Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Warren Buffett and US Government

Jas Jain says "My forecast remains collapse of the system, as people have known it, by 2030. Lot of internal violence would take place before that happens."

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Buffett: “[US] Govt Would Play Very Important Role” In Managing the Economy
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 18:03:55 -0700
From: Jas Jain


Subject: Re: Buffett: “[US] Govt Would Play Very Important Role” In Managing the Economy

Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 09:03:30 -0700

“It's over, Jas. The tipping pt. has occurred on our way to collapse of civil society, social/ethnic disintegration, lawlessness, and barbarism.”

Not that it makes me proud or anything, some of us have known this for years. What was worse was to watch Crooks gain more and more power and control and “educated” Americans, fully "informed" by propaganda, helping the Crooks. The Scam Market being the perfect example of that. There was nay a secret what the Crooks were doing and how. What part of Pushing Debt is evil an American doesn't understand? And it was done openly. Financial, or economic, criminality of the US govt and the economic elite has never been exceeded by any govt, or any plunderer, in all of recorded history. Trillions of dollars have been appropriated to financial criminals. Property rights and contract laws have been fully disregarded in the name of saving the financial system. We don’t have time to worry about principles and propriety.

“And historically it is from this kind of vacuum that reactionary demagogues and aspiring dictators so often emerge and seize power in an orgy of escalating violence, terror, and mass-social trauma.”

It doesn’t help that Americans are history ignoramuses. At least on this count there is a near unanimous agreement. What is disturbing is that every college trained American thinks that he is not ignorant of history and that he is not one of the dopes. Talk about self-delusion and conceit. The question is: Why Americans are kept ignorant of the true history as opposed to the propaganda version of the history—America is a great nation, blah, blah—they are taught? Would America’s ruling elite want Americans to know that they have been a bunch of thieves and Crooks?! That America has been a rogue nation for a long time now? Being successful doesn’t imply being good. Americans have been systematically bred to be dopes for a reason. It wasn’t easy to turn American huckster into a dope but with the help of “experts” it could be done. And it was done. Now, as Americans like to say, the chickens are coming home to roost.

“I have yet to discern whether we should expect a rapid descent into the dark abyss or a long, grinding decline.”

My forecast remains collapse of the system, as people have known it, by 2030. Lot of internal violence would take place before that happens. Lest one forgets America has been a very violent society thru its 400 years of history. And there were always “experts” and leaders to justify the violence. For the past 100 years or so most of the American violence took place away from home but it would return home soon enough. What goes around comes around!

Jas, the Prophet of Doom and Gloom

Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates