Tuesday, October 25, 2011

No Job Growth in US Since 2001


Just came across the appended. It reads as fresh today as it did six months ago, no? The Total Non-Farm Employment in the US is the same as 11.5 years ago!:

Mar-00   131,374

Apr-00   131,660

Sep-11   131,334


It was all planned! (Nothing important happens in the American economy without planning and forethought). Crooks have the right to plan under the System of the Crooks.  There is a very good reason why Crooks have done so well.

Be Safe!


PS: In Silly.con Valley the total employment is lot lower than in April 2001.


"There's been no job growth in the US in 10-years!"

These are interesting tables and graphs to keep an eye on:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Republican Debate on Bernanke and Greenspan

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Republican Debate on Bernanke and Greenspan
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 04:42:52 -0700
From: Jas Jain

Republican Debate on Bernanke and Greenspan
The first big applause of the debate followed when Newt Gingrich trashed Bernanke. Later, another big applause when Ron Paul said that Greenspan was a disaster in response to Herman Cain's claim that Greenspan was the best fed Chairman in recent memory as an example of a kind of person he would be looking for. So, we can be certain that Herman Cain would serve the rich the best not only by his tax plan but also by his choice of the Fed Chairman. None of the Republican candidates would reappoint Bernanke. Therefore, Bernanke would do his best to get Obama re-elected. No one bothered to point out that both Greenspan and Bernanke are Republicans and were first appointed by Republican presidents Reagan and GW Bush, four people most responsible for squeezing the American middle class and serving the rich. The borrow-and-spend started in 1980s under Reagan-Greenspan and it does serve the rich. When it comes to the blame game there is little doubt that Republicans are more dishonest than the Democrats, two groups of dishonest partisan dopes. The greatest success that the rich have had in America is breeding born-and-bred partisan dopes. All that was predictable under Democracy = Domination of Money. The best use of money is to brainwash the general public! Nothing gives a higher return on capital!!

Amazingly, the rich and the corporations have paid the lowest taxes since the WW II under Obama, a supposed progressive!, both as % of the GDP as well as % of their gross incomes. Herman Cain plans to top that if he were elected. It would be an interesting race if Cain were to be the Republican nominee. I think that Romney is the most likely nominee and Bachmann his likely choice.
I personally don't think that the 2012 Presidential election would make much of a difference. Crooks would have a firm control either way. Greenspan-Bernanke regime would continue even if Bernanke were not reappointed in 2014.

Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates