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Subject: | Re: FWC: Who Gains From The Eurozone Fiasco? China |
Date: | Tue, 23 Nov 2010 10:09:22 -0800 |
From: | Jas Jain |
JS: "Jas: I am not sure I buy into your China/capitalism scheme. For somebody who is so fast to point out the RE bubble in the "dopey" world of the US, you are blind to it in China. Can communism maintain bubbles better than dopes can?? The prospect of 1 billion people selling everything (including precious metals and all this other "capital" that they are bubbliciously accumulating) to survive without many of the safety net features us dopes have, should prove verrry interestingkkk...:)"
Property bubble is the best proof that China is capitalistic! I fully expect a depression in China and the whole world. Depressions are very capitalistic!! Finance capitalism guarantees severe depressions, be it America, or China, or India. China has lot of capital cushion while America and India don't!
As to born-and-bred Americans, their dopiness is moronic (when I label them dopes I am trying to be polite!). What sort of person, except a moron, thinks that Greenspan, GW Bush and Bernanke would serve the interests of the American People and not their own and those who put them in the first place? These three evildoers were responsible for allowing blatant mortgage fraud in order to grow the economy so that Greenspan got reappointed, GW Bush won the 2004 election and Bernanke got appointed when Greenspan could no longer remain Chairman by law. These evildoers would go to any length to keep power as long as they could by law! The proof is in the pudding. No? Does anyone see the vulnerability of the American system?
Only a moron can be made to think that America has a good political system to serve the interests of the populace. History is full of kings and emperors who served the public interest far better. America promotes to power shortsighted and selfish SOBs. It is not your grandfather's America. Political Correctness has destroyed that America decades ago. Under Obama PC has reached its zenith. Within the next 20 years the American political system—System of the Crooks, by the Crooks, and FOR the Crooks—would be thoroughly discredited. Until then the uncertainty would keep increasing.