Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Quote of the Year: “It is a bad behavior problem.” by Rick Santelli on CNBC

Another "cheery message" from Jas Jain.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Quote of the Year: “It is a bad behavior problem.” by Rick Santelli on CNBC
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 12:38:42 -0800
From: Jas Jain
Quote of the Year: “It is a bad behavior problem.” by Rick Santelli on CNBC

[video at Rick Santelli's "Chicago Tea Party in July" Rant]

He was talking about the current debt-related economic Crisis in the US. My negativity about America, for the past 10+ years, had everything to do with my observations that Americans, led by self-serving Corporate Crooks guided by Wall Street, were behaving very badly in the areas of economics, investments and politics. When I inquired into why were Americans, especially the so-called “educated,” behaving badly I concluded that Americans have been systematically bred into dopes-for-life by the same self-serving Crooks, led by what I later (in 2003) called Bankrupters and Fraudsters of New York City (BFNYC). These Crooks have total control of the Fed and the USG in addition to the minds of Americans via propaganda. Obama is nothing more and nothing less than a slave of these Crooks. Can you imagine that these Crooks want to push more debt when pushing debt caused the problem in the first place?

There CANNOT be any hope for America until these Crooks are hunted down and systematically destroyed. Only violence, not voting, can accomplish that. Anyone who thinks that America has hit on the best political system in the form of modern democracy, as it is actually practiced in America and India, is a moron. Can't you see the results?

Democracy = Domination of Money (with Crooks in control of the money). Blood will conquer money! VIOLENCE HAS BEEN THE MEANS TO SETTLE DEEP DISPUTES IN AMERICA.

Violence? I prefer a "perp walk" Jas and a public trial followed by jail time and disgorgement of any ill gotten gains.

We've clearly seen stock manipulation via naked shorting. Buying or selling securities to manipulate their price for a profit rather than invest long or short is supposed to be illegal. The idea you could buy "fire insurance" on financial companies then burn them down to collect on the insurance should be illegal under current manipulation laws. Not sure how they got away with it.

Suggested Reading

=>Article: How to Get the Best CD Rates
=>Article: Beware of Annuities
=>Info: Best Mortgage Loan Rates