-in-chief became the lead dholi with a great authoritative voice.

Democracy was God-sent for our younger dholi. He became a politician of some repute in our area. Ability to pander is very highly prized in a democratic society, but it has been prized in all societies thru ages, IMO. The key difference in a democratic society of basically neech (beneath, akin to untouchables but not for their bodies, as most of them engaged in dirty jobs, it is their lowly moral values) is that one can pander to one group and then mercilessly attack other groups clearly revealing his, or her, low morality. I use the term dope dealers for the panders and propagandists. Examples of dope dealers are Ann Coulter, Alan Greenspan (there is a book on Greenspan titled Panderer to Power), Paul Krugman, Rush Limbaugh, etc. With rare exceptions these dope dealers are neech (of low moral character) and they have to be dishonest to succeed in the business. One should avoid dope dealers for more reasons than those that untouchables shouldn't be touched. People that get their beliefs from dope dealers are intellectually unclean, or uncouth. Dishonesty is highly contagious if one is not careful.


Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates