Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Economic Collapse Between 2010 and 2030

Too Many Bulls?  See:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: "French citizens have the impression that bankers are like vampires."
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 05:18:36 -0800
From: Jas Jain

I was watching a report on the "rogue trader" Jerome Kerviel who cost his bank, Societe Generale, billions in trading losses. Most French people blame the bank and only few believe that Kerviel should shoulder the blame. The lawyer for the bank had this to say:
"French citizens… hate their bankers; they have the impression that bankers are like vampires; they live on the blood of the population."
It is obvious that the French citizens have more accurate view of the human institutions than do their American counterparts. In America, it is not just the bankers and financiers who have been engaged in financial bloodsucking; they are joined by Corporate Crooks of America. Most of the economic problems in America, particularly over the past 15 years, can be blamed on the financial bloodsucking of the honest working class population via the Scam Market and other parasitic activities, e.g., mortgage fraud, of bankers and financiers.
The Constitution of the United States of America was not designed to keep these crooks and other politically powerful people in line, or even in check; it was designed to keep the working class folk in line with threats of fines and imprisonment for minor infractions compared to the infractions of the rich and the powerful. Anglo-American "democracy" is the system of the capitalist masters who have now turned into pure Crooks as the time has progressed and the public has been suitably duped. The primary "ethics" of America's capitalists and the whores trained at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc., who protect their interests, are deception, fraud and manipulation. Bernanke and Obama owe their positions to their training in these skills. Crooks can count of a Harvard man, or a Yale man, or a Princeton man! No one goes to these institutions to become a better human being; they go there to be better connected with the Crooks and their agents. These are the preferred training grounds for intellectual whores and Crooks. They don't educate.
I can assure you that this System of the Crooks would collapse. It could collapse during 2010s, but no later than 2030. Until then the vampires are on the loose in the USA.

Monday, December 27, 2010

2011: A Brave New Dystopia by Chris Hedges

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Subject: FWC--2011: A Brave New Dystopia by Chris Hedges
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 17:29:17 -0800
From: Jas Jain
2011: A Brave New Dystopia by Chris Hedges


"Would we be, as Orwell wrote, dominated by a repressive surveillance and security state that used crude and violent forms of control? Or would we be, as Huxley envisioned, entranced by entertainment and spectacle, captivated by technology and seduced by profligate consumption to embrace our own oppression? It turns out Orwell and Huxley were both right. Huxley saw the first stage of our enslavement. Orwell saw the second."


The secret sauce to breed dopes in America, wholesale, has been "by entertainment and spectacle!" Tamasha!! Political commentators Limbaugh and Stewart are entertainers. So are Bill Maher and Dennis Miller. The list is long.

The "virtue" most prized in a man, or a woman, in America is entertainment! Truth is very boring. One thing about a born-and-bred American dope is that he, or she, is a thoroughly entertained dope. He, or she, needs entertainment as a part of the fix. The dope then can vote for whoever is more entertaining, or less boring! For example, Reagan was entertaining and Obama was less boring than McCain.



The Scariest Thing about Bernanke + Inside Job

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Subject: FWC: The Scariest Thing about Bernanke + Inside Job
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 17:03:24 -0800
From: Jas Jain
The Scariest Thing about Bernanke + Inside Job

One has to be blind to the reality to believe that Economists like Bernanke, Greenspan, Krooksman, Mishkin, Stiglitz, etc., are there to serve the American People in their capacities as Nobel Prize winners in economics, or as Chairman and Governor of the Federal Reserve.

Let me remind that the problems facing the American economy are: Born-and-bred dopes, Crooks, and Rogue economists. They sustain each other, or they are codependents! There are no policy solutions to such problems. Remaking of Americans, at all levels, will take decades of misery. Lifelong doping is a very serious problem with very serious consequences. "Democracy is the best political system." LMAO!




The Scariest Thing about Bernanke

A monetarist and a mathematician walk into a bar...

By Adam Sharp
Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."
— Bertrand Russell

"One hundred percent."
— Ben Bernanke, on his confidence that the Fed will control inflation

Lately, I can't help but reflect on Ron Paul's End The Fed (ETF). It's been over a year since I finished the book, yet I keep pulling it off the shelf. Throughout, Paul writes insightfully about politics and money in America.
Like this part about the Bernank:
Some people have been surprised by Bernanke's irresponsible conduct of monetary policy. There was no reason to be surprised. He was on record promising unlimited amounts of inflation should the need arise.
If Greenspan was cocky about the genius of central bankers, Bernanke is even more so.
Congressman Paul — unlike some — is careful with his words. You don't get many sexy sound-bytes out of the Rep. from Texas.
So when he says Bernanke is worse than Greenspan (my interpretation, based on this and other passages in ETF), it's noteworthy.



Thursday, December 23, 2010

Inside Job's Charles Ferguson on the Corruption of Academic Economics

Readers may have seen the movie Inside Job (if you haven't, you really need to) or a clip from the movie that got quite a bit of attention on finance blogs, that of director Charles Ferguson grilling former Federal Reserve vice chairman Frederic Mishkin on some dubious work he did touting Iceland as a well run banking center not long before its implosion.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Captains of Industry Re: --Mkts… It Is the Volatility (Uncertainty), Stupid!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: --Mkts… It Is the Volatility (Uncertainty), Stupid!
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 13:21:07 -0800
From: Jas Jain

Re: --Mkts… It Is the Volatility (Uncertainty), Stupid!
Jas: "The global financial markets would collapse if the US really tried to inflate its way out of the debt problem. The markets would force Americans to live with less compared with the artificial boost in the living standard in the recent years via consumption debt, first by the households and now via huge public debt."
Sabri: "Good point! Further, QE2 cannot be a "currency war" for the same reason. Given that the household incomes are not going up anytime soon in the US, it would be a suicide for the US to devalue the US dollar. How the heck the US households can buy the imported things with their steady, if not decreasing, incomes, if their dollars can buy less? Captains of the US economy cannot be as dumb as we believe, I should say."
"Captains of the US economy," or "Captains of Industry" as Veblen referred to them, are not only not stupid, and I don't know anyone so stupid as to believe that they are, are organized gangsters who are served by other organized gangs in politics and in economics profession. The most obvious organized political gangs in America are the two political parties supported by well-trained (born-and-bred) political slaves, i.e., partisan voters, and two economics schools of thought, Neo-Keynesians and Supply Side, each providing justification for the policies of a political party. I realize that you support policies of socialist gangsters like Krooksman, but the fact that he is serving banking and finance Crooks cannot be in doubt after the "crisis" of 2008 because he, together with his fellow gangsters like Stiglitz, supports more and more and more public debt as the solution to the problem caused by more and more debt, both household and public. Political and economics gangsters know whom they must serve to have fame and fortune. In America they must serve "Captains of Industry," who have turned into Crooks since the voodoo economics of Reagan. Reagan is dead but the voodoo of tax cuts as panacea lives on.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jas Jain's Triggers For Buying and Selling Puts

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: WeeklyTriggersForBuyingSellingPuts
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 12:16:40 -0800
From: Jas Jain

Triggers For Buying and Selling Puts On Scams and Scam Indexes
One of the most important factors in how well one does in long puts strategy is when to accumulate long puts because a good selling opportunity could take a year or more (hence, I only advise buying LEAPS). When to sell the puts presents less of a difficulty

One obvious answer to when to buy is when the volatility, VIX/VXN, is low. That is when the prices are low and it happens mostly when the Scams have been going up for a while. Another useful tool could be sentiment, i.e., when the sentiment is very bullish. IMO, Put/Call Ratio is not very useful but Bulls Minus Bears seems to be a good trigger for accumulating puts when it reaches extremes of bullishness, I mean foolishness. Here is a chart of buy and sell triggers based on AND and OR operations on VIXN (I use average of VIX and VXN because I am overweight techs) and the weekly Bulls Minus Bears data from Investors Intelligence. As it turns out now is a good time to accumulate puts. No promises!

Market Timing Signals
S&P500, Bonds and Gold
as of 12/15/10

Friday, December 17, 2010

Marc Faber & Peter Schiff: It Is the Volatility Stupid!

Market Timing Signals
S&P500, Bonds and Gold
as of 12/15/10

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Mkts… It Is the Volatility (Uncertainty), Stupid!
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 08:17:17 -0800
From: Jas Jain

Mkts… It Is the Volatility (Uncertainty), Stupid!
Pl. see the attached chart. Gold is not forecasting inflation, as charlatans like Marc Faber and Peter Schiff have been claiming for years, but uncertainty in the global financial markets as a result of the idiotic, and fully predictable, behavior of democratic governments in pushing public debt as the solution to economic problems and protecting the bankers and financiers. America is the worst abuser and the rise in the price of gold in USD reflects nothing more than that. The global financial markets would collapse if the US really tried to inflate its way out of the debt problem. The markets would force Americans to live with less compared with the artificial boost in the living standard in the recent years via consumption debt, first by the households and now via huge deficit spending.
Going forward, Gold and the Scam Market are near their highs and the Treasuries are near their lows. If and when gold crosses above $1,500 and stays there we can conclude that the US government is unable to deal with the economic reality and trying to kick the can down the 2-year election cycle as it has been doing since late 1990s. Republicans would force Obama into a corner as he desperately tries to get re-selected by the Crooks. It is possible that Crooks might abandon Obama in favor of some other Democrat if he tries to shift to the left and his base would abandon him if he tries to shift to the right. Obama would not be able to triangulate as Clinton was able to do. Conditions are very different.
There is always some message in the markets if one filters out the noise and the volatility.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bullish Sentiment In the Red Zone

Market Timing Signals
S&P500, Bonds and Gold
as of 12/15/10

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Bullish Sentiment In the Red Zone
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 09:49:13 -0800
From: Jas Jain

Bullish Sentiment In the Red Zone
David Rosenberg; 12/16/10:
"…we see that the just-released Investors Intelligence Poll shows the bull camp expanding to 56.8% from 56.2% last week, while the bear share dwindling to 20.5% from 21.3%. The bull-bear spread has widened out to 36.3 and is within striking distance of the 42.4 all-time high posted in October 2007. We are not there yet, but keep in mind that all-time high in sentiment coincided with the all-time high in the S&P 500, which is why extreme levels are to be sold, not bought. In addition, while the bull-bear spread is not yet at 42.4, bullish sentiment on equities is very high, which means that the upside from here is limited since the masses have seemingly "bought into" the consensus optimistic view of sustainable policy-led economic growth."
Pl. see the attached graph.

Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates